
DRAGON QUESTの評価・口コミ・レビュー [iPad]

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DRAGON QUESTの評価とおすすめ口コミ


Several months back I set out on a quest to purchase and conquer all the Final Fantasy games on the App Store then write a review for each, and that's exactly what I did. Needless to say it was one of the most exciting and fulfilling gaming experiences I've ever had in my 26 years of life. In the interim they finally added FF9 to the mix, and though I still have yet to embark on that journey, (mostly due to the software limitations of my current device) I plan to do so very soon.

That being said I decided to take a short break from the FF series to pursue other great video games, none of which brought me the viscerally nostalgic and heart-pounding joy that Final Fantasy has (Crashlands and Don't Starve to be the only exceptions). That's when I remembered seeing the Dragon Quest series all those times I went perusing through the vast library of Square Enix games, so I decided to pull the trigger, and I gotta say...WOW!!!

Last week I purchased 1-5 all at once and tonight I finally beat the first. While some would argue that the game probably hasn't aged well in it's 30 year lifespan due to the very simplistic combat and extremely short story line (5-10 hours), I would have to argue that pound for pound, it's even better than the first FF! The simplistic one-on-one battles give a real sense of intimacy and excitement, and given the fact that all the encounters are in first person as opposed to third person like with Final Fantasy really adds to said excitement. And while there are certain aspects I've found to have aged a little less gracefully than others like the limited inventory, the entire package is an absolute masterpiece (and I'm really digging the old English text as well)

All in all, even though the DQ franchise never got the exposure and recognition in America it truly deserved, no doubt mostly due to the fact it got steam rolled by Final Fantasy, it has been a major hit and gaming staple in Japan for the last 30 years and still remains so to this day, and I'm proud to say that I've officially jumped on that band wagon!!!!! Next stop, Dragon Quest 2‼️‼️

UncleSlam Temple - ★★★★★ 2016-06-09

What a Classic!!

Having only played FF games like this in the past - sorry for the comparison - I can say it was a welcome change on what I was expecting this game to be upon looking at it.

The story is great. It has everything you'd expect but it still feels awesome to walk off into the sunset carrying the princess after battling dragons and monsters galore.

The graphics are wonderfully 8-bit, the music; likewise. Everything sounded great and always ushered a feeling of the greatest nostalgia.

The controls are what's to be expected for an iOS rpg game. The plus is you can move the joystick to either side of the screen to easily play this game with one hand. If you're into that sort of thing.

Another great feature... You can auto save anywhere. And pick up right from that last auto save. Grinding experience for an hour to get that next spell and all of a sudden you get destroyed by a green dragon you weren't expecting? Oh good thing you auto save after every fight! Haha. Options there... Why not?

Last but not least the price and very low storage cost of this game makes it and overall steal. I bought and beat it just to know that I've played a Bonafide classic of it's genre. Games aren't made like this anymore ladies. I recommend this with 5 stars!!!


007poptart - ★★★★★ 2014-10-15

Finally completed

Having been a long-time Final Fantasy fan and overall Squaresoft need I was pretty aware of Dragon Quest (or Dragon Warrior as they had branded it in USA at the time). At one point into the SNES era, I had bought the NES version of this game but it didn't behave well, lol. I gave up. Fast forward almost two decades... and after seeing Square commit to porting all the Dragon Quest games to iOS I too have committed to playing them all.

Number 1 here was a dream on my 6 Plus. Plenty of room for the joystick and plenty of room to enjoy the gorgeous pixels. I generally will play this game and other old school JRPGs with headphones. I haven't looked too much into this title yet but based on the closing credits I suspect the original music has been remastered, and it was amazing. The story and gameplay are pretty straightforward for this entry and the menu allows you to save the game quickly anywhere. It's not an overly long title but you'll probably grind out a few times. Perfect for mobile.

On to the next one.

AlsoLikesTacos - ★★★★★ 2016-02-24

A Classic, Finally Properly Ported

For those of us who grew up on the NES, Dragon Warrior was one of those games that both frustrated and enchanted gamers of a certain generation. With its simplistic graphics and charming 8-bit music, the original Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest, in Japan) helped to set the standard for how console JRPGs would be designed for decades to come.

