
【Personal Capital Money and Investing】評価/口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

レビュアーが評価するiPhoneで使える「Personal Capital Money and Investing」の口コミやレビューです。この口コミにはみんなの攻略情報やこだわり要素やお気に入りポイントなどが網羅されています。APPLIONでは「Personal Capital Money and Investing」の口コミの他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリの厳選レビューや評判や攻略法などから探すことが出来ます。

Personal Capital Money and Investingの評価とおすすめ口コミ


Best for Investors

This is the best application/site for investors. Most other sites e.g., Mint are targeted at people who just need a budget. Brokerage sites often have decent capabilities but don't let you look at your whole portfolio unless you do everything through one broker (including 401k, etc). Personal Capital just needs a few tweaks
1. Investment Checkup says I have no TIPS but SCHP (Schwab TIPS ETF) is all TIPS
2. Cash accounts are not considered "cash" when looking at the asset allocation e.g., AmEx Bank or when I add a manual cash account it's not considered cash
3. When I add a manual asset account, I can't assign it an asset classification e.g., I want to add a state government pension as a fixed income asset
4. I can't manually adjust asset classes e.g., "North Carolina Fixed Income Index" is considered "Unclassified" but obviously I would like to categorize it as "Fixed Income"
5. There are a number of things that don't get the asset classes quite right. First step is to let me manually enter/correct those but obviously would be best if the system just got them all correct to begin with.
6. Transaction lot tracking - although with the new requirements for brokers to track this they've implemented some features that may mean this isn't that important any more.
7. It would be nice if it recognized transfers between accounts e.g., credit card payments.

jkbrennan77 - ★★★★★ 2013-06-17

Better than Mint... at some things

Personal Capital is an excellent app for tracking and managing multiple investments, including mutual funds. It provides helpful reports on performance, allocations and holdings. A weekly performance report is pushed via email and the rest are available via very intuitive drill down graphs. A particularly useful feature is the ability to set up a 'manual' investment fund. Our company's 401k manager is not supported by the app. No problem, I just periodically update my holdings manually. Mint does not support manual accounts.

Where it falls short is spending analysis. This is where Mint shines. I have tried many times to categorize expenses to allow for better analysis and the program repeatedly crashes. I have not found any budgeting functions, which is a strength of Mint.

As much as I would love to use only one app, the ease of setup and maintenance of both is simple and they are compliment each other. If you want to track your investments, Personal Capital is the way to go. For spending analysis and budgeting, Mint has more capability. For simple account balances, either will work fine.

Heads up, expect several sales calls as P C has their own in-house financial management capabilities.

Mark6464 - ★★★★★ 2013-12-24

#1 app for a complete financial snapshot

Personal Capital is my first choice for checking how I'm doing each day. It's faster than logging into my bank or credit cards to check balances/available credit. It shows the progress I'm making on paying off my student loans. It lets me see how much my 401k is growing (which is something I'm getting used to, being a recent college graduate).

I haven't used many of the financial advice tools because I don't have many investments and assets to manage. So, I can't speak to those features.

One thing I will mention is that GE Capital accounts (now Syncrony) are not supported. Or rather, Syncrony does not work with account aggregators like Personal Capital and Mint. This is a drawback for me since I have three credit cards that are serviced by this company. I have also used Mint, and this particular issue was a pain point for them as well. I am not letting this issue affect my review rating, however, because this is not the fault of Personal Capital, but rather it is Syncrony's doing by blocking a service the would benefit the end user. If someone reads this, I hope they direct their complaints toward Syncrony (rather than Personal Capital). Maybe this can change someday.

SenorSegway - ★★★★★ 2015-01-03

It's the Best! Better than Mint.

