
【Mint: Personal Finance & Money】評価/口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]

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Mint: Personal Finance & Moneyの評価とおすすめ口コミ


Pretty Awesome

I really enjoy the mint app, it helps me to keep track of what I'm spending and has helped me to cut back on over spending in multiple categories. It also has helpful bill reminders to remind me of how much my bills are. I have to move around categories because the app forgets sometimes but that's ok. I usually rearrange my budget a lot anyways. For example sometimes I buy too much fast food and I'm over budget by $20 but have $30 left in my Restaurant budget. I'll reclass some transactions as restaurant in order to compensate. I'll have less available budget in Restaurant but that's totally fine for me. I've never had issues with crashing and the mint app is capable of linking to all of my cards debit and credit alike. I primarily use card for spending anyways and any cash transactions are small and insignificant in the overall scope of my budget.

The charting abilities of the app are simple but intuitive for each category. And allow me to notice overall trends from month to month. This app is a life saver and it has helped me to cut my spending in half for problem areas especially eating out and my expensive hobbies. As a result I'm putting more money into my savings and reducing my credit card debt chunk by chunk.

Thank you so much for creating an awesome app.

One thing I would like to see would be text reminders of when I'm getting close to budget or for bill reminders.

Hanatachi - ★★★★★ 2015-07-23

Helped me save for emergencies and pay off my debt

I have been using Mint since I first heard it's creator (Aaron Patzer) live on Upstream giving a lecture/presentation to a Duke University class. I was sold on his intent, and his integrity. After researching that company and the Intuit conflict, rejected purchase, then purchase leaving him in charge, I decided that this is a guy who will constantly rework the app to be the best it can be. After I link my origin account, then all my credit cards, I started seeing how I could separate all the important things to meet my goal. I had to pay off all my debt before my wedding. I setup 4 savings accounts, home, car, gizmo, and holiday/travel. I made changes like not eating lunch out with co-workers, we limited dinner out to once a month, and movie out once a month(fiancée) payed). We worked together so I could meet this goal, which I barely did two weeks before the wedding. Only by seeing everything I was being charge, including some third party chase companies, sapping away hundreds of dollars in charges a year that I knew nothing about. If you don't keep track of every penny, get Mint, if you don't like it's layout, get something else. It has saved me money, and it has help meet my goals!!! Thanks Aaron, you did create a product that has helped me and a co-worker of mine over the past few years!!!

Chemical waste - ★★★★★ 2011-11-05

A fine addition to a great service

I joined Mint in early 2008 and the website was good, but lacking in some important features. When I checked in again this fall I was amazed at how many of them had been added and now they have added a great iPhone app too. The crew at Mint has made great strides in a very short time - all the website features I felt Mint was missing have been added and all the information that I need on the go is now available in their iPhone app. One key feature is that the account information is automatically updated when I log in to the iPhone app without having to login on the website. Other similar services lack this key function and I was happy to see my information updated right on my iPhone while I was on the road, away from my office computer. The Mint app has worked flawlessly for me and I find the features to be very complete for a first release. I think the expectations of some reviewers are a bit unrealistic. Compared to most apps in any category this first effort deserves rave reviews. What other comparable financial service has an iPhone app that comes even close to what Mint has achieved? Not one. If this is v.1.0 I am excited to see what might be next. I think a good addition to the next release would be adding cash expenses on the go. Nice job Mint. Bravo.

jrb207 - ★★★★★ 2008-12-20

Good but a few problems

I like it and use it all the time, so much better having transactions auto categorize and see the big picture of all my accounts and values. Problems are with budgets, I have to adjust dates or they don't make sense. Some things go into the wrong category, so I have to reassign them, which is still better than typing in everything like I used to have to do with Quicken. Some accounts duplicate, and there are not easy ways to correct these things. It's a little too simple and dumbed down if you know what I mean. Some features are just missing on some platforms. I'm trying to figure out what I've spent on electricity year by year on my iPhone, and I just can't select the range like I can on my computer and iPad. Not sure why, maybe there is a way to do this, maybe under budgets instead of transactions, but I can't find it easily. And even if I could select the range, some years have 13 months of electricity payments instead of 12, so I need to be able to adjust for that too, So yeah, there could be more options for selecting things and adding them up and comparing so it functions more like a database. Then it would be more useful for budgeting. So final word, very helpful, much better than Quicken was at entering data, but still a ways to go.

