
「Functional and Beautiful」 - Yahoo Weather の口コミ・レビュー

「Functional and Beautiful」と口コミされたiPadで使える「Yahoo Weather」の評価やレビューです。このレビューには使っているレビュアーの独自の攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが記載されています。APPLIONでは「Yahoo Weather」のレビューの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの面白いところや便利な点やクチコミから探すことが出来ます。

Yahoo Weather

無料  iPhone / iPad対応 代表作アプリ 天気 写真/ビデオ 32bit 4.0


Yahoo Weatherの詳細情報へ

Functional and Beautiful

I don't understand all the negative reviews, most of which are complaining about the obtrusive ad that was introduced in the latest version. I'm running the latest version (1.6.5) on an iPhone 4S and I have a very different experience. Maybe it's different on orher devices? Anyway, from my experience it's an app that provides useful information in an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface. It's easy to see, which is a refreshing departure from all the apps that are trending toward ultra-thin fonts and minimal color contrast. I love that I can set multiple locations and easily swipe between them, a feature that is oddly missing from other weather apps. There is in fact an ad, but it isn't visible on the home screen (I have to scroll down to see it) and I find personally feel that it's one if the most graceful examples of in-app advertising I've seen. It doesn't detract either from the app's aesthetic or its functionality. I HATE most things about IOS8, but this app is one of the few things that's kept me from hurling my iphone off a cliff.

Terrill Thompson - ★★★★★ 2015-01-24

Yahoo Weatherのレビューへ


Yahoo Weather

Yahoo 無料  iPhone / iPad対応


Yahooが配信するiPadアプリ「Yahoo Weather」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「天気」「写真/ビデオ」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Yahoo Weather」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。


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