
i Cute Shark Piano Sound Music [iPhone]

Eyup ONERが配信するiPhoneアプリ「i Cute Shark Piano Sound Music」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「ミュージックゲーム」「教育」「ファミリーゲーム」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「i Cute Shark Piano Sound Music」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

i Cute Shark Piano Sound Musicのおすすめ画像1
i Cute Shark Piano Sound Musicのおすすめ画像2
i Cute Shark Piano Sound Musicのおすすめ画像3
i Cute Shark Piano Sound Musicのおすすめ画像4
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i Cute Shark Piano Sound Musicのおすすめ画像6

Eyup ONERの音ゲー・リズムゲーム

「i Cute Shark Piano Sound Music」は、Eyup ONERが配信する音ゲー・リズムゲームです。

ミュージックゲーム 教育 ファミリーゲーム


  • 20代の女性層に人気の傾向にあります。

  • 2023年7月11日(火)にiPhoneとiPad両対応のユニバーサルアプリとしてリリース!




Cute Shark Piano Sound Music
Cute Shark Piano is a music app with cute animal character specially designed for your kids. It is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to explore music and improve their musical skills.

About the App
Cute Shark Piano is designed to introduce children to musical instruments, play wonderful songs, explore different sounds, and enhance their musical abilities. Its colorful and vibrant interface captures children's attention and makes the game more enjoyable. Cute Shark Piano is a game that will appeal to every family on Amazon Store.

Game Features
Cute Shark Piano is packed with various fun contents, including educational mode, music mode, notes, and instruments. Your child can experience playing a colorful piano with 24 keys and also explore different instruments such as electric guitar, xylophone, saxophone, percussion drums, flute, harp, and pan flute. Each instrument is equipped with real sounds, allowing children to use their imagination while creating their own melodies.

Cute Shark Piano also offers children the opportunity to explore various music genres. They can experience the diversity of music through classical, jazz, rock, folk, and pop music. The educational mode of the game helps children improve their memory, concentration, imagination, and creativity skills.

Key Advantages
Cute Shark Piano is developed with the positive effects of music on children in mind. Engaging with music enhances children's listening, memorization, and concentration skills while stimulating their imagination and creativity. Involvement with music contributes to the development of children's intellectual, motor, sensory, auditory, and speech skills. Additionally, Cute Shark Piano encourages children to interact better with their friends, promoting socialization.

App Features
Here are the features offered by Cute Shark Piano:
Completely Free: Cute Shark Piano is a completely free application with no blocked content.

Fun Content:

Instruments: Explore the sounds of real instruments like piano, electric guitar, xylophone, saxophone, percussion drums, flute, harp, and pan flute. Children have the opportunity to create their own melodies using different instruments and unleash their imagination.

Play Along with Different Music: Play songs on the piano to the rhythm of different music and create your own compositions.

Fun children's games that help learning through music and sounds. Children can also take advantage of the recording feature to make new music discoveries.

High-Quality and Real Instrument Sounds: The piano, xylophone, saxophone, drums, electric guitar, and flute provide high-quality sounds of real instruments.

Colorful Piano Notes: Colorful piano notes help children recognize and learn notes more easily.

Intuitive and User-Friendly: Cute Shark Piano's user-friendly interface is designed for children to easily navigate. The interactive and enjoyable experience enhances children's interest in music.

Screen Zoom: The screen zoom feature in the app allows children to see the keys more comfortably.

Save and Play: Children can record their own music and listen to it whenever they want.

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Please take a few minutes to help us by writing a review on App Store. Your feedback helps us improve and enhance our new apps for free.

With Cute Shark Piano, your children will have a great time exploring the world of music while developing their musical skills. Through the educational and entertaining content offered by Cute Shark Piano, children will strengthen their connection with music and improve their listening, concentration, memory, and motor skills. Music brings out children's imagination, enhances their emotional expression, and boosts their self-confidence.


i Cute Shark Piano Sound MusicのiPhoneアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。



12.0 以降
85.6 M







※この結果はi Cute Shark Piano Sound Musicのユーザー解析データに基づいています。








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