
World Warfare-3D MMO Wargameの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

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World Warfare-3D MMO Wargameの評価とおすすめ口コミ

The True Online Multiplayer Strategy Game We've Be

After searching through the App Store for an RTS game that isn't a Clash of Clans/Game of War ripoff, I think I've found a perfect game(ish). This game requires actual strategy and working with your local allies unlike the other games which just forces you to upgrade your buildings, spam soldiers that are expendable and you have limited control over, attack only bases, and don't really work with your team. This game, while being kinda slow for an RTS, is a true war game. For example, I attacked an enemy player to gain access to his shipyard in order to control the local lake. I had to scout out his city and I launched a light paratrooper battalion to ambush his Anti-tank guns. He then proceeded to send Jeeps and artillery down my way. So I sent a force of tanks, infantry, AT guns and artillery while having a second force flanking around to hit his artillery while they were distracted with the main force. After some time I was able to capture 2/3 of his surrounding villages and I began to besiege his city when he spammed ALOT of artillery that just wiped out my forces. So I called in back up from other players via transport plane and roads and he called in transport ships from other players to deliver him more forces. Eventually we were able to knock out his AA-defenses allowing bombers to take out the city, enemy units, and the port, thus gaining us a victory. Awesome

Schroedinger's CatMK - ★★★★★ 2015-12-31

Stop with bad reviews

This game is a very good strategic game yes I may start off slow but once you get into it you will see that it will feel faster then it really is. Everyone who says it's a bad game hasn't gotten into it I've been playing this game for sometime now and I hear/see the same thing when it comes to new people that play and lose then they blame it on the game. As long as they are doing good the game is fine but as soon as they start losing or lose its always the game being a slow paced game. If you are looking for a good strategic point of view game then this is the one it's not slow paced it just allows people to plan out there tactics and that is all. There is no other game like this on the App Store so stop crying about it and get the game. And when it comes to destroying buildings and such don't say the turrets or some troops are O.P if u plan accordingly and read troop info and what not you will see what troops are good at what don't use a troops that does little damage to turrets and get surprised when they all die and blame it on the turrets being to strong. USE YOUR COMMON SINCE AND READ!

Elijah thrower - ★★★★★ 2016-07-12

Must read

Hello most of u would know me as Moab I love this game with a passion but I noticed some things that could use some changing. 1, when i try to build or upgrade buildings they say I can't build cuz I need to finish something I'm not building or upgrading. 2, I also noticed that I couldn't leave my own league because I was commander in chief of a league that wasn't even in the battle field. 3, the time limit for the golden empire battlefield needs to be increased intently because most players can't get everything in 2 weeks unless u played the game non-stop. Most of us have to work or have school and just don't have enough time to get everything we want so maybe if u could change the time from 2 weeks to a month and make it so we can cap a league city... if u could just do that for not just for me, but for the rest of the community that would be great:). Oh the bombers tend to run out of ammo way too quick and I can't repair my league city or league buildings. Oh and add those subs would ya Could u fix this plz? Thx for reading this, it's been Moab guys later.

Moab 4Dayz - ★★★★★ 2016-03-08

Needs fixing

Hey guys, I have to say this game is the best, seriously it is the most good rts you can find these days, either ways I know this is new and all but 1 you need to fix the team balance I've been in 3 games and lost all of them because the other team had people who played this for over a hundred hours, and basically had many things upgraded and unlocked. 2 you need to make the units better like add more you know? And either make it easier to get gold or make it cheaper like seriously it's way 2 much, 3 it would be very nice of you if you were to add a free timer every time something gets below 5m like please. Last I know this sounds quite different and all but wouldn't it be cool if you could add a axis vs allies kinda battle you know Germans Americans and soviets since you already have 2 Russian units.

In the end this game is the best, thank you a lot Devs and I hope you listen to what the community wants and not end up a ripoff like how every game these days are.

Sincerely-GenSnowPiercer part of AmericanRebels.

GenSnowPiercer - ★★★★★ 2016-03-03

Great new strategy game!

I absolutely love this game! It's is so much fun! The detail, the multiplayer, just the game it's self is a blast. It's a very slow game though so you have to be very active otherwise your men will die or you'll be attacked which really makes you want to play more! However, this game needs some improvements. I know this game is fairly new, but there are some things that get kinda annoying at times. Like if I put my soldiers out on an island and then I'm unable to load them back on my transport ship so I have to waste troop slots. Plus, the game isn't very explanative about things. For example, I took me weeks before I understood what it meant by "no materials in area" or something like that when I tried placing a rubber production building down. So maybe the tutorial could show a little more than capturing and attacking. But enough whining. 5 stars cause it's still a great game and has plenty of potential.

