
Dictionary.com Pro Englishの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPad]

レビュアーが評価するiPadで使える「Dictionary.com Pro English」の口コミやレビューです。この口コミにはみんなの攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが網羅されています。APPLIONでは「Dictionary.com Pro English」の口コミの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの厳選レビューや評判や攻略法などから探すことが出来ます。

Dictionary.com Pro Englishの評価とおすすめ口コミ



I like this program, the Word of the Day and how easy it is to have use of both the dictionary and thesaurus with examples, etc.

While I do not use the program nearly as much as I would like to, each time I access it, I am enthralled with its ease of use and multiple examples how to use the word in the real world.

One additional positive, that I think exceeds all of my expectations is the fact that I can command my iPHONE to say the word aloud, so that I can hear how the word actually sounds and not rely upon my skills to interpret upside-down "e's" and double "o's" etc. I wish we had an iPHONE created when I was in school. As much as I loved words and getting A's on spelling tests and spelling B's, I could have studied more words than the few our school "forced" us to learn by each Fridays' test! Like many people, my confidence to use a new word added to my spoken vocabulary was based on the fear of incorrectly pronouncing a word and being ridiculed for attempting to "sound" educated. It was bad enough being laughed at when saying the street name "La Jolla" as La-joe-la!! Though my people (on the job) were kind, they knew I was a good person trying to teach them many subjects, they were easy on me. I was lucky.

It has been a pleasure writing to you, and I hope this helps you, too.

L e l a n

Lelanlelan - ★★★★★ 2013-06-09

A must have.

If you are a student or parent of a student this is a must have app on your phone. Learning curve is about 2 seconds if that.
(The voice apps.)
1.) The voice pronunciation is very clear and very understandable on every spoken definition.

2.) The voice prompt to say a word and look it up is as good as it gets. If you say the word clearly and slowly it works without fail.

1.) Very simple, idiot proof if you will.

Pros/Cons for the paid and free versions.
1.) The only difference between the two is paying $2.99 for no advertisements on the paid version. Other than that if you don't mind ads then don't pay the money because your getting the same app as the paid version.

2.) Cons, as far as I can tell the only thing I can find wrong is the limited selection of skins, if you consider that a con.
A very well put together app. It does what it says it will do either paid or free. It is very simple to use and gives most if not all the information you are looking for including a tab for the thesaurus definition on the side if you need that.
Thanks for a great app! It's made my life much easier and adds a little fun to looking up words

Nittrobug - ★★★★★ 2011-06-09

Nice. Very nice.

Rock on. It's rad. In other words it's the shididdlyizoit (look it up). Eye sursely luh dis app yo! You no win ewe have them disagreements over words oar grammer/spelling, eCsetera? Well, this app will give ewe a when evry tyme! Juss tale them peoples yoo wit that chew gotta go two the bafroom cause of your feeling under the whether. Truss me. Place you're bets, sit back, juss conversate an than at tha end uv the day you will be however much you're $ you putt down awn tha tayble. An yukin baleedat fiSHO, dawg!

Actually, in all seriousness I super dig this app! I could probably come up with a way to improve upon it if I sat and thought about it an entire day, but there's just no way to pluck that out right off the top of my head! I like words and I'm somewhat confident you have at least an interest due to the fact that you're reading my review, which I appreciate since I've obviously put a lot into it! Here are a couple just as a gift from me to you. They're relatively easy to remember and, surprisingly, it's fairly often you may find yourself in a spot where you can whip one out from sorry tired of typing

JT Olsen - ★★★★★ 2015-07-16


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious- MARY Poppins

Growing up, I had my pocket Webster's for school, a bible like hard covered Funk and Wagnalls (with thin fine paper pages and 26 alphabetized labels at home that was kept in the same drawer with the Family Bible) at home and access to a huge two volume Webster's that was so cherished and guarded, that it sat on a pedestal all by its lonesome, right next to the Librarian's Desk ( dare you to ask permission to touch it. )

Now I have this amazing Application, simply called DICTIONARY, that is accessible and at my fingertips 24/7.

