
FINAL FANTASY VIIの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

レビュアーが評価するiPhoneで遊べる「FINAL FANTASY VII」の口コミやレビューです。この口コミにはみんなの攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが網羅されています。APPLIONでは「FINAL FANTASY VII」の口コミの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの厳選レビューや評判や攻略法などから探すことが出来ます。



Worth it

It just got recently released. And if you ever want to play this classic I suggest the iOS version. Even though psn is cheaper but who knows maybe a price drop will come to iOS I'm sure. Anyways.

Final fantasy 7 is the most famous and infamous installment in the series which is why it has the most spin offs, it's own movie, and now a remake and is the most re released final fantasy. So how does a rpg originally released in 1997 hold up in 2015 ? Just as good as it was back then. The whole game will give you replay value for a long time and holds up better than any modern rpg.

The graphics on the psn version are low resolution which isn't a problem at all and something unnoticed. Unless you play the iOS version which has the same up scaled resolution as the pc and steam version. High full resolution so no sharp poloygons and smooth textures which create a smoother picture.

Controls are never really a issue in a rpg since its turn based and the controls on iOS can't compare to buttons but your not doing complex tasks with the buttons. Just selecting and moving around. The iOS version supports a digital analog.

The story is one of the best if not the best in the whole series with a cast of memorable characters to which I'm sure you will call one or few a favorite whom you will always carry in your party.

Music is untouched, the original pc port tried to have a more orchestrated feel of the tunes which soon received backlash from fans. The music is amazing and the same as it was in the original.

There is extra content. You can turn off random encounters at any time. Which can be nice in a lot of areas. Something to mess around with in a alternative save. A max stat option is also introduced. Maxing all your characters stat. Sadly this is a good way to race through the game, I'm sure it has some uses for fun. It would be more fun to have a stat value editor instead of fully giving you max in everything but oh well better this than nothing and who knows in the future.

It was worth the 15 dollars again, this is a game I have technically bought three times now and it's been worth it every time but now I have a solid polished version in my pocket.

Diamond weapon - ★★★★★ 2016-01-26

Nearly Perfect!

It's a bittersweet day to see my favorite game of all time get the iOS treatment (excited to see the rest of the PSX collection). Since I've literally only played a few minutes of it, I'll express things I'd like to see.

This game needs no introduction, so I'll skip that part (it's definitely worth a finish if you've, astonishingly never completed it or.. Even worse.. Never heard of it **YIKES**). Although I have enjoyed it thus far, here are my minor quibbles that I have with the game:

• The movement around the world seems a bit more fast than I remember. Not a problem, just a bit strange;
•The overlay is fine, but the excess of buttons that don't function all the time (R1, L2, S1, etc.) is a bit distracting. Plus, when in battle, not tapping on commands (Attack, Magic, Items, etc.), but instead moving the cursor with the directional pad is a little cumbersome. Maybe allow to choose between this and another control scheme when it comes to menus?
•Okay. This is definitely minor, but I absolutely hate the widescreen bars on the side. This is a personal preference. It would be nice to maybe 'stretch' the screen to 16:9 (a la PSP or Vita), or maybe a moving, gradient side-bar to avoid the static frames around the side.

All-in-all, this is a welcome port of a legendary game. It's near perfect for me. I'd just like to see a few fixes to make it an essential game. It gets ★★★★★ for the content alone. Looking forward to the future installments.

PlanetMidgar - ★★★★★ 2015-08-20

Mostly as good as I remember

I've always loved this game, and the only problems it has are the same problems it had when it was first released. Some have been fixed, such as walking/running, but the small niggles like directional buttons for movement have been fixed with a virtual analog stick, and that's huge.

Basically there are two camps of people, those whom think FF7 is the best FF of all time, and those that don't. These are opinions, and arguing over them is utterly pointless. Either you like it or you don't, and no amount of fanboy vitriol is going to change anyone else's mind. It will likely only entrench their opinion deeper out of spite. That being said, everyone I've met who doesn't love this game is a millennial...which only speaks to horribleness of all millennials being disgusting, spoilt brats who wouldn't know genuine quality if was handed to them on a gilt silver platter. (Lol, jk, y'all, jk)

That being said, I don't see how you can't love the combat. The material leveling/combo system and interchangeablility make it infinitely replayable.