Whittdog2 - ★★★★★ 2015-10-30

This is a really fun RTS

They are just starting to get their legs under them, but if you want to get in on the ground floor, this is quite a fun RTS.

It's a WWII based game, you join a league (like a clan) and work with other leagues and independents which comprise your faction. Over the course of about 15 days (some games are shorter) you battle another faction for map supremacy.

It's a typical RTS, you build infrastructure, collect resources, build troops, tanks, ships, planes, etc.

The game does not require non stop, hours upon hours of play, although you can certainly do that. The app will inform you when you are under attack, if you wish. Movement is fast enough to keep your anticipation, but slow enough to put down and get some work done.

It's a good game, and the developers care. They talk to their players, take suggestions, and are willing to really invest in the game play, not just the business model.

OnePeat - ★★★★★ 2015-11-24


Beautiful graphics surprised me+ plus you can actually see the troops battling. Game of war disappointed me with their lousy battles and even longer troops movements. But in this game you have planes and ships to get your troops to the front line faster. Being on such a large battlefield with friends is amazing! You have to keep your defenses up, and keep pressure on your enemy's too, but look out for a sup rise rebel attack. So much for a pretty new game. I can't think of much to change the game but it would be nice to add to leagues with more perks of being in a good league and a better league screen. I've played it nonstop for less than a week and I'm in the top 20 on my battlefield with hundreds playing. I Spent no money. All you need is dedication and you can make the leaderboards, not buying out your opponent.

Painman13 - ★★★★★ 2015-12-01

best game, but exploits many to an unfair

Updated:::: they replied saying future update will fix issue, still amazing game..beware, will eat your time

love this game, by far the best,but..... spent hours attacking a league city and everything that surrounds in and then some, but can't capture and make into a personal city. SO, if your are about to be beat, just make your city into a league city, because league cities can be totally destroyed a million times, and not be able to be captured by an opposing league that has maxed out league cities, but the attacker does not (I had demolished a city to get this one for myself). I wanted the city for myself, not league. WHEN they fix this exploit (because the opposing forces did convert to a league city to avoid it being taken), I will rate it the 5 stars the gane deserves.

Robnadel - ★★★★★ 2015-12-05

Great game!

For all of you guys into strategy, this is the game for you! When you first start out, you will feel confused and frustrated the tutorial didn't cover much, I felt the same way, but to solve this, you can ask everything on chat! Everyone is willing to help you on chat. If you are having difficulties players cannot answer, or you need to report a bug, there is settings on the side and a "contact us" button. Very worth my time! I love the game and you will too! Maybe a little issues, but you can fix them by contacting customer service. (As I said how earlier). I think this is one of the best games yet. You use strategy, and many more tactics! In my opinion, it was so good, it should've costed 10 bucks! You will be very happy you got this game when you do.

Futbolplayer22838292 - ★★★★★ 2016-02-20

Amazing Game!!!(honest opinion)

First of all I love this game, I think it deserves to be on the top of the App Store charts. World Warfare is a bit like Civilization, if you have ever played it but it is different enough so it isn't a direct copy of it. In this WW2-style game you build up your base and build troops to conquer other cities(controlled by other players) and gain control of farms and mines(that bring you income), as you level up and upgrade buildings in your cities you gain access to more troops(land, sea,and air). Meanwhile all this is happening you can team up in a league(clan) and conquer the battlefield(map). After your league gains complete control of the battlefield you win, and you can go on to conquer other battlefields.

Dannyboy3690 - ★★★★★ 2016-07-11

Great game just needs a little work.

It's a great game but it is really slow. The units move slow to specially the tanks and the plains move slower then they should too. The one problem that I've had with the game is that when you order the units to attack something They don't always listen I've lost so many units because of it for example. I have told my units to attack a sniper tower but they decide to attack the main base and got killed because of it. So I hope that they fix the unit move speed and make it to where when you command your unit to attack something they attack it. To wrap this up even though I had some problems I'm still giving it a five star rating because it's a great game. And you should get it!

Capt Egghead - ★★★★★ 2016-05-19

Why the haters?

Okay, people are hating on this game because it takes to long to upgrade, but here is what would happen if upgrades were instantly made instead of taking time:

1. The game would all come down to who has the most free time, and there would be barely any strategy except for spamming build bombers or something

2. The comments for the game would be even worse because of people who actually have to sleep and go to work come back on there phone to find themselves completely destroyed

3. People would lose interest in the game quickly because it would be to easy

Make up every excuse you want to hate this game, still better than game of war or clash of kings or mobile strike crap

Thechezmaster - ★★★★★ 2016-01-09

Guns Firing in Celebration!

