Nextdoor - Neighbourhood AppNextdoor 無料 iPhone対応 ソーシャルネットワーキング ライフスタイル 64bit 3.5 |
60 Trend |
Really neat local network
I love this app. At first I dismissed the emails, afraid it would infect my computer, but when the developers followed with a "real" letter, I started looking in it. It is a great idea to have this way to communicate within the neighborhood. Nicely done!
Jba314 - ★★★★★
Best app for communities
This app has technology working for us and not against us. Do you want to create a sense of community? if yes, use Nextdoor app with your neighbors.
Thank you Nextdoor for helping us make our community safer and more united.
Mike Lopez
MikelopezFBE - ★★★★★
Wonderful tool for connecting
I feel Nextdoor is a wonderful tool for communication with neighbors. It provides an outlet for pertinent information relevant to the neighborhood. It also provides a way to communicate with neighbors beyond one's own street.
rsvp2 - ★★★★★
I've used this app since late January and I think is very helpful for so many different discussion.
- This is app is awesome for me. Has benefited me and my family in many different ways. Thanks NextDoor!
Daddyfatsacks#1 - ★★★★★
App works great
App works great. Never had any problems. Definitely helpful to find out what's going on in your community and neighborhood. Also a great way to get to know your neighbors.
Actor/Veteran - ★★★★★
Love this App
Keeps you in tune with all your neighbors helping each other with lost fur babies and things going on nearby. People tell of car break ins to suspicious people prowling.
Pschertz - ★★★★★
Awesome app
This is very cool... all the people in my neighborhood are on this. I have a landscape co and this is a great tool. Seasonal Business for me has increased threefold
Jeffsingl - ★★★★★
Love this app
It's great and the leaders are very responsive. Only occasionally does it get uncomfortable just like it would in any gathering of a group of people.
DMG91 - ★★★★★
Valuable Information
This is great to understand what is happening in our neighborhoods and also directs you to local contractor / professional recommendations!
Bobrogmi - ★★★★★
Love the latest update!
The latest update is phenomenal. The app was decent originally, but with the latest iOS enhancement it makes this app extremely valuable!
Ryye - ★★★★★
Excellent Neighborhood watch
I like the news update of stuff that happen it is really neighbors helping each other. Also a good resource for referrals.
RaqyJean - ★★★★★
Love it
Great way to keep up with what's going on - especially if you work long or odd hours and miss all of the usual chatter
CMJ35 - ★★★★★
Great App for connecting with people in your neigh
I like to see companies upgrade their app on a regular basis and they do a good job adding new features to thus app.
Eugene Elder - ★★★★★
Love this site
Fantastic site. So easy to use. It's a great way to connect with my neighbors and learn what is happening locally
Caroline(Gilroy) - ★★★★★
I find this useful and fun. I love the recipe section !
Always good to know what is going on in the neighborhood
Rdrys - ★★★★★
Next Door
This a nice app that gets you in touch with your neighbors in an online format that is friendly and easy to use
Bmwjay - ★★★★★
Love the Nextdoor App
Nextdoor.com has been a great way to keep our Neighbors informed. It's also helped to reunite many lost pets.
LisaNOLA - ★★★★★
Wonderful Neighborhood Information
Great for knowing what's going on in neighborhood! Good and bad!
I highly recommend this important site!
BunkyBob - ★★★★★
Bring Remington Home
He's been missing for 6 mos. Nextdoor has supported our efforts like a family. It is an astounding apt.
Max ruerem - ★★★★★
Very Helpful
I am new to this group, but I'm finding some very useful information in my area. This is very helpful.
Julesjooje - ★★★★★
Nextdoor - Neighbourhood AppNextdoor 無料 iPhone対応 |
60 Trend |
Nextdoorが配信するiPhoneアプリ「Nextdoor - Neighbourhood App」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「地元・地域ニュース」「地域情報・ご当地」「専門ニュースサイト・ブログ」「くらし・地域情報」「ニュース総合」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Nextdoor - Neighbourhood App」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。
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