iPhoneパブリッシャーのSantiago LEONがリリースしているアプリ一覧です。この開発会社は「my11 - Soccer/Football Lineup Formations, Scores & Results」「Radio for Miami Dolphins」「Radio for Seattle Seahawks」など、スポーツアプリや辞書/翻訳系アプリ、ライフハックアプリの新作を配信しているデベロッパーです。APPLIONでは、これらの作品の詳細情報や関連のおすすめタイトルをリストアップしており、あなたにあったお気に入りの作品を探すことが出来ます。
my11 - Soccer/Football Lineup Formations, Scores & Results
Create soccerfootball
Santiago LEON
¥100 スポーツ
Radio for Miami Dolphins
Want to listen to a Miami Dolphin game but don't have TV or Radio Access? Download Dolphins Radio to listen to all the Miami Dolphins Games
Santiago LEON
¥150 スポーツ
Radio for Seattle Seahawks
Want to listen to a Seattle Seahawks game but don't have TV or Radio Access? Download Seattle Seahawks Radio to listen to all the Seattle Seahawks Games
Santiago LEON
¥150 スポーツ
Insta Bible
An app where you are able to choose any Bible Verse and share it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc Choose from preselect backgrounds or choose from your own camera
Santiago LEON
¥150 辞書/辞典/その他
Sports Cast - Sports Network
The Sports Cast is a sports news site which include news, podcasts, videos and analysis in the world of sports
Santiago LEON
無料 スポーツ
Radio for Chicago Bears
Want to listen to a Chicago Bears game but don't have TV or Radio Access? Download Chicago Bears Radio to listen to all the Chicago Bears Games
Santiago LEON
¥150 スポーツ
Radio for Alabama Football
Don't have access to Alabama on a radio player or tv? Download Radio for Alabama football to catch all your Crimson Tide games
Santiago LEON
¥150 スポーツ
Radio for Packers
Want to listen to a Green Bay Packers game but don't have TV or Radio Access? Download Green Bay Packers Radio to listen to all the Green Bay Packers Games
Santiago LEON
¥150 スポーツ
Num List - List Management
Num List is your ultimate solution
Santiago LEON
¥100 仕事効率化
start Time - ADHD timer
Check out Start Time app! Where you are able to track your time from start to finish Know exactly the the time you started and the time you stopped Also the location of your work!
Santiago LEON
¥150 仕事効率化
Radio for Denver Broncos
Listen to all your Denver Broncos games here on Radio for Denver Broncos Don't miss a beat
Santiago LEON
¥100 スポーツ
Radio for Dallas Cowboys
ATTN ALL DALLAS COWBOYS FANS! You can listen to all Dallas Cowboys games on this app!
Santiago LEON
¥100 スポーツ
¥300→¥150 : 明るさ変更が傾けるだけの一瞬で完了!バッテリーの節約に貢献『傾けて明るさ調節完了Tilt de Brightness』が半額セール!
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2024年12月13日 19:00
2024年12月16日 18:00
2024年12月14日 10:00