iPhoneで見つかる「English Collocation Flashcards」のアプリ一覧です。このリストでは辞書/翻訳系アプリやエデュケーションアプリの関連の作品をおすすめ順にまとめておりお気に入りの作品を探すことが出来ます。
Mastering English Collocation
To really talk and write like English speakers, you have to learn English collocations
Lan Huong
¥300 辞書/辞典/その他
Academic Collocation List
This app provides the digital tools and study material to help you remember academic collocations and how to use them in context
Bui Hoai Trang
¥150 辞書/辞典/その他
Collocations for IELTS test
This app provides a list of 4409 collocations compiled by IELTS experts
Bui Hoai Trang
¥300 辞書/辞典/その他
General English for Koreans
본 플래쉬카드 앱은 한국인 학습자의
james rogers
無料 教育
English Grammar Practices
This app is designed to help you learn and practise English grammar
Thanh Nguyen
¥150 辞書/辞典/その他