It is difficult to overstate the impact that the Dragon Quest series has had on the JRPG market, and the gaming industry, in general. Through ten main entries in the series, several spinoff series, and numerous ports and remakes, the Dragon Quest name is recognized on an international scale for its dedication to preserving the core elements that define the series (e.g. - turn-based combat, fantasy elements, and, of course, dragons), while constantly refining and updating the games to incorporate new elements that ensure something fresh for each new entry.

While Dragon Quest I is the shortest of the games, it is most certainly a classic that deserves playing.

Marcus J. Hopkins - ★★★★★ 2014-09-12

Awesome update to a classic game!

I originally got this game when it was called Dragon Warrior for the NES. It came free with a subscription to Nintendo Power, and ever since then I have been hooked. The visuals to this game have been updated but still have that great retro pixel look. The music has also been given a tweak and sounds great.
Now this is one of the first JRPGs ever made so it is very basic. But SquareEnix has done a nice job of upping the amount of gold and exp gained so the game moves along nicely.
The in game text has a William Shakespeare feel to it, and to anyone who played the original they kind of take it to the next level.
I love this game! To gamers looking to check out Dragon Quest for the first time go with IV or VIII. For gamers looking for a fun trip down memory lane, this ones a must have.

Saenhum - ★★★★★ 2014-09-11

Holy crap YES!

Best port of a classic game that I've ever played. The people crying on here are stupid and have no idea what they're doing. I have never had a problem with creatures casting sleep... Oh wait, that's because I'm either strong enough to take it or I cast fizzle... What a concept. Plus, they added the ability to do quick saves in addition to the traditional saves with the king. Plus, once you get to Cantlin, there's a bank for your gold and items.

Either I don't remember the game or they made grinding super easy. Within hours I was already to Rimuldar. The "bosses" give way more than they did in the NES version, like the golem outside Cantlin have 2500 exp.

Seriously, this game sticks to its roots with some great updates.

semperfi25 - ★★★★★ 2015-10-18

A great way to play Dragon Quest.

This is a great port of Dragon Quest that updates a few bits of the classic game. New graphics and music are reverent to the original, the vertical orientation and suspend capabilities make it a great game to play every now and then.

The only thing I would have wanted to make me like this more, would be an option for the classic NES music or art. That or a translation that cleaned up the dialogue from the "ye olde" English the game originally had and still contains.

The $3 price point is awesome for this as well. Dragon Quest isn't the longest game, but I found it to be totally worth my three bucks to play this game again.

Blambam - ★★★★★ 2014-09-21

Nostalgia to the Max

Enjoyed playing this game again, took me personally back to my childhood and creating your own maps on looseleaf. If you have ever played this series prior or are currently an RPG fan, I recommend this particular entry in the series because it explains where the entire genre came from and set the bar moving forward.

Faithful rendition with very few changes from the original. Basically all that changed from my 20+ years ago memory are a few names of the monsters. The graphics are better than the original NES version. 5 stars because not only was the price right, but the game was way ahead of its time. Love it!

Revolution is my nam - ★★★★★ 2014-09-17

I'm so happy this exists!!

I can't even count the days spent playing the original NES version of this game. This is one of my all time favorites, and my introduction to the genre of RPG videogames. Square-Enix knocked this one out of the park. The controls are super intuitive and the quick save feature is a major plus. I believe it also autosaves after each battle (which is great if you experience a crash and haven't saved in a while). I can't recommend this game enough- if you haven't played it, you owe it to yourself to do so. And if you have, well, it's a world worth revisiting.

The Striped Man - ★★★★★ 2014-09-14


Version 1.0.1 works great under iOS 8.1

It's Dragon Quest, it's Square Enix! Now at liberal price. If we all buy it, SQ will migrate to the modern Apple business model from their old school $30 prices.

DQ1 is based on Game Boy Color version, but uses different translation. On iPad it feels like upscaled iPhone version. Music is nice. Control isn't that bad, but ability to connect external joystick would be a nice addition.

