iPhoneで見つかる「Planning Poker」のアプリ一覧です。このリストではライフハックアプリや開発ツールアプリ、ツールアプリの関連の作品をおすすめ順にまとめておりお気に入りの作品を探すことが出来ます。
Scrum Time - Planning Poker
Scrum Time is a simple
無料 仕事効率化
Planning Poker
Planning Poker é
Rene Muniz Morelo
無料 仕事効率化
Scrum Planning Poker
Estimates made easy!
無料 仕事効率化
Agile Planning Poker
Planning Poker is a simple application to assist sprint planning in agile work environments
Ryan Fielder
無料 開発ツール
Planning Poker for scrum
Planning poker, also called Scrum poker is a gamified technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in software development
appnormal.com BV
無料 ユーティリティ
Scrum Faces - Planning Poker
Scrum Faces, planning poker app
COBE d.o.o.
無料 仕事効率化
Igrecway Planning Poker
Planning poker, also
無料 ビジネス
2xPer Planning Poker
A simple and clean
IT Bolaget Per & Per AB
無料 ユーティリティ
Brainping Planning Poker
Poker planning should be done so
無料 仕事効率化
Scrum Poker Planning (cards)
Planning poker is a consensusbased technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in software development
Ruslan Balkarov
無料 仕事効率化
bridgingIT Planning Poker
bridgingIT Planning
無料 仕事効率化
Planning Poker CESAR
Planning Poker is a tool which aims to help on the estimation of the stories using agile methodology
無料 仕事効率化
Pokerit - Planning Poker
Não perca tempo com
Platform Builders
無料 開発ツール
Easy Planning Poker
Do you want to plan sprints without the need of real planning cards?
YellowMan GmbH
¥150 仕事効率化
Scrum Poker Rooms
Quick and hassle free remote scrum poker app with password protected rooms and summary statistics!
Brendan&MacKenzie B.V.
無料 仕事効率化
Agile Planning Poker Cards
Agile Planning Poker Cards is a simple application that helps you estimate your stories!
instant:solutions OG
無料 仕事効率化
Say goodbye to the hassle of physical planning poker cards and embrace the efficiency of modern designed cards and animations
Mobile Software AG
無料 仕事効率化
Scrum Poker - Agile Planning
Get agile now! Planning Poker, also called Scrum Poker, is a technique to estimate the effort or relative size of development goals in software development
Zilverline B.V.
無料 仕事効率化
Fibonacci Planning Poker
An app to help during sprint planning Allows you to select a story estimate quickly and present the bid to your teammates
PreEmptive Solutions
無料 仕事効率化
My Poker Planning
My Poker Planning strong tool to estimate faster the product backlog meeting!
無料 仕事効率化
Planning Scrum Poker
Yuji Tsuburaya
無料 ユーティリティ
Scrum Poker - Agile
The app will help you to plan estimates and to manage your planning meetings
Mateusz Franczuk
無料 仕事効率化
Agile Planning Cards
Agile Planning Cards is an application that allows you to select and display a card from a deck, used to estimate size of tasks in software development
無料 ビジネス
Scrum Poker Sprint Planning
Fibonacci & T-shirt sizing
Claire Holmes
無料 ビジネス
Agile Planner Poker
Efficiently size all the user stories
Anthony Splaver
無料 ユーティリティ
¥700→¥300 : 素材を集めて道具を作り、怪物と戦っていくちょっと不思議なサバイバルゲーム『Don't Starve: Pocket Edition』が半額セール!
2024年12月15日 02:25
2024年12月15日 08:00
コマ撮り作品が作れる、ストップモーション動画作成アプリ『Stop Motion Studio Pro』へのアクセス利用数が伸びる
2024年12月13日 11:00
2024年12月15日 12:00
Googleが贈る、1対1でビデオ通話が出来るFaceTimeライクなテレビ電話アプリ『Google Meet』へのアクセス数が好調な伸びに
2024年12月13日 08:00