As for the game I haven't encountered any game breaking bugs yet, and I'm on the second disk now, so the money spent is well worth it in this era of micro transactions and unfinished games. You'll be playing this for hundreds of hours, if you're a grinding completionist, or at the very least 80-90, if you just want to get through the story. It's as good and as massive and as nostalgic as you remember it being.

SpaghettiJesus - ★★★★★ 2015-12-27

Honest fan review

This is a great port, although it has some minor issues. The graphics can be a bit grainy in certain areas. I first noticed it really catching my eye in the Shinra Building near the start of the game. Not a big deal to me but it's noticeable. The controls can be a bit awkward from time to time but hey, it's a PlayStation controller incorporated onto my touch screen iPhone 6s. Obviously it's not going to be perfect. I noticed this being a problem in Junon Harbor while trying to fall into the marching ranks during the parade. I'm assuming things that take precision control like that will be difficult but it's not a game breaker. Yes the world map can slow down sometimes but just open the menu and exit the menu. It always clears up the lag. Again, not a game breaker but worth mentioning. I like being able to turn random encounters off/on but think it should've had some restrictions on it. I don't even want to try the max stats option mainly because it's permanent for that file.

They did fix a lot of the bad translations that were in the PlayStation version. Barret no longer actually swears either. So that's an odd trade :/

All in all I think most fans will enjoy it a lot. I'm certainly having a blast. Then again I'm 32 and amazed at playing this from a flat device in my pocket rather than on a giant square box TV and PlayStation 1.

MrHanner - ★★★★★ 2016-01-09

Love it!

Just as it should be! Hours in and I am not disappointed. Just like the original! Yes!!!

Pros: Original gameplay and style. All hidden items and materia! Plays without any issues. 12 save slots. Plays awesome on iPhone 6+.

Pros - New added features: iCloud Drive transfer, auto save mode, encounter attack control and controller control.

Cons: iPad large displays, it pixels the game, but who cares, it FFVII!! Hardest was getting used to the visual keyboard controller and response.

Cons - New added features: Max status. I don't need to be at lvl 99 as I start the game, it ruins the game challenge. Most (not all) offensive material and language are censored. But that's Apple policies for you.

Glitches: World map mode will move very slow at times. Just switch to menu view (Y) and go back. You'll be able to move again. If you were a fan of the snow boarding games in this game, don't be anymore. It's almost impossible to snowboard in this game with its virtual controls. No fix, just walk away from the game and let your self fall to the finish line. Takes 5 min to finish. Hidden secrets, the hidden floor squeaks in the Mansion, Medeel and well the whole game are not there, I'd advise to web search for them, download the game guide for assistance or keep pressing (A) until you find the hidden secrets.

Diesel Fire - ★★★★★ 2015-10-14

Arguably, the greatest RPG available in the App St

As soon as I saw that this app was available I knew I was going to download it. However I felt like I was going to be disappointed based on a lot of negative reviews. I am now 3 1/2 hours into the game using my iPhone six and have yet to encounter a problem. Obviously the controls are different than if you were playing this on your console. However I figured them all out in less than the first 10 minutes of play the controls are as good as you can ask for on a touchscreen. This game was originally programmed with an aspect ratio of 4 to 3 as a result there are two very small lines on the left and right hand side but they are so small that you forget that they are there. I remember it like it was yesterday whenever I got this game for my birthday and I didn't think I would like it I was very wrong it blew my "tween" mind. now that it's available on the app store it has blown my twentysomething year-old mind. Playing on my IPad 4 is amazing, with no glitches so far. I use my iPhone more for convenience, it's nice to go from one device to the other without having to replay from where that device left off. To anyone else giving her of you I think it would be highly helpful to others to include what device you are playing it on.
iPhone 6 128GB
Dictated but not read.