Please, release more Dragon Quests in App Store! 5 stars and FaceBook like

Арви - ★★★★★ 2014-10-24

Worth playing

I actually have played this game once before on gameboy color in the combination gameboy DW1 and DW2 game cartridge (that's what it was called back in the day anyway). Now comparing it to that version this one is WAY better. The best part of this game is that u don't need an Internet connection and cell service on to play and save just fine or even one of them for that matter. So what are u waiting for? If u are an old school rpg fan or are curious about them go ahead and buy this.

MasterShiranui - ★★★★★ 2015-03-31


This really hits the spot for me. I grew up playing these Dragon Quest/Warrior games for gameboy and I was shocked to see it in the App Store. After buying this game, I spent hours playing it and couldn't be happier. It's not the same as playing it on your Gameboy Color, but they really did a good job developing it to for the iOS 8. It hasn't crashed on me and everything is saved with just a quick load. I can't wait to download the 2nd dragon quest once they update it for iOS 8.

JH3ndrix6 - ★★★★★ 2014-10-26

A nice update to an original RPG

You do not need to be a hard core RPG runner to enjoy this game anymore. I beat this in one sitting while sick. The dungeons have changed mildly from the original Dragon Warrior. The battle system, bugs, glitches, graphics, and memory manipulation are updated for an improved run. The update for iOS makes for longer speed running sessions. The issue if you want to speed run this game will be 2 places needed for grinding.

Crazzy_Larry - ★★★★★ 2016-07-28

Absolute classic

As someone who spent hours upon hours playing the original classic on the NES, I find this port of the game to be an incredible remake. I'm loving the updated graphics, the Olde English dialogues and the full orchestral soundtrack. The most unbelievable part is that this game was $50 originally and has been lovingly revamped and improved upon for $3. If you're a fan of the original, don't miss this one!

0opsy-d41sy - ★★★★★ 2015-03-08


As far as I'm concerned, this is the one that started them all. Short and simplistic by today's standards, this will bring back great memories for children of the 80's and 90's who grew up playing this game. Those who didn't may grow bored, especially casual gamers, but if you want to experience the genre's roots, then this upgraded port is an absolute steal for 5 bucks.

Wells40 - ★★★★★ 2014-10-22

Perfect nostalgia, revamped soundtrack

I'm thoroughly impressed. Not only did Square Enix revive the franchise in a fantastic port, but they've redone my favorite theme music (the overworked theme). The controls are great for a touch interface, I'm actually surprised at how well they work on my phone. It has some problems, but none are all that noticeable that dragon quest veterans will still enjoy the game.

Color me satified - ★★★★★ 2015-01-23

Classic Dragon Quest

To love this game, you have to
Love to level grind. If you do not, then this game isn't for you. Some other reviews are being way too harsh on this game, and they think they're getting something completely different. This is a classic NES style RPG : Grknd, buy better equipment, level up, kill dragon, save princess. The beauty is in the simplicity.

SirBretEdward - ★★★★★ 2015-01-17

Classic Awesome

This is a port of the feature phone remake of the GBC remake of my first RPG on the NES I ever played. So, it has all of the map changes and shop changes present in the GBC version. But it is still a classic RPG with great controls and visuals. My only wish is that it would have the same iCloud save feature like DQIV and DQVIII.

Curtis R. Shideler - ★★★★★ 2016-06-26


I played this game non stop around work because of how excited I was to see this release. I played this on Nintendo years ago but never was able to get to the end. Beating this completes a life goal

Complete your goal and buy this game and spend money
Make sure they release DQ3 and maybe 7 :)

Remynewt - ★★★★★ 2014-10-17

A Age Old Classic

I give my highest regards to the company that gave me my childhood to me and made it accessible on my phone. The nostalgia that I felt while playing this is well worth the 2.99 price tag. This game is an amazing start to and amazing series
I hope they create even more dragon quest ports to IOS

JDPWN_227 - ★★★★★ 2014-10-14



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