
Sonic The Hedgehog 4™ Episode Iの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

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Sonic The Hedgehog 4™ Episode Iの評価とおすすめ口コミ


Finally Sega Got The Picture

Well boys and girls, it's taken Sega some time wandering aimlessly in a 3d wasteland but finally they have found their way home, finally gotten back to their roots.

If you are expecting a 3d game style like Sonic Heroes w/ multiple supporting characters you will be let down. this game is pure fast paced side-scrolling chaos with the one and only Sonic the Hedgehog as your guide.

This game pays homage to it's Sonic roots, the nostalgia starts right off the bat. You start up the game, sonic rushes past the screen, woos there is the sega logo followed by the classic "sega" tune, after you get past the sega team logo you are welcomed to the Sonic 4 start screen. When you see it you wont be wondering if this is some spin off series, you know this is truly a continuance of the original series of games. From the music, level design, enemies and bosses all are heavily influenced by the sonic games of old.

As far as updates go the graphics have been updated of course to keep the game from looking dated and there is a new homing attack that adds a new element to the game.

All around it is a great game for those who love the classic sonic games or those who love fast paced

Edit: We now have Sonic 1, Sonic 2 & Sonic 4. Sega of America give us fans Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Knuckles add-ons to Sonic 1-3 & Sonic CD. I don't know about the rest of the people around here but I would be willing to purchase them if I could.

Fidel Sarcastro - ★★★★★ 2010-10-10

Worth the wait! Thank goodness for that delay! SON

As a Sonic fan for almost 10 years (I was only a baby when Sonic 3 & Knuckles came out) and someone who has completed Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles...this is what I have been waiting for ever since I first picked up a 2D Sonic game! The physics are pure gold this time! Like any 2D Sonic game, speed has to balance with platforming, which is does here in Sonic 4! The graphics are some of the best I've ever seen on an App for sure! As for gameplay, every Sonic game brought a new twist! This one: the homing attack! Do not complain if it misses because it works perfectly! You just to time it, so if it misses...more than likely you mis-timed it (trust me, I've already done that a few times). For those who don't want to use the homing attack...HAVE NO FEAR! There are only a few sections in which it is actually needed. In fact, I haven't used it that much myself! Lastly, the bosses are old ones with new tricks! Trust me, if you think they are easy this time around...THINK AGAIN!!! My only problem with this is that the special stage tilting is a bit too sensitive, not by much, but it's apparent.

Graphics: 5 stars (10/10)
Gameplay: 4.5 stars (9.6/10)
Bosses: 5 stars (10/10)
FINAL SCORE: 4.7 stars (9.7/10)

OVERALL THOUGHT: THIS APP IS A MUST-HAVE! Sonic fan or not! SEGA, thank you for listening to us and welcome back Sonic!

7chaoemerald - ★★★★★ 2010-10-07


I'm sure not everyone will agree, especially the Sonic fanboys who will NEVER be satisfied, but this game is a CLASSIC!!! I haven't played every Sonic. The first for Genesis, a couple for Gameboy Advance, and 1&2 for iPhone. Excellent, classic stuff. But 1&2, for me, are IMPOSSIBLE with a lack of saving, limited lives, and they were so freaking difficult. So yes, this game is easier, but it saves, gives plenty of room to get extra lives fom coins, and what fun this is!!! The way the screen spins when you make a loop, the homing attack is spot on, Sonic is at his best. Personally this is my favorite Sonic game I've ever played! But that's just me. Even if you don't think it's the best, you MUST love it!! I think people giving it bad reviews, like the fanboys, a couple magazine, and in this app, are those who will never be satisfied and had low expectations from the start and were biased. With a open heart and simply playing the game, you simply cannot hate this. You CAN'T!!! It's spectacular!!
...But that price is ridiculous... There's not even that many levels and like I said, they're mostly easy so you fly by... My recommendation is skip Sonic 1&2 if you're making a decision on buying all three or not. Skip 1&2 and just buy this. It's much better...

QG - ★★★★★ 2010-11-09

Short and pricey, but worth it for any Sonic fan!