Dictionary is so much more than just an electronic word finder. It opens doors to Knowledge in so many ways that today I pride it one of the four most important key APPS on my Pad and Phone and so it sits there with a Weather App, my Phone App and my Email App in that Command Location at the bottom of the screen.

The APP HAS A FEW AVAILABLE ADD ONS that I find very useful and worthwhile.

If you are looking for the very best in quality, LOOK NO FURTHER..... You have found it and you will NOT be disappointed.

DaBKLYNKid - ★★★★★ 2016-04-22

Best Dictionary App Hands Down

Like anyone else likely reading this, I love words. I've been using the modestly named app Dictionary for several years. In that time I've downloaded most every dictionary app available, both free and at a fee, from the Oxford English to Merriam-Webster to more obscure players. Time and again I've found that even the free version of Dictionary has offered both the most nuanced definitions of words and the most thorough listings of their alternative meanings. Dictionary's thesaurus is equally excellent. I've long since deleted any other dictionary app on my phone. At some point I downloaded Dictionary's entire upgrade and enjoy it. Before I convince anyone I have a financial stake in the app (I don't!), let me say that there are times I am disappointed to find the upgrade does not live up to its promise of etymology and examples of usage for a given word. However, the immediacy of the delightful blog not only distracts me from those random disappointments, it gives me confidence the app is a work in progress. Highly recommend it.

msgaus - ★★★★★ 2016-04-17

Does what I need it for and more.

I think this app is great in the sense that if I need a definition, I can quickly search, find, and read the definition in less than 30 seconds. That's being generous. I actually like the word of the day, but if I am not in the mood, i go write to search and don't even know what the word is. I also like it's other features if I have time and just want to improve my vocabulary. So all and all, I think it's a well made app that is intuitively easy to use, can't ask for much more. And sure it could have been made as a very boring straight forward database query that just shows the phrase "Search for:" with a field after it to type your word and just spits out a definition. But it is obvious that the programmer(s) wanted more to it for those looking for something besides the most basic of functions. However, as everyone has differnt wishes, it would be nice to have option of hiding certain features and customizing the view so that it becomes a more personalized experience.

Daver3137 - ★★★★★ 2013-11-21

Want to get smarter in the fastest amount of time

The Dictionary app has been designed for simplicity yet superiority. Meaning you have access to the knowledge and experience that are centuries-old right at your fingertips. With a mobile responsive beautifully redesigned word of the day display to keep you in the loop of commonly misspelled words or words that aren't often used, or haven't been used commonly in the English language for years. If you would like to get smarter in the fastest time possible but highly recommend you upgrade to the premium and get every option available!!! As the richest and wealthiest man in the world once said Mr. Warren Buffett. "The more you learn, the more you earn." Download the free version to start and soon you will see why it is important to upgrade to the premium level.

Knowledge is power. Which should lead to applied knowledge which is far more powerful. To your increased knowledge in vocabulary I wish you success.

Big B . - ★★★★★ 2015-10-05

Dictionary App 4 iPhone/iPad are a must have app!

➜ this app is just one of those apps that I would recommend for all
iPhone/iPad owners .

Now get to the dictionary app in the App Store and go ahead and install this baby onto your iPhone/iPad...this app gives us the power of finally being able to understand anything or everything that we r reading and come to a particular word that we may have never even heard b4 or used or have heard it b4 but may not understand it or just don't know the right pronunciation so all u gotta do is (if y'all have the dictionary app ) tap the dictionary app i icon and type in the word or words one at a time and y'all will find out what it means, it's synonyms & antonyms & can tap the icon that looks like a megaphone and can hear the exact pronunciation of the word! Go ahead and get this app! I have it on both my iPhone 5s/iPad mini!

Bella4ever886 - ★★★★★ 2015-05-27


I've always had a strong fascination with words, especially the subtle shades of meaning that can be expressed when the right word for a special circumstance is chosen from among the tens of thousands available for use by English speakers and writers. Now in transition from a career in medical science to writing poetry, this app is a trusted friend assisting my frequent searches for just the 'right' word for my needs of the moment. It helps validate my lifelong aversion from the use of jargon to express exactly what I meant to convey for all those years. Clients in my past life also appreciated this stylistic skill as well. Thank you for not shying away from including subtlety and complexity in the construction of your app. I look forward to watching and benefitting from your ongoing efforts to evolve this service into an even more perfect tool for us to use.