I cannot believe this app has less than a 4.5 average rating! I spend so much time trying-out and using different finance apps that my girlfriend has threatened to break up with me... a couple times actually. Personal Capital is an outstanding app for tracking all your account balances and getting a panoptic overview of your financial health. The only real competition it has is probably Mint. Personal Capital is sleeker, more professional looking and more sophisticated overall than mint, however. I personally haven't experienced any of the bugs other reviewers have motioned that I can remember. I was able to set my accounts up quickly (and I have quite a few) and all my data transferred pretty seamlessly. The devs did a great job in my humble opinion. One reviewer gave it one star review because they couldn't classify their mutual funds through the app, they had to go to the website! Haha! Please don't consider that as a legitimate review. There are very rarely "perfect" apps out there, mostly because it is such a subjective experience- you can't please everyone, ya know. Personally, I love this app and think it gets to about as close as possible to being "perfect."

DenkJay - ★★★★★ 2015-10-22

Fully Featured, Deep Analysis of Portfolios

I've been using Personal Capital for nearly a year, and I grow more impressed with it as time goes by. It aggregates more financial accounts than competing apps, while providing more useful a data to a serious investor than any other app on the market.

One area that could be improved, in an effort to be the first out the door with weekly performance data, the email alerts completely miss Friday's market close data. Thus, the worst trading day of the week (5/31) is not captured in providing the weekly snapshot. Setting that aside, I particularly appreciate the detailed charts of portfolio allocation....especially when a portfolio is rich in mutual funds. If one contains even a penny of allocation to an asset class, Emerging Market Debt as an example, the tool will seek that out and report it for a complete view of diversification. Sure, a penny may be too much detail to capture, but at least I know that if it captures details that small I should have confidence that the rest of the details are accurate, and accurately identified.

I highly recommend this tool to anyone wanting to seriously fine tune their portfolio, while also tracking their changes in Net Worth.

markr6754 - ★★★★★ 2013-06-01

Best personal finance app!

Best personal finance app on iOS! I used just about all off them because I am awful at tracking my spending! This takes a few months before you have good insight into spending habits but once you do it is extremely helpful.
The only bad part is that I have a credit card thru a FCU and they outsource the card, and for some reason it is impossible to get it to link to personal capital and I use that card the most for daily spending... But that is not the fault of personal finance, it's my stupid credit union... I know it's the credit unions fault because I can't even access the credit card from the FCU iOS app and have no problem linking the savings/checking accounts from the same bank! Oh well, life is full of glitches, ill live. But I would advise u download this app! They have great security measures as well, they called my iPhone when I got the iphone5 and signed in because I was trying from an unfamiliar device and I have contacted customer service and they were fast and efficient at returning my emails! Very cool!

Sourdeez11710 - ★★★★★ 2012-11-20

"One of the First" and Best!!

I was one of the first to take a risk with this new company when it started in September, 2011. I have NOT been disappointed with their product and service. If you want a daily picture of your net worth, it can't be beat. If you want a daily picture of how your investment portfolio is doing on a real time basis, it can't be beat. If you want to talk, chat, email, or text your advisor and get a very quick response, it can't be beat. If you want current news and helpful investment, retirement, and current financial news, it can't be beat. I have used and been abused by many brokers in the past. My age, 63. These guys look after my financial assets and during these last 10 months, with the volatility, I am very happy with my goals being met. Their platform and diversification program has kept my financial boat "afloat and on course" to meet my long term retirement objectives. And during these times of uncertainty, their fees have been worth it. And the "app"........can't do better than this! Kudos!!

SmOkUn - ★★★★★ 2012-07-24

Dear Personal Capital...

Really this is a great service. I've loved using your services to track my investment positions across my different accounts. It is fantastic being able to see the real allocation that I have in my total portfolio. One thing I would really like to see in your service is the ability to see your return over the period of time that you view charts. When I switch the time frame that I see on my graph, the percentages that are shown for me, the S&P 500, foreign markets, and all of that stay showing the one day change. When I switch the period of time that I am viewing, I want the percentages above the chart to also change to reflect the time period I am viewing. This would be a nice feature. Also, on the allocation view I want to see percentages on each of the boxes. That would be nice to see at a glance. Really though, you have an upstanding service and I have enjoyed using it. Keep producing solid features and improving the service and I will keep using it! Thanks!

