
【Spendee Money & Budget Planner】評価/口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

レビュアーが評価するiPhoneで使える「Spendee Money & Budget Planner」の口コミやレビューです。この口コミにはみんなの攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが網羅されています。APPLIONでは「Spendee Money & Budget Planner」の口コミの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの厳選レビューや評判や攻略法などから探すことが出来ます。

Spendee Money & Budget Plannerの評価とおすすめ口コミ


Pleases Support More Local Banks in Japan

The Bank Account Sync function is totally useless in Japan because there are no any local bank support this app. I really like this application’s design so I continued using this with input my every transitions manually. I hope there will be more bank supported.
And I’m sure that there are some way to do the sync in Japan because I have used it on another application before.

羽鳥鳰 - ★★★★☆ 2019-04-17

Bug/Error when adding transaction

Great app! I have been using this app for 1.5 year now and no issue at all but until 3 days ago. On the transaction adding screen, when you click + - plus minus function, there is a bug and calculator does not work at all, quite frustrating.

I have to post the error here as I cannot report this issue within the app. Hope this will be fixed very soon

Loyal spendee user - ★★★★★ 2021-05-04

Wish they had asynchronous sync feature!

Convenient! but it always takes long time to fetch the latest transaction records from bank.
I’m currently using this for DBS bank in Singapore. I wish I could see other statics while waiting for response from bank :(

I was using moneyforward in Japan and was satisfied with their async fetching.

uw7 - ★★★★☆ 2023-12-22

Good app

I really like how I can manage multiple budget that can be set weekly/monthly etc.

Would be really nice if we can change the category for pending transaction, because the budgeting almost useless if I cannot correct the category for for specific transaction. Please add this feature.

nprzl - ★★★★☆ 2019-11-21




Espacio67 - ★★★★☆ 2013-12-23

nice app

This is very nice app. thanks.
But, I use JPY. JPY don't use ".00"
so, for example if "¥100.00" become "¥100" looks more smart I think.
I'm glad if you me this fix.

うなたま - ★★★★☆ 2015-11-02

Option to hide decimals

Great app! Since I use JPY for currency, would be nice to have option to hide decimals. And please add option for start week from Monday.

takuya7878 - ★★★★☆ 2016-07-10

Some suggestions

Easy to categorize and review by time and category.
1. Customize category order
2. Easy +-*/ operations when add new item

lykFantasy - ★★★★★ 2016-01-15

Can’t synced to wallet

Pls kindly fix the problem as wallet can’t be synced to fail after updated the newest version

Haseo_po - ★★★★☆ 2019-05-26


I love it! Really great! Easy to use and very useful

Yagotp - ★★★★★ 2016-11-20

Widget please

I really love this app. But please add widget.

Do hb do - ★★★★☆ 2023-02-26

iPad version

Wish you can make an iPad version of this app

Do hb do - ★★★★☆ 2023-04-11

Simple and easy to use but lack of category custom

Pls allow us to customize the category

Desmond Regina - ★★★★☆ 2014-01-18

Simple and easy to use.

Simple and easy to use. I like it.

とけい24 - ★★★★★ 2014-02-16

Great app

But the icon is not that cool

King Ray 6 - ★★★★★ 2013-10-03



Cleevio s.r.o.が配信するiPhoneアプリ「Spendee Money & Budget Planner」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「ファイナンス」「仕事効率化」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Spendee Money & Budget Planner」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

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