
Star Wars™: Card Traderの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPad]

レビュアーが評価するiPadで使える「Star Wars™: Card Trader」の口コミやレビューです。この口コミにはみんなの攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが網羅されています。APPLIONでは「Star Wars™: Card Trader」の口コミの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの厳選レビューや評判や攻略法などから探すことが出来ます。

Star Wars™: Card Traderの評価とおすすめ口コミ

Fantastic! Star Wars Collector's Dream!

I've never been into card collecting. Whether it was Pokemon, Star Wars, Magic, baseball, I've just never done it. But this app changed that. Since Star Wars is one of my number one passions, getting to collect cards (of different rank, style, rarity, sets) is really a lot of fun. This app is the epitome of card collecting. There's no game attached. So don't expect anything like Magic: The Gathering or the like. The point is to build your collection and to try and find rare inserts in different types of packs everyday. Topps keeps the app updated often enough that there are at least 3 or 4 new inserts each day, as well as new types of sets announced each week. So there are always new cards to collect. You get 25,000 "credits" each day, which you use to buy packs of cards. This number could change, I heard. Also, there are methods to get more free credits, but it requires time such as watching random advertisements or visiting specific websites. I did this in the beginning a lot to get started, but you don't need to. You can also buy more credits if you'd like, but this is not required. It's a free app if you want it to be. Anyway, it's a great app if you like card collecting and Star Wars. I've been recommending it to everyone I know who likes Star Wars. 5 Stars! (My fan name is Aeris, if you're interested!)

Joe Essaf (Aeris) - ★★★★★ 2015-06-05

My Childhood Has Returned!

In 1977, I bought my first pack of Star Wars trading cards. If any of you remember what that felt like, I can bet that it rivaled any pack of baseball cards you ever opened. As trading cards developed through the years, we were given a limited surplus of unique and rare "chase" cards, that sent the collector world into a tizzy. This caused more rabid fans to become immersed in trading, collecting, and even selling; creating and even more interesting and addictive hobby. All of this is ten fold within Topps' Star Wars Card Trader. Spend money or no money at all, it doesn't matter. Regardless, I guarantee you will be hooked. Trade with friends or strangers. Find your niche of collecting, whether it be one of 5 separate colored sets, a single chase set, or whatever you want! Unlock awards for reaching goals, and earn credits to purchase more packs, or to unlock even more unique cards which you can only retrieve by doing so! This is honestly one of the greatest apps I've ever been a part of, so give it a try... You won't be disappointed. Maybe the force will be strong with you.

L. Dobler - ★★★★★ 2015-09-27

Great "game", but needs some improvements

This "game" is really, really fun. The reason I'm calling it a "game" is because it isn't really a game. Basically, what you do is you collect different cards(mostly characters) that have different colored borders on it, representing their rarity. You pick your faction and class(For example, I'm an independent bounty hunter). Each day, you get 25,000 credits that you can spend on different card packs. What you can also do is trade with other players to get cards. And all of it is so fun. This game WILL consume you.

So, onto the negatives. One of the problems is the notifications. It usually won't tell you if someone wants to trade with you, accepts a trade, etc., or it will tell you after you know about it. One minor thing I want in this game is to sell your cards for a certain amount of credits. But, probably the biggest problem is that there are some very bad bugs. For example, sometimes I will trade with someone and won't get the cards, which can be very frustrating.

Overall, I would say that although it has some flaws, Star Wars Card Trader is very awesome.

Sethx965 - ★★★★★ 2015-03-23

These ARE the cards you're looking for!

When I first heard of this game I did not think I would get into it. It didn't seem like something I would be interested in and I didn't think I would like the trading aspect, but I got it just because it was Star Wars. Now after playing it for more than 2 weeks, I can safely say that this game is extremely fun, addictive and totally worth it!

This game is absolutely LOADED with cards to collect, with new ones being added almost daily and some being very fun to track down due to there being limited quantities of some. But what really surprised me was the trading. I've found it the most fun thing to do in the game. Trying to track down the cards you want and trading the ones you don't need or trading your "dupe" cards. (Duplicates) The only problem I have with it is you have to pay real money daily if you want to have access to the best card packs, but it is optional and you don't need it to get most rare cards.