AlbertieBoyMan - ★★★★★ 2016-07-14

Writer's Bookshelf in a Pocket

I write, therefore I need.
I downloaded just the Dictionary first, but once I realized how much I used it, I downloaded all available options. I used the Thesaurus most, Dictionary second, and if a word stumps me, "Examples" is a help. It is amazing how much information fits into a single program. *Everyone* should download the full pack. Especially students, as no matter where they are, they have their phone with them. It'd be nice to know they will aways have the right word with them too. With lol, jk, and ttyl being common words now in the English Language, old school people like me can still use "real" words. And you'll find them in this program. I highly recommend it, especially the full version. Absolutely won't be disappointed. Clean interface, easy to use, accurate. And way faster than thumbing through a book, trying to find the word.

2towalk2toride - ★★★★★ 2015-09-19

Reliable, Simple, Easily Accessible

This app is useful in everyday applications, from simply looking up unfamiliar words - getting definition, pronunciation, even origins of many words as well as example uses, if needed - to playing word games such as Words With Friends.
Not a review writer, I took time to read other reviews prior to writing this. I noticed the most negative reviews came from some questionable writers. The harshest called app derogatory names including I believe, "quasi wanna be" (?), but this English Major Wanna Be writes w no understanding of grammar or spelling, using "kinda sorta" as an adjective. My advice to you sir? Read a little more dictionary!
Sorry for the unsolicited editorial. Kidding aside, you will use the app as often as you need to. I've never experienced any uploading down time or even slow loading. (iPhone 4s - AT&T)

maggied200 - ★★★★★ 2012-08-30

Sonny Sue

Love this Dictionary, convenient App, can't live without. As a young girl growing up My Father never told me how to spell a word or what it meant. Instead he always made me get out the Webster's Dictionary and look it up. He made me learn how to look up a word by sounding it out even if it took me hours looking at almost every page. This helped a lot in school and my work years. Downside of course was you need to know how to spell the word to look up a word in the Dictionary and this was very frustrating as a young girl. My Father could never understand this logic (or could he) and used this as a teaching moment mainly Patience!! Now that I have been retired for a number of years I find I am using the Dictionary more. Could this be the meaning of "If you don't use it you lose it"??

anothertaxpayer - ★★★★★ 2016-07-05

Display seems OK on IPhone 4

Haven't used this a lot, but I don't see any problem how it displays on my IPhone 4. Either they've fixed this problem or it doesn't impede using the program in any significant way.

Interestingly, simply Googling a word, which requires only your internet browser, can be a better solution. For example, I heard the word "hermeneutics" recently and had no clue as to either its spelling or meaning. Since I couldn't spell it, I couldn't find it in the dictionaries I tried. However, Google is remarkably powerful and can find something even when it is horribly misspelled. It retrieved a very extensive Wikipedia page which had far more info than any dictionary entry.

Still, this app loads an impressive database into your device whereas you need a data connection for Google and Wikipedia.

TCSF1 - ★★★★★ 2010-11-07

Absolutely indispensable!

I think this is hands down, one of the most useful apps I use. I am a writer who writes every day. I am also a person who "learns different" and seemed to somehow have missed the gift of spelling when it was handed out. The ability to choose whether to type in the word or better yet, just say it, if fantastic! Even five years ago this technology would have been impossible.
EXCELLENT program! I cannot recommend it highly enough! Worth the money. I have always found dictionaries that require you to know how to spell a word before you could look it up to be, pretty much worthless. Being able to say what you're looking for and find it, puts this application at the top of the class! Outstanding, effective, accurate, easy to use and affordable. What more could you ask for?