RPX999 - ★★★★★ 2015-09-14

Amazing. One flaw

This game is one of my favorite games of all time. I love that it's finally on iOS. The controls are laid out well, and I really like the option to turn off the random encounters. That's a nice feature when you're trying to get out of the game to get to the next save point. Because anyone that's played this game knows that the save points can be a little few and far between.

The controls are laid out very well, and I actually like the side bars that keep the screen a little smaller because it makes space for the buttons and doesn't remove from the visuals of the game.

One thing I do have to mention that I find to be a flaw is that the game returns to the main menu screen if you are out of the app for more than a few minutes. I like using the game guide or looking at strategies online. And if I minimize the app to browse a website for more than a couple of minutes, I am automatically retuned to the menu screen and all progress is lost since my last official save. I think this could be easily remedied by adding a quick save feature. And it would also help for those that just want to play for a couple of minutes and can't do the 20-30 minute stints between official save points in the game.

Other than that, the game is amazing. Well done!

Jake9328 - ★★★★★ 2015-12-10

A+ port, Four for you, Square Enix!

Like so many others I grew up with this game. I've played it on each system it was released (and a couple it wasn't) and I was hesitant when I downloaded this port because the touch adaptation has been done poorly quite a few times. My thumbs simply make better doors than windows. Alas, FF7 is near and dear to my heart, so I bit that bullet, and I'm so glad I did! I haven't had the speed issues I see here (though I'd never play other music over this score) and the game has an option to control movement via static d-pad, which I use for the tight corners and more delicate controls. The gradient bars do show on the iPhone, but I didn't see them as distracting, rather it keeps your fingers off the important stuff and lets you see where you're going. The aspect ratio of the iPad eliminates those bars, and I've taken to playing on my iPad so I don't have to keep pausing every time I get a text.

Overall: this is an A+ port. I am so excited for the ps4 reboot I'm practically a peeing puppy. This is the perfect release to keep me amped up but keep me from foaming at the mouth. You go, Square Enix. You'll always be Squaresoft in my heart.

CadyCalamity - ★★★★★ 2015-08-23


Gamers are a confused people. Some claim that RPGs are terrible and some claim that Call of Duty Ghosts is an amazing game. Some claim that Shooters are the best genre and some claim that Platformers are. Now when I first got Final Fantasy 7 when I was 11 on a PlayStation that I bought I thought "this game is old and stinks big time". Now keep in mind, I was a stupid idiot kid. Looking at the game now... It's one of the best games I have ever played. It takes you on an adventure as Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Yuffie strive to save the world from the dreaded Shinra Inc. who care about spreading Mako energy to find the promised land. This adventure makes you feel for every character and it really makes you hate those enemies that you encounter. Due to no voice acting, you have to make up the voices in your head which I actually did and it fits the characters perfectly.
Cloud - Kirito (SAO)
Tifa - Heather (Total Drama)
Barret - Coach (Left 4 Dead 2)
Sephiroth - Raspy British
Yuffie - Little/Snobby Girl

I enjoy this game so much and I am currently almost done with the Disc 1 length of the game. 10/10

Jriderjr - ★★★★★ 2016-02-12


I beat the game yesterday and loved playing an old classic while I was waiting around in all those boring times of life. Highly recommend it!

A couple things to note,
It'd be incredibly awesome if they could somehow add an additional point to the game that allows you to continue playing even after defeating Sephiroth. Basically it resets the game after the credits and if you load your game you're still way down in North Crater. I'd really rather not have to climb all the way out in order to fight Ruby and Emerald Weapon. Not to mention, it'd be really cool to gain EXP/AP from defeating Sephiroth! They could warp you to the top of North Crater in the Highwind as a starting point. Even allow the final boss to be fought again as many times as pleased.

Second, the game kind of lags whenever entering the large map world. In order to remedy this you have to open your menu and then exit out real quick. It's an easy remedy but is an annoying step every single time. If that could be fixed it'd be awesome!

Thanks for the great game and I hope to see FF8 come out as an app too!

Fenrir5150 - ★★★★★ 2015-12-19

So. Many. Haters.

