
「Lifetime Channel」 - Lifetime TV Shows & Movies の口コミ・レビュー

「Lifetime Channel」と口コミされたiPhoneで使える「Lifetime TV Shows & Movies」の評価やレビューです。このレビューには使っているレビュアーの独自の攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが記載されています。APPLIONでは「Lifetime TV Shows & Movies」のレビューの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの面白いところや便利な点やクチコミから探すことが出来ます。

Lifetime TV Shows & Moviesの詳細情報へ

Lifetime Channel

I actually was pleasantly surprised by the lack of the number of commercials. I have downloaded several different other apps, (ABC, The CW etc...), and have had to go through numerous commercials (as much as 6 sometimes) and yes they do indeed play the same commercials over and over again. The crazy thing in those other apps, they say they will be showing 6 commercials however quite often they will go over the said amount of commercials as much by three or four. Talk about frustration.
I found in this app they show far less commercials than the norm. I do not know if the people that wrote the previous reviews were aware of just how fortunate they really were/are. Perhaps they just have not had the privilege of experiencing the frustration of the other major network apps. Lol.
One quick side note, I did find it a little exasperating in that when the commercials did come on they quite often got stuck and I would have to restart the entire show over again. This process happened several times during my viewing of three separate episodes of a show. However considering this is a free app, I do not feel it is much of a complaint.

laxmaui - ★★★★★ 2016-09-22

Lifetime TV Shows & Moviesのレビューへ



A&E Television Networks Mobileが配信するiPhoneアプリ「Lifetime TV Shows & Movies」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「エンターテインメント」「写真/ビデオ」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Lifetime TV Shows & Movies」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

ぜったいに おしちゃダメ?

マリオ vs. ドンキーコング