I absolutely LOVE this game and would recommend it to any Star Wars fan or anyone who just likes collecting.

Varen Zaron - ★★★★★ 2015-03-26

In a Galaxy Not So Far Away..

Star Wars Fan Rejoice! Your wait for The Force Awakens just got a little bit easier! I've been using this App since week one and it's great! Besides the minor changes, everyone for the most part has adapted and it's actually made it more fun and challenging to collect the sets you want. You DO NOT need to pay money to enjoy this app at all but yes, it does give you an edge and Exclusive access to certain cards and variants. If you haven't tried this yet, I'm beginning to question your love for Star Wars lol But seriously, Steve the main guy helps us out as much as possible, ALWAYS RESPONDS to my questions and concerns on Twitter despite being swamped by work and complaints but seriously,how great is it to be able to contact the main guy and actually get help and responses(Thanks Steve!) You Will Download This App and Join the Chase For a the Greatest Cards In The Galaxy(This Isn't a Jedi Mind Trick,This App Is Great!) Trade with me in Game, I'll help you get started! C-TownDrama

Ctowndrama - ★★★★★ 2015-06-05

Topps bringing the Magic Back!!!!!!

I dont always write reviews but this app has really brings me back to the fun days in the 80's early 90's when card collecting was Booming!! I love the social Trading aspect of it and the chase for special inserts brings excitement. even for a Old 80's child like myself!! You dont have to spend a dime on this app but it will be hard to resist spending atleast a little when the collecting bug bites you...and it WILL bite!! One main thing this app needs and im SURE its on the way is a Forum for the players with Forum Moderators or forum community leaders that try to Help the Players and give us write ups and info!! Heck i would love to be one myself. Anyway, Try this app out!! all "newbies" that send me a msg saying you saw my review will get 1 common card sent to u by me and i will add u as a friend! newbies only. Lets Get Trading Star Wars Fans!! Card Collecting Without having to worry about ur cards getting Damaged!! ALL MINT Baby! WE NEED A VINTAGE RANCOR :). Mckaar3

mckaar3 - ★★★★★ 2015-03-26

A must have

If you love star wars, i mean love, then you already have this app. So why bother with a review. If you are new to star wars, then this app will educate you in all things star wars and you'll have tons of fun in the process. This is not a game, it's a digital card trading app. Just like when you were a kid scrounging nickles and dimes so you could buy paks of cards from the local farmland dairies store or corner candy store. You can open these digital paks, trade, and have fun completely for free (which is what i have done). Or you can spend real $ and get into some serious card collecting and trading of the really hard to find cards. Many are selling the cards on ebay for serious loot. How addicting is it? Well, i have played every single day, without missing a day, since i first got the app back in March. I love the look of all the cards and love ripping paks and trying to pull rare cards. Trade with me, my handle is fasttrooper.

Fasttrooper - ★★★★★ 2015-05-08

Second childhood...?! ;-)

So I've never written a review for an app before because most apps speak for themselves (at least the big ones) but this one is special... I am old enough to remember actually having Star Wars cards as a kid and trading garbage pail kids (hint hint Topps lol) anybody remember those? So I downloaded it in hope of catching a glimpse of some of the new movie stuff and saying to myself "I seriously doubt it will be anything like actually trading cards back in the day!" Well I was wrong and I am hooked I have not spent a dime (even better than trying to get your parents to actually buy you cards) have completed almost 3 full sets and have well over 250 trades something as a kid I never could have imagined - only downside is that it is the Internet and there are some hardcore traders that are greedy but you can always block them and friend the good ones for future trades - now if I could find some of that terrible stale stick gum to go with it ;-)

ImprovJim - ★★★★★ 2015-03-27

This app is amazingly

I'm am new to Star Wars card trader I downloaded it 3 weeks ago and it is amazing it has all kinds of cards and card series even cards from TFA from TCW to the prequels to the original one of my favorite new series for TFA is the topps Classic TFA it's the new characters on old style cards my favorite series though are the empire strikes back illustrated series they are amazing you can earn awards for collecting different series of cards and cards are divided by empire republic independent rebels separatist and creature you can trade with Other players and you don't even have to by credits with real money unless you want to you get 25,000 credits each day you log on and at the end of the week you get 50,000 and you can complete offers to earn. This app is just amazing it has no flaws and I highly suggest you download it each day tour collection can grow DOWNLOAD THIS AMAZING APP :fan name Starwarsconnor profile picture d Vader