OneArtDudeness - ★★★★★ 2016-02-01


Mint is an incredible resource that has helped me learn how to effectively manage my money. By safely and secure linking your accounts to Mint, you can track all of your spend and keep track of your account balances. The budget tool is fantastic, with many purchases being automatically categorized for you. The goals section of the app is extremely help, providing suggestions for how to save effectively for different types of goals. I've found the trends section to be extremely informative, allowing me to really see where my money is going. The bill reminders are also handy, and are very easily set up. The app can also help you find great ways to save based on your spending and saving history, whether it's higher interest bank accounts or reward card credit cards that match your financial lifestyle. Now the app even offers free credit scores!

This app puts all your financial info into one place with an intuitive, easy to use format. To fully access all the benefits of Mint, I strongly suggest using this app in conjunction with the website/Macbook desktop app, as the mobile app is a bit more limited.

I HIGHLY recommend this app!!!!

ChrisKaatz - ★★★★★ 2015-07-30

Personal Financial Advisor

This app is great at helping me manage my finances. I've been saving so much money because it helps me keep alert on what categories I'm spending too much on. Also I love the feature of setting saving goals. I treat it as if it's a game and try to reach my monthly goal.

In additional, it gives you weekly or bi weekly pie chart of where your money goes to. It is really informative and helpful.

Lastly, they will help you figure out what to do with your money. They have compared different companies or banks that do 401k, credit cards, debit cards, and show you a list of what would suit you and what you're looking for. You can filter out which one works best for you.

Some areas that I would like them to improve on is categorizing each charge. I put money into my savings account and it confuses my account and thinks I'm spending instead of keeping it showing that it goes to me. Also, there are so many categories and it's hard to budget it. Having a generalized category would help a lot.

Besides that, an overall great app and website. Highly recommend to many of my friends to use.

MyLeanne - ★★★★★ 2016-07-25


My wife and I have used this tool for years to make sure we keep to our budget and stay accountable.

First, we added each of our financial accounts to Mint: Credit Cards, Bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerages, even car and real estate value. Each of these will update and import new information on each log in to give you a single pane of glass with which to gauge your financial health.

Second we started by getting a feel for our monthly needs such as rent, groceries, auto costs, etc. Costs that happen regardless of time of year. We made an appropriate budget in Mint for each. Then for the next couple months we'd take a few minutes on the weekends to look over our charges and give them categories. Mint remembers the categories and automatically applies them to the future (Costco == groceries, not electronics, etc).

By doing this consistently, then adding goals to our budgets and account balances, we've been able to consistently grown our net worth.

Mint made saving and budgeting easy and addictive

Sco'rt - ★★★★★ 2016-07-20

Great App

I wrote this review (below) and gave 4 stars a few years ago because I haven't used a netbook in several years. I'm now giving it 5 stars and am on my second iPad. I've been using MINT and EXCEL for years now because I was so disappointed in quicken 2014. It works pretty much flawlessly and even allows split and manual transactions now.
Improvements: allow me to add/edit tags and categories on my iPad. I still have to go to the desktop version to do that. I'd like to eliminate my computer completely but maybe I just have to wait for Apple to create an "all in one".

Terrific way to track bank accounts/credit cards loans!

Wish I could add manual and split transactions; it would then be pretty close to fantastic. Add an iPad app and you'd blow everything else away. We just got through a two week 1600 mile trip in our Motorhome and never opened my netbook once. I was able to keep up to date on everything on my iPad.

Add manual, split transactions and I'll give 5 stars even without an iPad app.

MaureenBogan - ★★★★★ 2015-07-09

Worth The Time

After using Mint for a couple of years I cannot say enough good things about the product and service. You will spend a reasonable amount of time learning to navigate through a decent user experience, entering you account details and figuring out what you can accomplish via the Website vs. the app. The email alerts are good and mostly correct. The auto categorization of transaction data is good. The trend analysis and budget analysis over time becomes more and more useful. The ads are not intrusive. Mint has integrated with Zillow, car valuation companies and credit score providers to offer additional value and ease of use. The company could do more - like including a stock tracker or integrating with major players (Google). I recommend to friends and family. It is really my go to app for assessing net worth quickly, see how my retirement accounts are performing and checking all transactional bank accounts. Best of all- it is free and owned and operated by a very good software company.