A great game in the making. Each update brings new obstacles. Many features are player suggestions, which is rare to have a development team so connected to it's users. The only draw back is the age of this game. It's very new and the player base, while quickly expanding, leaves a lot of players to learn how to use game controls on their own. However, this game has many devices in place to aid new players become veterans. I give it a 5 star rating for it's graphics, epic battles, awesome development & mod team, battle durations, and fast learning training. A must try game everyone can enjoy. P.S. Don't ask Peter WW2 questions, he likes to do rewarding history tests! Haha!

KentParis - ★★★★★ 2016-06-02

Great Game

This is by far one of the most entertaining games I have played on the AppStore. This game is great in every way, the only thing I don't like is how fast it uses your battery but that is expected of an mmo phone game.

And one more thing, the Turrets are OP, I wish they would be Nerfed because if you have 3 turrets and a Few Anti-Tank Guns/Artillery your base is almost impossible to defeat especially with how slow the units move, I lost 4 of my 30 tanks to a Turret before I even got Within range of any units when I attacked someone. Even something like No Anti-Air attack would be great and you could balance that out with making anti-air gun available earlier

puGMaul - ★★★★★ 2016-07-11

Good, hopefully new improvement

This game is pretty good for those who like strategy game's. It's a slow process game, because due to one server. It's has approximately 250 player. (If I remembered it). Also, clan is an another word of saying league. You can only invite about 20 member's at max in one server. Total member of the league is 40. So be selected, graphic is okay (low quality because it's has its reason to it). Only thing I dislike is that unit's move's to slow, and player give's up too easily. (Easy win for the top league). Other than that, this game is good. One match usually last 1 week or more, and then u start over again. (There is upgrades too that is perm.)

LayC00L - ★★★★★ 2016-06-28

Wargame in the Making

Just the system the game is based on is great. If you're seeking the commander position of overseeing multiple units, bases, and possibly players as well, then this game is for you! Worried about it just being land units? Nope! They've got air and navy as well! All the units are beautifully modeled in 3D, so spin that unit round and round to get a good view of it. This game could be as real as it gets, your commanding ability will put to the test! Imagine this being a little battlefield as you and other officers command units against the Rebel and Fascist Factions, and dont forget, other commanders in the enemy faction as well. Godspeed!

Renton808 - ★★★★★ 2015-11-12

Best WWII Game

I accidentally downloaded this game yesterday when I was looking for some war related games. I was a WWII fanboy since history class years ago. The gameplay is like party versus party, you can conquer others' territories with all weapons based WWII. The best part about this game is that it is made in 3D and has a very big map, you can scout others and form alliances also. The strategy matters a lot in this game, cuz it is relatively slow paced game, every movement of your army may cause a big consequence later on. One more, be careful about those dangerous unknown lands. That's all I can think of right now. Awesome game all in all.

Mzmzmzmzmzmz1221 - ★★★★★ 2015-10-23

Awesome Real Time Strategy!!

I love this game!!! I'm a huge fane of strategy games but most get ruined by being able to use RL money to unlock units or extra resources versus those who have to earn and unlock the normal method. In this game you can still buy diamonds with RL money, but they are mainly for just speeding up progress. You still have to accumulate resources the hard way to make your units and construct your base. And the game requires you to plan for supplying your forces not just building them. In my opinion it is one of the best you games you can play if you truly love RTS games!!!

Crash9707 - ★★★★★ 2015-12-24


I can't put this game down, you have free reign to do whatever you want in this game. It's slow paced, however if you want to be good, this game will require your full attention, there is no pausing and you are pretty vulnerable to be completely wiped out if your offline for a extended amount of time. You can easily earn the in-game currency and the creators are not money hungry. If you like war games or strategy games this app is perfect for you. The only complaint I have is that the troop movement speed needs to be doubled at the bare minimum. Highly recommended.

AandBbroz - ★★★★★ 2015-12-02

Great WW2 Era Strategy Game

"World Warfare"is an amazing strategy game in which one player tries to capture and hold territories from other players and AI, while trying to maintain their resources. I have played only 8 hours and I am hooked on this game, but it does have its faults. The number of actual players that try to attack me is almost none at most times which can make it boring having to fight predictable AI.
There are also some minor bugs that I found in this game, but if they are fixed ,this game has a lot of potential to be a big hit amongst ww2 and strategy game fans.

Txpilot7 - ★★★★★ 2016-06-01


World Warfare-3D MMO Wargame

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