Starwars connor - ★★★★★ 2015-09-26


Are you a Star Wars fan and want to start collecting cards but don't want to buy a whole bunch and get no good results? Well this app is for you!! It's PERFECT to collect Star Wars cards w/o having to be disappointed. If you get cards you don't want you can trade them with others instantly and get cards you want in a matter of minutes w/o moving from your seat!!! You can either accept them, decline them, or counter them for a different trade! For example, my name is WARFAREBEAR022 and if you want to trade then just send me cards you will trade for!! And best of all, you don't need to pay. If you spend all your credits in a day like a did and freaked out about buying more then don't worry. YOU GET 25,000 FREE CREDITS EVERYDAY AND IF YOU LOGIN EVERYDAY FOR A WEEK THEN YOU GET 50,000 CREDITS!!! AIN'T THAT A DEAL!! So I highly recommend this app if you are a Star Wars fan and want to start collecting and trading cards.

Big fat butty - ★★★★★ 2015-05-05

Topps may not like this review

When this app FIRST came out it was great and had A LOT of potential but since then ESPECIALLY being here since it came out you see the greed take over I UNDERSTAND making money BUT this had killed card collecting for me I used to LITERALLY spend 500 a month easily on physical cards (UFC,basketball,hockey,& football) but after this app and the greed I have seen from topps I have stopped buying as much and if it keeps getting worse I will be done with topps COMPLETELY!! I will collect from the other card companies I can't believe how much greed IF you don't believe me play the apps for a week that's all you will need they ARE cool apps I'll give them that but the prices for credits seems like costs MORE than real cards I would love to see apps released from upper deck and panini though. I am sure I won't see any free credits from topps because of this review though I don't care when your WRONG your WRONG

Vipe2971 - ★★★★★ 2015-05-06

Great for starwars fans

This app is all about ADDICTING when you get this app you wont be able to put it down. That thrill you get from opening virtual card packs and getting that special card that is only out for a limited time makes you feel very powerful. Usually when you get a nice card the minute you post about it in the chat, alot of trades come in. Another reason this app is so great is the fact that it is very social while you play the game. I love meeting new people on this app because percent of the time it is another starwars fan that is passionate about starwars the same way you feel. Also another cool feature about this game is the fact that it shows you your rating, force score, and how many cards you have. Usually i tell my friends about this game and they call me a nerd but be proud to be nerd we are a special breed of nerd the card trading nerd! Btw feel free to trade with me my fan name is: noyouforia

Madman83784 - ★★★★★ 2015-05-05

Awesome star wars fan

Updated to 5 stars!! Very fun unlimited content with actual collect ability

If your a fan you'll enjoy the app regardless of all the negative reviews, every day you get 25,000 points and if you check a strait week you get a weekly bonus. You never need to actually spend real world currency and if your truly sick, u can buy currency or turn your phone into a solicitation device and have insurance reps, tv services and online schools calling you 24/7 for free currency. I'm not gonna lie I've done a few of the tapjoy rewards where you speak to representatives. The cards are cool, you do actually collect them and the trading system is very cool. Overall enjoying the collectable card game, 5 stars would be if the app didn't try to over sell the cards, if u want to pay real currency it's too expensive for a virtual card game imo..... Fan name Ultamax

FirerescueBRFD - ★★★★★ 2015-05-05

Fun *Update**reupdate**

I like collecting the digital cards. It has gotten harder to trade though for cards. **Odds for pulling inserts seem horrible lately even though stated odds are pretty good, I have not pulled an insert for over a week now which means I had to send tons of trade request out that took days to find a non greedy trader. Still have not found non-greedy Endor traders so will not be chasing the set anymore.**To many greedy people. *Still to many greedy people, but, have come across a good amount of fair traders lately which makes the app super fun, and more enjoyable to collect* It's nice and super fun when you know who trades fairly though. They are trying new things with some of the new sets. Some are cool and fun and others they need to get rid of. Over all love chatting with some people on here and collecting the digital cards for fun.

lashingnemi - ★★★★★ 2016-03-21


Takes me back to buying these with the crappy gum in the 80s and does it all on my phone without smelling like pink sugar. If you want to just get tons of free cards and stare at them for fun you can do that, the game gives you lots of free credits and it's harmless fun. If you want to be a super collector and chase all the rare limited inserts you'll need to spend some money - but you can look at all of those anytime by looking at other people's collections. I've been very casual about this but still check it out every day. Highly recommended for Star Wars fans. Oh, and while I meant every word, you should know that I never review anything, and did this to get enrolled in a drawing for free credits for more cards. Because even though I am casual in my approach I still want as many cards as I can get my digital hands on.