Who here is buying this game in hopes it will be any different? Somebody who does not appreciate fond memories. That's who. The things i see you all complaining about is such lazy behavior. "Ohh it doesn't flip the screen." "It doesn't use up the whole screen." "No autosave! " who cares??!!! You bought this game because you know you loved it! Otherwise you wouldnt spend another 16 dollars on it! (Ive bought it on the ps3 and for psp as well) Quit complaining and bask in the fact you can play this instant classic anywhere you go! And like me and many others who bought it you have probably played it at least once every year. (Im not proud of it..but its impressive isn't it?) Square has a ps4 REMAKE in the mix. If you want quality wait for that one. Just like I am. Until then just think of this game as a before and after experience. Great game. 100 stars. Forget these nostalgia hatin haters!

Update: I found out if you turn off the minimap on the overworld, your load time increases considerabely. Hope this helps others optimize their gaming experience.

XxDebbyDownerxX - ★★★★★ 2015-09-08

1 concern for a perfect port

First off I have played FF7 many times on multiple consoles/devices and this is one of the best ports I have ever played. It is a little faster than the base game but I like that about this especially where I have played before because it gets me through the game much quicker and allows me to skip scenes that I don't want to wait for (45 min story in kalm, sometimes). My only issue and or complaint is that when battling in the open world after your xp, ap, and rewards are given it takes almost 30 secs to get back to being able to run around the map again. This might seem like a petty complaint but where the whole game has been sped up and where battles in towns are really quick on the exit, this issue seems like a slug pace compared to the rest of the game. I do understand it has a much larger area to load and that may be why but if tweaks could be done to this one hassle this game would be perfect with no issues at all. Great job square, keep up the awesome job and I look forward to the remake :)

Hmnijd - ★★★★★ 2015-08-24

One of my favorite games, on my phone.

I've personally enjoyed my experience with this version of FF7 immensely. The world map is a little laggy/slow admittedly, but I'm also playing this game ON MY CELLPHONE. I don't expect an iPhone to give me a flawless experience of a game like this when it's processing so much information. Close out all your other apps, and the game runs just fine on an iPhone 6.

The "world map lag" has not impeded my experience at all, and hasn't detracted from my enjoyment of an otherwise flawless port of a legendary game. The "blue bars" haven't bothered me either. I understand how it could annoy other players, but within a few seconds I don't even notice them. I've nailed almost an entire play through on my phone and haven't once found the "blue bars" disruptive to my experience.

Great game, great company, great port. I couldn't care less if it's a "rom port" or not. It's updated regularly, I've had no issues thus far and it's FF7. I'm happy with my purchase.

Codyonthebass - ★★★★★ 2015-10-29

Great Port

First the issue of game speed. People are complaining about the game running almost in fast forward. This is because your playing your music while playing the game. Simply load the app first then select your song. Problem solved. Second let's talk about the game. Final Fantasy 7 is not only the game that set the standard for RPGs to date. It also opened the door for Japanese RPGs to come west for a change. This also changed the way western games are made as well. So this game port is good. The only issue I have with the game is the Movement. FF7 sports some really narrow areas early and later in the game, so when you're trying to climb a ladder it gets a tad frustrating having to run past ladder several times before getting to climb it and the same exact thing happens with staircases in Don Coneros mansion. With this asside its a great game for IOS just a little steep. This game is one of the top 3 rpgs of all time. Can not wait for PS4 remake.

Solidops - ★★★★★ 2015-08-23

Game is great/ cons of this version

The game is great so I won't bother anyone with that which is why I gave this 5 stars. I have noted a couple of issues with the iphone adaptation.

- I have the 6 plus and the game does not fill out the entire screen, there are inched sized blue bars on the top and bottom of the phone.

-The game is in landscape mode with the home button on the right hand side without the ability to rotate to opposite side of screen.

-They have changed the buttons to A B X Y and did not keep the original PSX layout, probably for copyright reasons.

-The game will reset if you go so long without using it, you leave the app for about an hour and it will auto reset with no auto save feature. I'm not sure if this is an iphone automatically closing the apps but it does get annoying, I find it hard to play on the go unlike PSP.