Steven Ledingham - ★★★★★ 2013-03-17


I couldn't ask for anything more in a dictionary/thesaurus app. I'm completely satisfied and use it very frequently. To hear the word spoken, is especially helpful. I like it so much, I have purchased all upgrades. I find every single upgrade absolutely invaluable. Having the Greek word origin as well as the Latin word origin really helps me understand words in a way I haven't ever understood them before. All the individuals responsible for the development & continual updates of this family of apps deserves an enormous round of applause for a job extremely well done. I have yet to find a glitch or a typo – – and I'm a natural born typospotter. They drive me crazy. It is an absolute pleasure to enjoy learning from every single thing I use these apps for. Thank you!

BeePeach - ★★★★★ 2015-07-09

Very useful and factual-Well worth change in your

The best dictionary source out there, especially due to the fact that it also includes a Thesaurus and that it adds words to your dialogue with, "Word of the Day", and, "Spanish Word of the Day".
However, I would like to see more personalization options such as being able to change your background with your camera roll from Photos and being able to change,"Spanish Word of the Day", to another language. I understand that it's a dictionary, not Facebook, but this is just what I would like to see.
Overall, this app is well worth the few dollars anddefinitely needed for writers, students, managers, critics, reporters, politicians, or really anyone whose occupation requires the English language.
-Springtime Reaper

Isan-San - ★★★★★ 2012-01-24

A fine wine that has gotten better with age.

I have been a dictionary user since release, and this is one app that has gotten better with age. While it would be nice if they put out specials where you can buy all of its (very useful) DLC into one affordable package, it still is worth every penny. Even if you didn't purchase any DLC, you are getting a robust app that outstrips other dictionary apps. And what I like about the DLC is that you just buy what you need. But each DLC makes very significant and positive additions to the app, so it is, at least, worth looking in to.

To sum up:
A great app that keeps getting better. You don't have to buy any DLC for this to be a great app, but the DLC is worthwhile as well. Enjoy.

UPDATE 23-Oct-2015:

Everything I have stated prior, still holds up.

Fenavian - ★★★★★ 2015-10-23

Very well designed

The app is well designed; all components work in harmony with one another to bring about a very pleasant experience. Contrary to other reviews, I have never had any connection issues (so far), however, I do have a problem with the widget, it is definitely a plus to the app, however, it feels a bit sluggish, and slow when utilizing it to quiz yourself. Also it repeats the same words within a very short period of time (1-3 different words then it repeat), not sure if it's a bug or working as intended. The definitions also collide with one another, especially long ones. Overall however, very well designed, once that widget is looked into 4 stars will turn into 5.

SpeedTechy - ★★★★★ 2016-05-02

Love it,,,,,,,,,,,BUT

I downloaded the "pay" app and I love it, but while I was exploring the app I went to the menu and pressed "Upgrades" the page stated ,,,,,,, (Thank you for your purchase, you now have access to all of the following upgrades) ,,,,,,, the list has a ton of dictionaries, Medical/Science/Grammar& Tips,,,,,,,, which I was very interested in. On the side of all these upgrades it says it's already downloaded, but I don't know how to access any of them. I press on it,,,,, a page pops up telling me I have it, but not how to get to it. I've been looking for instructions about this app but can't find any,,,,,, if anyone has any advice for me, it would be awesome

Fwenn - ★★★★★ 2016-07-26


I purchased this apps for iPhone version. And an avid user. But i need some feature included, if you may please. i always use favorit words collection as my study. The problem is when i invoke the favorit menu and search for the word and try to get back i have to search for the word again. it is very troublesome if my word are at the downside say it starts with i or z. i want a menu of "favorite" of its own, so that when i study the words and i dont have to jump to Home screen and get the trouble of invoking the favorite again.
if it is possible to include "examples" and "learners" Offline, if the users want, it would be great. Thanks Imam

Himuuuu - ★★★★★ 2016-02-21


Dictionary.com Pro English

Dictionary.com, LLC ¥900  iPhone / iPad対応


Dictionary.com, LLCが配信するiPadアプリ「Dictionary.com Pro English」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「辞書/辞典/その他」「教育」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Dictionary.com Pro English」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

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