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 is an amazing game! It's also a very short game: It only has 4 different zones (each with 3 acts), 5 different bosses, and 7 special stages. You could probably finish it in a few hours. However, every Sonic game on the Genesis was very short; it's the replay value that makes it worth the money!
The zones and bosses are remixed versions of previous ones, but they're different enough not to feel like a rehash. Though much of it is familiar, there are elements from more modern Sonic games, such as the homing attack. It controls very well, but Sonic doesn't control the same way he did in the Genesis games, which will definitely bother some people. If you want something completely faithful to the original Genesis games, then play the original Genesis games.
I only have a few complaints: it's short as I already mentioned. I also don't like how Sonic looks; he's very willowy. The music isn't as good as the original games, but it's not bad either. Besides all of that, it's an excellent game, and if you're a Sonic fan, you definitely owe it to yourself to download this one!

Merciel Angel - ★★★★★ 2010-10-09

One of the best iPhone games. Period.

It's been a rough few years but a good Sonic game has finally arrived. Yes, it's a rehash of Sonic 1 but for all the bad Sonic games that came out this is a breath of fresh air. Most importantly, it is one of the best iPhone games I have ever played. Aside for a few hiccups, the game controlls very well. I use the total touch control and Sonic will basically go where I want him to go. My only complaints are that Sonic accelerates a little too slow and the rings disappear a little too fast after I get hit. The game is deceptively easy until you try to collect all of the Chaos Emeralds and beat the final boss. I don't have high hopes for iPhone graphics so I can't complain about the lack of retina display. Folks, if you want a great iPhone game please don't let the $10 price tag scare you. It's $15 on the Wii, 360, and PS3 and you will get your money's worth. If you want a good Sonic game to go, get this game. If you're looking for a good core game for the iPhone then you're looking at an instant iPhone classic. I have this on my iTouch and 360 and am looking forward to the future episodes.

Pinoy Spartan - ★★★★★ 2010-10-15


Just simply well done the only thing that seems a little "over-achiver" is the untouchable achievement, and the ep II ad crash. But it's an amazing app being held down by people who expect more than can be given. I mean you guys are making money so obviously it's good enough! But what I really love is the fact that it consumes way less battery than most apps allowing me to play longer! Well done SEGA, just wish ep II could fix for iOS too.

Magic_0ne777 - ★★★★★ 2015-02-25

Sonic 4 episode I

Great game! Also Idk why people are complaining about controls and stuff, its SUPER easy to get used to, and people, if ur game is crashing, it probably means ur system is having trouble opening it, or there was a trouble with downloading the app. Anyway, don't rank a 1-⭐ just because its crashing, because its not the apps fault, its ur systems fault. Just Saying

Horse 48 - ★★★★★ 2014-01-26

Crashing At Startup...

Its been 2 years since your last update.....this is ridiculous. Currently got a ipod touch 5th gen & running on ios 7.1.2 & when i open the app it used to show up & play with a small screen, now it just crashes at start up. Please update for 5th & 6th gen support. Also the icon blurs when it gets downloaded to the homescreen.

KYlPod5thgEn - ★★★★★ 2014-11-06

Good game

Don't listen what people say, it doesn't even crash for me and I have an iPod. It's a well done game I'm a huge sonic fan and its great!!! And plus this is how the old sonic games were there so don't brag about kitties it get use to the old fashion style and not new style of the retina display!!! Which everything is in hd!!!!

Tony49 mexwecan!! - ★★★★★ 2012-11-22

Didn't see this coming

This was an unexpected update to the game and it's great. The updated Sonic model looks good and the games plays really well on my iPhone 6s. The only problem is there are some audio glitches, like sfx being lowered and music not properly looping. Other than that, this update out of left field is pretty good!

Michael MegaX - ★★★★★ 2016-04-05


Looks gorgeous on my iPhone 6 love the graphics plays smoothly hardly experience any lags adding knuckles would make it even better keep up the great work sega!

Windcj1227 - ★★★★★ 2016-04-18

Great Sonic game

this game is great my only complaint is it does not work with MFI controller ( Game Vice) all the other sonic games do why not this one

SicJuggalo - ★★★★★

Lock-On still doesn't work

Thanks for the update but it's a little too zoomed in and lock on with episode two still doesn't work.

victorianladynewburg - ★★★★★ 2016-04-05

Best update!

The update looks better than ever!

Mehsgfthbnmvhmdrtae - ★★★★★

Good game

It is the best iPad/iPhone game

Raagos - ★★★★★

Can I get a refun!

I want my money back !

macias55 - ★★★★★

Nice game I

Nice game I

Bojandal - ★★★★★


Sonic The Hedgehog 4™ Episode I

SEGA ¥360  iPhone / iPad対応 WiFiダウンロード ゲームセンター対応


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