
「Great app, just would love some extra features」 - Warby Parker の口コミ・レビュー

「Great app, just would love some extra features」と口コミされたiPhoneで使える「Warby Parker」の評価やレビューです。このレビューには使っているレビュアーの独自の攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが記載されています。APPLIONでは「Warby Parker」のレビューの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの面白いところや便利な点やクチコミから探すことが出来ます。

Warby Parkerの詳細情報へ

Great app, just would love some extra features

Five stars for what's already here in the app. Works great on my iPhone. Not to mention a fantastic product, I already have two WP frames via their website, shopping for a third now.

That said, I'd love if it worked on my iPad. As it stands, it is iPhone-only and in fact doesn't even work right as a scaled app, as it has stuff overlapping other stuff and such. I guess it looks that way on the iPhone 4/4S too huh. Welp.

Also, I have to sit up and hold the phone downwards to use the model left/right head turning feature to work. Laying back in bed and browsing, it seems to always be fully left or fully right. If I could manually swipe it left or right, that'd be great.

And if I'm shooting for the moon here, a virtual try-on thing that overlaid the frame on the FaceTime camera would be amazing to get a basic sense of how I'd look in a frame. There are so many that it's hard to choose just five pairs without some preliminary trying!

rzw - ★★★★★ 2016-06-30

Warby Parkerのレビューへ


Warby Parker

Warby Parker Inc 無料  iPhone対応 WiFiダウンロード


Warby Parker Incが配信するiPhoneアプリ「Warby Parker」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「ショッピング」「ライフスタイル」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Warby Parker」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。


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