
BBC Newsの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

レビュアーが評価するiPhoneで使える「BBC News」の口コミやレビューです。この口コミにはみんなの攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが網羅されています。APPLIONでは「BBC News」の口コミの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの厳選レビューや評判や攻略法などから探すことが出来ます。

BBC Newsの評価とおすすめ口コミ


I note you don't cover all stories.

I note you don't carry all stories, still censoring somewhat, that why I like to surf the world news stands, all political following, no matter the Country.
As example, for weeks there has been mounting scaremongering concerning a fast approaching doomsday planet, yet after finishing reading the scaremongering version, I look around and those who one would think is in the know, are going about their daily biz apparently oblivious to the alleged impending doom???? Just one of thousands of stories,
How about using one of your many tv channels to have its daily purpose to report happy stories there are thousands. Your gloom and doom daily reports are not helping. If you font cheer up, the MP who has a bill before Parliament, might just win and have you privatised. Be warned!

So come on Aunty Beeb, cheer up the nation, we know all the crappie stories etc, seek out the happy ones.
And lay off the Royal stories, really boring and a waste of funds to both Country and Beeb! another institution that should go the way of the poor DoDo!
How about a prog that hells and assists those poor people kicked out of their homes in many cases through no fault of their own. Your a public service, get public and start to help!

argospete - ★★★★★ 2016-04-14


All I can say is that this app is pure quality. I use it every day and knowning its quality I would be happy to purchase this... but its free! An absolute must have. Has never crashed, everything works as it should and what has surprised me the most is that it is extremely fast. There are no adverts or any other nonsense to load, it is quick and to the point. The LIVE news feature is wonderful. I don't know how they do it, but the connection I use on my iPod Touch is not very fast, but I can stream the LIVE news at good quality with no problems at all. Some people have said they don't like the rotation of videos, but this only happens when your device is on its side or stood upright. Holding your device upside down does not change the orientation from landscape to portrait, solving the problem. I don't know why people are having a problem. Highest quality app I have on my iPod.

PyroKinetix - ★★★★★ 2011-08-23

I like it

As an iPad mini user, the old version was ok- you could see all the important stories at a glance, but the links never worked, nor did the videos, and the pics were tiny- mere thumbnails. The new one takes a bit of getting used to- you actually have to navigate (which is always going to upset some people), but the links work, you can see what's going on in the pictures, and the videos are a delight. There also appears to be more content. The personalisation thing initially struck me as a bit gimmicky, but having customised it to suit me I can appreciate the change.

All in all an improvement, so long as you don't mind a bit of scrolling and tapping now and again. It would appear, however, that some users do...

Rory the Border - ★★★★★ 2015-01-26


It takes a few minutes to get orientated and used to operations but once there, it really is an improvement. Everything I used before is still here and now I can setup my favourites under Mynews which is proving helpful. Best of all I find its bright and clearer - a simple, clean interface with no clutter just the story, large and bold. I'd like to see an ability to comment on stories as you can on the website.
Change can be upsetting and I hate things moving around all the time especially when I like what I have. However this is a move forward and to my mind does not abandon the users existing methods. Better than most newspapers and it costs nothing. Excellent.

androoooooo - ★★★★★ 2015-01-24

Excellent app, big step forward.

There have been a lot of overly negative reviews about this update so I feel it is important to note that for me and many other users, this represents a big step forward. The app is much, much quicker, and the new interface is much slicker. Moreover, many of the old bugs have been ironed out, improving the user experience dramatically. Whilst there are definitely things that can be improved on the app (issues around layout in particular) I have yet to notice any bugs on the app, and I use it for around an hour per day. the app has certainly been created with the iPhone 5 in mind, and it is a significant upgrade on the previous incarnations

breachie365 - ★★★★★ 2013-04-03

Compact view

The latest update which introduces 'compact view' greatly improved my user experience on an iPhone.

The 'carousel' feature completes the user friendly experience for me as I can now access my preferred news feed at one time making scanning stories easier.

Huge thanks to the developers for listening to the feedback - this is particularly appreciated when other major app developers churn out fortnightly 'updates' without any noticeable changes. Clearly this is a company that values the opinions of it's user base and this is very much appreciated.

I've upgraded my rating to five stars - well deserved.

Thanks again!

Jduguk - ★★★★★ 2015-04-25

Great but could use a few minor changes

The app is great, I use it on iPod and iPad. It's great for a quick catch up on the news. My favourite feature is the break down into categories; for example the 'science and environment' and the 'entertainment and arts' links, which are handy if you have particular interests or are looking for a certain article. However I noticed on my iPad that when holding the device portrait you don't have the option of clicking categories, and don't have as many articles to read. This isn't a problem unless you are fussy like me and like to read holding the device portrait. Other than that great!

Lionelmoomin - ★★★★★ 2011-12-07

Best free news app

Can't understand the vitriol being directed at this app. I suppose it might be frustrating to use away from wifi due to it being picture and video heavy but you adjust your expectations accordingly. There's a wealth of easily accessible news info here including items relating to your local area.
This is something I dip into frequently over the course of the day - something I very rarely used to do with the last version. Perceived political biases aside, this compares very favourably with the much-praised Guardian App which I am more than willing to pay for.