FinancialBeast - ★★★★★ 2015-05-29

On The Road

"It may be too big a challenge, but I'm trying to replace my 2009 Quicken version with Mint. This tax season will be the true test. So far, Mint has been a great tool for tracking and categorizing my monetary life while on the road and away from my home computer. We'll see."

I wrote the above about two years ago. After making that commitment, including purchasing and studying the Mint Manual, I can 5 star this app. Yes, occasionally there are sync issues with accounts. One week it's one account, the next two different accounts. Next day, everything will sync. Using Personal Capital side by side, guess what? It has occasional sync issues too. Just like the fact that certain store based credit cards won't sync in Mint, they won't sync in Personal Capital either. These are issues outside the app.

I had to wrap my head around NOT RECONCILING accounts. Mint keeps you almost constantly reconciled, relieving you of that chore. Try it and stick with it, you'll like it as much as I do.

Flyboytim2 - ★★★★★ 2015-08-08

Very useful

I can't say flawless, but I still rate it 5 stars because it's such a useful and powerful tool. Makes it easy to record purchases, helpful to track how you spend your money. Quickly check balances on many accounts at one time. Be careful if you tend to spend every last penny in your account, occasionally you could think you have more money than you really do (that could be partially due to your financial institution) I have an account with a national bank who's web banking is very up to the minute correct. There is almost no discrepancies in mint. I have another account with a local credit union, their web banking does not update as well, and that definitely shows in mint. All in all, I use this app multiple times a day to monitor my banking, track my purchases, follow a budget and even check my credit score. Personally, I love mint. Even if you ultimately don't use it, I think anyone who is interested in knowing and following their finances should at the very least try it.

Hlateer - ★★★★★ 2015-11-11

Long time user

I've been monitoring my accounts with Mint for about 2 1/2 years. It has always helped me monitor my spending and my funding. When I switched to a new bank (Capital One 360) the credentials for setup changed. They helped me figure out how to get it setup using the Access number.
Recently Mint went through a large UX and UI update. I can't say I'm happy with the end result yet. It looks nice and being a designer I do enjoy the UI. The UX I can't say they have nailed. In theocracy screen the numbers do not change to indicate you've pressed the correct one (that's annoying to me) the button reaction times inside the app are a little sluggish as well and sometimes it takes a little long to update your accounts now. These are all things they will likely fix down the road. Don't let them deter you from getting this app. It's mainly in the hopes they will be noticed and changed by Mint. This is a great app that helps with your money and also gives you a credit score from Equifax.

TurdFergusonCF - ★★★★★ 2015-04-26

Best Budgeting App

This app was life changing. I went from spending like crazy and being afraid to look at my bank account, to knowing exactly how much I spend on things like alcohol and utilities and clothes and checking my bank account and Mint daily. Mint is one of the few apps that I start my day with, and with personalized bill reminders, why wouldn't I? I could go on for probably a novella's worth of information about how fantastic this app is. And did I mention it's free? One small negative that also showed how great the Mint team is:
While I would really give Mint a 4.75 for a weeklong snafu they had with their connection to Chase (my bank), they're very good at inundating their users with updates when there is a software problem. The community forums are very helpful, and Mint employees are very active on it.
If you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and in fear of what your bank account looks like after a weekend bender, hop on the train, there's plenty of space.

Jonathan_Cook_ - ★★★★★ 2016-01-06

I love this app

It's great for helping me organize my spending, I hardly ever use cash that hasn't gone through my bank account, so all of my ETFs show. I'm a 22-year-old living a bit beyond her means with three credit cards, and it's so nice to see my accounts laid-out for easy viewing. I haven't gone into the advanced settings of my own budget, but I know I will soon when I can get a feel of my typical spending per month. The app sets you up with an automatic budget, but you can give more or less to certain aspects. It will help me tighten my spending so I can start saving more, which is my real goal as a young adult.
The app is simple to use and very intuitive. It shows accounts, bills, and transactions for the money flow. The budget portion shows categories such as transportation, entertainment, fast food, restaurants, and clothing - each category has its own adjustable spending limit for the month.
Overall very helpful and very easy to use. Thank you for making it free!