bdburton - ★★★★★ 2016-05-18

Keep a close eye on your money

Far better than mint, and more insightful than Quicken or other money management software. It emails me every day all the transactions across my accounts, and tells me how well my money is allocated and if any fund is charging me too much. Nice piece of software. I've looked into their money management service, and it's much better than a Prudential or John Hancock, since they don't sell any of their own funds (they don't have any), nor do they get kickbacks from the funds they invest in (all money managers get kickbacks. Up to 30% of money management companies' income comes from kickbacks--ask yourself how unbiased their opinions are now). But Personal Cap doesn't do that. They invest all your money in low cost index funds or etfs, and charge about 1%. It's better than mutual funds, but probably not as good as a Betterment or Wealthbuilder, that charge you .25 for a very similar service. Just my opinion. But the software Personal Capital uses is phenomenal.

Kemem - ★★★★★ 2015-01-01

Pretty impressive

I have some of my money my money managed by the good folks at Personal Capital. Give them a try. I was really worried about my lack of understanding alternative investments beyond the usual "put some in stocks and some in bonds and some in cash". From that last correction I learned that these don't necessarily balance themselves out. Like a lot of financial dweebs I was thinking the safe bet was to just cash out. Instead I decided to give PC a chance. I chose a conservative option and they took my money and distributed it nicely across a whole family of investments with alternatives including some good ETFs, gold, real estate, commodities, etc. Wow, I never thought I'd have such a diversified portfolio. I now own ETFs, dividend stocks, the whole shebang. More importantly during last weeks minor correction where some of my own investments lost 3% my PC account lost nothing. Now I know what diversification really means.

David Albin - ★★★★★ 2014-05-24

Best app of its kind.

This is, by far, the best personal finance app and the only one of its kind that I consider a must have. It is intuitive, easy to use, beautifully designed, and helpful. It is very “set it and forget it” and simple (yet feature rich) for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling with their personal finance app.

The spending tracker almost always categorizes transactions correctly the first time, eliminating the need to spend a long time setting up categories and re-categorizing individual transactions, which has always been my biggest complaint with other apps/services.

Investing is where Personal Capital really shines! The portfolio analysis is more detailed than one would expect with a free service. I also enjoy the (optional) weekly email telling me if my portfolio is up or down and by what percentage. This feature alone makes the app worthwhile.

OrganicDirt - ★★★★★ 2015-05-19

Favorite app right now!

I used to use Mint and Check to track my finances. Since finding this app, I deleted my Mint account and hardly ever sign into Check anymore.

This app keeps track of income, investment portfolios, mortgage, credit cards, and that just what I use. It also keeps track of, and makes suggestions, on where you're putting your money. My absolute favorite thing is where Check and Mint lack … CHARTS! There is a separate chart for everything in this app. I can watch my net worth change just like the stock charts stare at all day. My favorite is comparing my stock performance to the S&P 500. Definitely my favorite app at the moment.

I run this app on an iPhone 4S and the original iPad mini. No performance problems other than it takes about five seconds to launch, but my processors aren't the latest and greatest. Anyways… just get the app, you won't be disappointed.

Jason Saliba - ★★★★★ 2013-12-06

Better than Mint

When I first tried to use Mint it took several months to connect to all of my accounts since they didnt support one of my bank accounts (a small credit union) right away - many technical problems in getting connected - this app supported all of my accounts right from the start! Second, a huge feature that I have always wished Mint had was my ability to track my progress in paying off all of my debt and seeing the progress OVER TIME - this application shows your debt, spending, income and net worth over time - it's awesome to see the charts and your progress in 30, 60, 90, and yearly intervals! Each spending category can be drilled into and the final cool feature called "advisor" suggests asset allocation based on when you plan on retiring showing where you should adjust your allocations and WHY. Very cool - feature rich app - that blows Mint out of the water!

Netgator - ★★★★★ 2013-08-29

Works Like a Charm!