Obi Juan - ★★★★★ 2015-06-07

HIGHLY addictive, but really fun!

SWCT Fan Name: TAVORK. For too many years my parents had to deal with the hoards of Star Wars merchandise that I left in their garage. It was rough selling most of it off this year, but my collector's addiction has been satiated by this app! The thrill of hunting for a rare item, the joy of finding it and the elation when another player clicks 'accept' on your trade. I have been having so much fun these last few months! The cards are great, the inserts to collect to get rewards are challenging and, little things, like the original 1977 set are incredibly nostalgic. And best of all, no clutter in your garage! There are IAP but if you're a savvy trader, you can use the daily bonus and trading to finish your sets. From my standpoint, all this makes the app worth the free download.

TaVork - ★★★★★ 2015-09-26

More addictive than crack

THXFLYNN : get this app you Star Wars fans and come trade me! It's like being a kid all over again without having to yell at you mom for touching your cards. Easy interface and can play and do well for zero republic credits but you can get a lot more by spending money (the part I cringe at but do from time to time) simply for bragging rights of course or just being able to get and trade fir other cards you want). The only thing I wish they would do is not have so many levels and maybe a different pic for each level of card or at least change the info or data on back of the card. I don't need to see Cheewie on a white, red blue, green, yellow, gold, silver, platinum, purple, orange, pink and color variant back ground. But that's the game. Come join this galaxy of fun!

_Flynn - ★★★★★ 2016-01-31

Tops Star Wars card trader app is maxi -fun!

This app is very well done! You never feel like you are totally out of opportunities to get new cards as they have designed it so you can get a few free cards daily as well as earn credits by watching ads (pffffffth!) or taking surveys. (Though the surveys don't seem as easy and clear to achieve.) I also, said, "what the heck" and forked over $9.99 for a pile of credits and that got me a whole bunch of cards too. Personally, I mostly like just seeing the images on the cards- not really into collecting every color version of the same cards. Though, if they gave you like a reward for collecting all the color runs, that might make it more compelling to do so. Tried trading once and it went fine. All in all a fun little app great for any Star Wars fan!

Rorschach)( - ★★★★★ 2015-10-12

Nothing but a good time

Going to be honest about this app. It's been great since week 1 for me. Sure there are occasional hiccups, but I find it to be stable almost all the time. The cards are awesome, takes me back to my childhood of being a card collector. I haven't ever had to contact topps support, but Steves Twitter has been a responsive resource. It's a collectors app guys. Awards may not always be right away, but we get them! And they are awesome. I'm not too crazy about having SO many different packs lately, but I choose a few collections or marathons to chase and use my credits wisely! Please continue the 25k credits as well. Would be hurt to see that go. All around, a great fun time for Star Wars or even just collector fans! User name is swanson814. Thanks!

Swany814 - ★★★★★ 2015-06-05


Okay, honestly I am writing this review for a chance at free credits so that I can buy more digital cards; HOWEVER, I am really enjoying this app.

If you love Star Wars and you enjoy the excitement of seeing what cards you are lucky enough to pull in a pack, I think you will enjoy this app. You get free credits daily to buy packs of digital cards, awards for completing certain sets, and specialty "insert cards" that are only available at limited times. Are the free daily credits not enough? You always have the option to purchase credit bundles that also give you access to "Master Packs" for a limited time. Some credit bundles are as inexpensive as 99 cents.

As a Star Wars fan and card collector, I am having fun with this app.

RHYNO1701 - ★★★★★ 2015-11-17



The Topps Company, Inc.が配信するiPadアプリ「Star Wars™: Card Trader」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「エンターテインメント」「カードゲーム」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Star Wars™: Card Trader」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

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