Froz3nPanda - ★★★★★ 2015-09-25

A Godsend

I used to spend so recklessly and then have no idea where all my money went. Now I keep track. I know what I've been spending it on and where I need to spend less, and somehow, I'm sticking to it! It's really helpful to see my income & outcome displayed visually with color-coded charts - sometimes straight numbers get overwhelming, but I can handle lines. I would like to see a separate feature for bill payments, because it's not the same as a budget that I'll be keeping track of all month, it's a cost that I pay all at once. When I make my monthly payment on my auto loan I don't want it to show up as "you've used up your allowed budget for auto loan costs this month." It should be separate. I also would love the option to change the amount of time the budgets are made for. I get my paycheck biweekly and it would be so much easier and more helpful to see what I can spend for the next two weeks until my next paycheck rather than for the whole month.

Samnelius - ★★★★★ 2016-06-29

Highly Recommended

I began using this app 2-3 years ago, and Mint has been instrumental in my efforts to get a handle on my finances and begin saving money. It is incredibly helpful and eye-opening to have all your accounts and purchase activity accounted for in one location. It gives you a clear sense of where your money goes, and once it's all laid out so clearly, it becomes more possible to identify where and how to save, budget, etc. I use the app nearly every day and it helps me to ensure I am paying bills promptly, saving money towards long-term goals, and balancing my priorities. It is easy to correct/ adjust the app to identify vendors under the appropriate categories. In the past, money matters have overwhelmed and I've never considered myself to be financially savvy, but this app has fundamentally changed my understanding of my finances and given me more insight and confidence to negotiate it all. I can't recommend this app enough!

Spender to Saver - ★★★★★ 2015-12-31

So good, I'd pay for it

I use this app on a daily basis to track my spending and stay on budget. It also makes tax time really easy because I can export all of my transactions and they are already categorized.

I will say that this app and mint in general are really easy to use and very powerful.

Things I'd like to see in the future:
- better charting capabilities; specifically the ability to stack multiple accounts by color in a column with the column representing a single category. This would be nice because my spouse and I share mint and I'd love to see the areas where one of us is spending more/less than the other.

- I'd love to have all of the Quicken functionality in mint. For instance, I would HAPPILY pay a monthly fee to have the income tax predictor feature with the convenience of the cloud. I also have rental properties and being able to manage their income/expenses in the same place as my personal finances would be very helpful.

I stalk my bank acco - ★★★★★ 2015-07-03

I'm back. :)

This was my first finance program. A few years ago my bank wasn't linking to it consistently so I switched to some pricey other programs. A few months ago I dropped those and came back (my bank has resolved the connection issues).

I simply find this interface more user friendly than even the fee based apps promoted by Intuit. It's kind of like belonging to a gym: your gym doesn't have to have the most sophisticated equipment, you just have to use it. I have not followed up with any of the advertised vendors on the site, but the alerts, notes and reminders have prompted me to follow up with other local vendors to address the problem areas the program highlights.

FWIW, I use this program to monitor finances relating to one business, a couple of rental properties, and several personal accounts. I don't typically take the time to write reviews, but since this is working for me, it may well work for you too.

Kilroy623 - ★★★★★ 2015-11-30

Easy to use, Easy to maintain.

Mint is the best budgeting software I have seen. It's very simple to use, and makes everything easy to see and compare. It automatically sees what you spend and does its best to categorize it with only small mistakes that takes only a few seconds to correct. It may seem simpler to make your own spreadsheet, like many other people do so that you can personalize it depending on your needs, but it really doesn't miss anything in the categories here because you can make any that you want and it'll calculate for you. The biggest problem with using many budgets, it that you don't update it enough or it takes an amount of work so that you don't want to do it when your lazy. Giving you notifications and alerts, Mint really will help you save and spend exactly what you intend to and help you to cut down on unintended costs. I recommend this to anyone who wants to make the most of each dollar they work so hard for.

Vandam42 - ★★★★★ 2016-07-31

I have 6Plus

Works perfectly. It seems I get faster and accurate financial updates sooner then on the new 5.0 Lollipop OS on my previous phone (Note 3) keeping in mind I'm still with the same carrier. So between the Mint app improvements and this OS (iOS8), i find myself factually more in sync with my finances, spending habits and budget. Mint give me an up to date balance in my A/C and alerts me pretty quickly on any significant fluctuations, unusual spending habits, spending over budget and confirms that what I estimate my balance is, and what I've spent is just that. Except Mint notifies me first usually before I get a chance to check my finances online due to my hectic schedule. Last not least. I find it user friendly with colored graphs to help me visually see I how much money i spend shopping here and there than what I'd like to acknowledge, lol. In summary download the dang app and you'll see for yourself.

Caestorel - ★★★★★ 2015-07-10


Mint: Personal Finance & Money

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