Mollysmate - ★★★★★ 2015-02-06

Excellent, fast, intuitive.

I've just installed the app and find it a pleasant and efficient way to consume the news in variety of media. In itself the app is very well executed.

I installed it as I wondered what could have gone so badly wrong! Looking at the reviews as they stand now (mostly people complaining they can't see as much) I wonder if although the new app is brilliant, people don't like change (just like Facebook users went up in arms at every change).

Maybe a 'condensed view' would help. Anyway top marks from me with my bias as a user-experience designer.

dajw - ★★★★★ 2015-01-24

First port of call...

This is where I go first thing every day to make sure that the world is still turning. It has a simple interface and I can generally find something of interest. I tend not to use the videos as I much prefer to read.

It sends me exciting alerts about breaking stories meaning that I am almost always the first in my circle to know which celebrity has died today. It may be that when all the celebrities have died I stop finding it such an invaluable aide but for now there seems to be a never ending supply of 70s and 80s stars popping their clogs.

Hugh Randolph - ★★★★★ 2016-04-30

Smooth, easy to navigate and find articles.

Having read a few reviews prior to adding mine I really can't understand why they have such scathing remarks. It's petty to say that 'they have scroll down half a page to read something due to picture/VT taking up a portion at the top'. Be real, how hard is it to flick:scroll to the bit where the written part is? It barely takes a second!? I installed it on iPhone 5&6+ as well as iPad 2-air2 and it has never crashed or dropped even after any updates. I adjusted the settings to my personal preferences, and it's been 5* since day 1.

Wuntbinx - ★★★★★ 2015-11-13

Much better layout with this update

Update: I like this version much more than the last. A good layout of information and channels. Hasn't crashed at all. Well done dev for persevering.


I preferred the layout of the old one. I would simply like rows of small news squares scrolling from left to right, with each of the categories I am interested in on each row. I do not want the big square at the top. Why can't I customise the screen to make this all happen? Let's hope someone is listening as this app could be so good.

Andydo - ★★★★★ 2015-04-20

A great improvement. More news at your fingertips.

Yes the layout is different and it takes a bit of getting used to, but once you do this App now gives you access to a much wider ranger of news and links on the stories you select can take you even further. More video content too and a clean text layout which I find clearer and easier to read through than the previous version. Customising it to suit your preferences is straightforward. All in all a great improvement & I cannot understand why so many people are posting negative reviews.

Cheerful Chicken - ★★★★★ 2015-02-10


Don't understand why this app has been slated by so many. It brings me breaking news, and I can read about it straight away, followed by watching the evening news on the telly. Don't get me started on the total waste of money paying reporters to stand in an empty street, where nothing is happening, repeating the same things that the anchorman has just said. This then followed by a local weather report,mother a national weather report. Throwing money away IMHO.

HMHUghes - ★★★★★ 2016-03-23

Fantastic update!

Really loving the new app. So many more news stories. Lots of videos. Many more categories. Your tech guys need congratulating on a fantastic job. For those complaining about not being able to find the sort of news stories they want just hit the menu button on the top right of your screen and you will have a list of all the news categories in the entire app. Even those your not following will appear at the bottom, just expand the 'More Topics' heading.

D@ve:-) - ★★★★★ 2015-01-24

Compact = norma...

Compact = normal for phone users. Great update, cheers!

I expect the new look is optimised for iPad, I don't own one but there's lots of flicking and scrolling required to browse for the headlines on my iPhone 6.... plus!
It looks great and the content will still be the usual high standard, approved, news but it just isn't as practical as the previous version; I guess we're stuck with it now anyway.
A legacy mode would be great for us Luddites?

Istari777 - ★★★★★ 2015-04-25

Good all round, reliable news App

An App which delivers all the news directly to your iPhone, iPad etc in an efficient and easily used layout. Lots of sections such as News, Sport, Business etc which can be drilled down to even more specific areas, such as UK News, World News, Local News (News) or Football, Rugby, Cricket etc (Sport) or Stock Markets, City, Features & Analysis (Business). It's free and you'd be mad not to have this App as one of your main 'go to' Apps

Sudakarkov - ★★★★★ 2016-02-08


I don't normally bother reviewing apps but on this occasion i feel i should do as I really don't understand why everyones whinging about it. Its great, keeps me bang up to date, very informative & easily customisable. Love the breaking news, i feel like i know whats happening before anyone else does. Great stuff, my most used app & one of the few that i set for push notifications.

Clarence codpiece - ★★★★★ 2015-11-14

Highly interactive. Good job.

Very nice, bold presentation. Different to its predecessor, so some learning to do, but that's not so onerous.
I like being able to jump to more related content via the links.
I would like to have local UK news from a wider area. I seem to be defaulted to my local county, but there are links to elsewhere via news items, so why can't I select them myself?

Patine22 - ★★★★★ 2015-03-27

Essential and useful

This app allows one to be selective regarding which news items one chooses to read. That is essential in itself, in my opinion. A trusted and reliable source of information with the added bonus of being able to choose the specific topics of interest and to be kept informed on a regular basis. In short ; excellent and useful.

Crow who speaks ... - ★★★★★ 2016-01-16



Media Applications Technologies Limitedが配信するiPhoneアプリ「BBC News」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「ニュース」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「BBC News」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

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