Other than that it is the exact same game we all love. 5 stars and I would have paid much more for it.

Lindsey Sanchez - ★★★★★ 2015-09-11

Don't listen to the lies

I read all of the reviews before I bought this game because I'm a fan of the series and loved this on the Playstation 1.

This game plays just as well if not better on the phone especially when you get used to the controls. All of the things people say about target selection, the widescreen, and any complaints about lack of improvement are completely ridiculous. I actually prefer the movement since I've got used to it. The game feels much smoother. This is exactly what I was hoping it would be and it's a steal for the price considering how much I grabbed it for PS1.

P.S. It's interesting how the community complained about this release on the phone not changing anything, yet they are in an uproar that changes are being made to the FF7 coming out for our newer generation consoles. Don't waste your time listening to it. This type of mindset is why our new gaming communities are so spoon-fed!

Barnaclefist - ★★★★★ 2015-09-17

SquareSoft is back

I wrote a review about 2 months ago for Chaos Rings 3 and at the end I requested FF7 for mobile. Well wish has come true. Im only 10 mins in and im having flashbacks of my childhood. I read the reviews on here and after ten minutes can say this; be happy we got this on mobile and stop complaining. This is FF7; the game that changed how rpgs are done the game that made the genre popular in the West!!! If you are crying moaning about how it looks, remember this game is almost 20 yrs old!! Also we are getting a remake for the PS4 so what more can you want? This game is FF7 in the full. I wouldnt recommend playing it on iphone at all. If you have an Ipad air or mini, then play it on that. Again, Square-Enix is gone and SquareSoft is back. Waiting on that full on remake. Till then, playing this on mobile along with Chaos Rings 3 also by Square and i recommend.

Heck No!!! - ★★★★★ 2015-08-30

Fantastic Classic RPG

One of the best purchases I've made in a long while, everything about the transition from the console version is pretty much perfect. I like the fact that you can choose whether or not to have chance encounters on, which is a huge deal for me.
The only issue I have is with the navigational systems. The "D" pad is hard go use because you can't go on a diagonal, but the scroll is hard to use because it moves where your finger goes and doesn't stick in one spot. I would like an option for it to stay in a particular area so you can use the pad and let go with it being in the same spot.
All in all the game itself is very well done! I think FF7 is possibly ones of the best video games ever made, if was groundbreaking. I love this game and it brings back so many memories. I am so happy this came out in IOS. It is defiantly well worth the $15.

HazyHorizon - ★★★★★ 2016-01-10

Can't wait for the remake on PS4!!!

My favorite game of all time! So glad they have what seems to be the original music and not those God-awful midi files!!

Love that they added the no-encounters and max stats too, I really didn't want to grind to get back to 99....again....for the millionth time! Lol

spoiler: I know it's impossible but I wish they added a way to resurrect Aeris/Aerith in a future FF7 game. They could have her encased in a mako tomb much like Sephiroth, only to awaken when certain requirements are met with certain holy items. I mean c'mon, if Sephiroth can survive being almost killed at the end of crisis core only to reawaken later in FF7 to be then sliced and put to "rest" only to reappear in advent children...I'm sure an ancient such as Aeris can survive a stab...especially with cloud and co next to her (the magic cure anyone?)....just saying >_>

Zi0s - ★★★★★ 2015-08-21

Awesome game! Loved it! Freeze bug fixed... Five s

I spent about 55 hours to complete the game over a month. This is a great way to pass the time on your iPhone or iPad. You can control button visibility on the config menu and I had no problems controlling Cloud or working through the commands.

I have never played FF 7 before release to iOS. I am just as satisfied with the other releases.

The pause glitch has has been fixed!

Like others, I must echo that game is sluggish in the overworld, the submarine sequence, and the highwind. This is a minor nuisance, though. But if you have a chocobo, the Highwind seems to fly a bit faster.

I did not any of the other hardships. So, this is a great game to buy, especially if you've never played FF7 before. I recommend playing FF 4 first (5 star review... the best game in the FF series in my opinion) then FF6, then this game.

Kxweqiuh - ★★★★★ 2015-10-17



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