I have used Quicken for decades, tried Mint but have had repeated problems with accounts not working, tried getting help for years and I just gave up on it. It didn't work right before Intuit bought them and it hasn't improved since they did. Gave Personal Capital a try and everything works great. I have 32 accounts updating and they all work. I tried calling PC about a question and some suggestions and real person answered! And they weren't in some foreign country! They were very knowledgable and helped me. I am very impressed with the App and the team which is a group which came from Intuit. It gathers the information securely from your various sites and aggregates them in a very concise format. You don't need to sort through several pages, it's all right there. Need the details? It's just a quick swipe away.

Clifford The Red - ★★★★★ 2012-04-01

It's come a long ways

I'm a long time Mint user and still am, but Personal Capital has made some big improvements that are making it my go to financial software. Mint is still better for micromanaging your finances like highly specific budgeting (e.g. coffee shops) and setting saving goals, but Personal Capital has surpassed it when it comes to evaluating the big picture. You can still keep an eye on what you're spending where and how much you save each month, but then you can also see how well your portfolio is diversified or if you're saving enough for retirement. Originally, Personal Capital's focus seemed to be for those with enough money to not worry about budgeting for coffee, but now I think the tools (web and mobile) will be useful to everyone. I hope we see more of the power features from the website on the app in the future.

dirkdelor - ★★★★★ 2016-08-01

Great for allocation analysis

I have used a number of aggregating sites, including mint, Vanguard, Tiaa-Cref, and Fidelity. Personal Capital is the most useful for its investment features. It allows users to view the investment portfolio in one place and examine the overall allocation. I have several retirement accounts which including many different types of mutual funds, stocks and bonds. Without Personal Capital, I have to manually update my allocation using Excel worksheet.

Another plus is to be able to track cash flow and expenses. The interface is slightly more straightforward than that of Mint.

Any potential concern? Someone may give you a call to offer financial services. If the fee is not too high and you have a need for it, then it may not be a bad thing.

Yuzhou88 - ★★★★★ 2015-01-06


I use this app to track all my investments and it's excellent! It's a great way to check up on my portfolio allocation, and performance. I haven't had any problems linking any of my accounts. It even pulled in some I couldn't get working on mint and sigfig. I still use mint to track my spending, but I now use personal capital for all my investment tracking. On the few occasions I've had problems with a stock or account updating, I email customer service and they've always responded within a day. The program is so good I'd be willing to pay for it. It's so nice to be able to log in once and see how my whole portfolio is doing...even tracks my income which I watch as a dividend investor.

Joycali - ★★★★★ 2015-03-02

Works really well for investment & budget analysis

I find its retirement planner to be exceptional. It uses Monte Carlo simulation, which is a very sophisticated, and the only way you should be looking more than a few years into the future as far as investments go.

Just linked my credit cards and bank account to it to get a much more comprehensive view of cash flow. I'm impressed that this level of analysis and synchronization is available for free.

It is the most powerful financial analysis tool I have found.

I wish all the features (i.e. Retirement analysis) on the iPad were also found on the iPhone version. so if you only have an iPhone and no iPad - it may be of much more limited value to you.

Wembely - ★★★★★ 2016-07-10

Thank You!

I got out of college almost a year ago and for the first 6 months I was indeed too irresponsible with having a salary, even though I *thought* I was doing ok. This app totally turned things around for me by giving me visibility to all my accounts! Yes Mint would do the same thing but their app couldn't get by my main bank account's 2 factor authentication, so I gave up on them.

It was kind of annoying that the app couldn't figure out what was in my 401k, but a little extra manual categorization did the trick.

I couldn't find the credit card that I use the most on here, so I just ended up switching my main card to something that is on the list.

Pfter5098 - ★★★★★ 2015-04-17

Great Financial Tracker (Mint Replacement)

This is a terrific app if you are a investor and have money and stocks in a number of different institutions. I used to use Mint which is nice for spending and budgeting but not if you are a investor or more then a very simple user. Mint tracked total amounts in different accounts but that was it. This app tracks different accounts and what is in them (stocks/cash) and then offers a total summary of not just the account but investments. So this app was able to show me the total AT&T stocks I owned from 3 different accounts. I also like the total 1 day & 30 day gains/loss. The iPad app shows more then the IPhone version.

John-Sap - ★★★★★ 2015-09-03



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