
【仮想通貨の取引、購入、コピートレード】評価/口コミ・レビュー [iPhone]





すべてのこれらのブローカーやアカウントマネージャに騙されて停止し、私の投資資本の98000以上私を詐欺、彼らは撤退の要求を受け入れることができると処理する前に、余分な資金を要求し続けた最後の、私はすべてのお金を失った。彼らのカスタマーサポートデスクに届く努力はすべて減った。神はとても親切な私はどのようにscammed被害者は自分の基金を回復することができます教えて放送に続いて、私は相談のために提供された電子メールに連絡し、私はいくつかの時間後にフィードバックを得たと私は私の投資に関するすべての法的詳細を提供するように求められていた、私は彼らが私に教えてくれたことを正確にやった。私の最大の驚きに私は私の資本を生成私の利益を含む私のお金を回復することができた。私は、私がこれを自分に持たないと言いました、しかし、すべての詐欺された犠牲者が彼らの資金を取り戻すことができるように、それを市民に共有してください。最後に、彼らの接触- darkspyaccess @ gmail。cọm、そして、私は毎週の投資プログラムに感謝します、そして、それは素晴らしいサービスでした‍​​ ‍  

1 - ★★★★★ 2022-06-25


私は、1年以上の間Bitmartユーザーでした、そして、数ヵ月前bitbittカードを得ることに決めました。私がカードを受け取った直後に、私は購入で問題を起こし始めました。私は何度も同じメッセージを得るために“顧客サービス”部門に無数の時間に達している。「あなたはアカウントです」それは現在何ヶ月もレビューされています、そして、私が送るあらゆる電子メールはどこにもリードしません。私は問題を抱えていた前にアプリを愛し、今も私のホーム画面上のアプリケーションのアイコンを見て立つことはできません。私は何千もの“staking”アプリを持っていると私の問題を私を助けるために誰も得ることができない。お客様のサービスを修正  ​‍

0ai0h8si1t - ★★★★★ 2022-06-12


1.信頼性抜群 サーバーがダウンしたのを見たことがなくアプリも使いやすい。取り扱っている通貨も豊富で、最新の通貨が揃っている。 2. 日本語サポートが充実 公式サイトだけでなくカスタマーサポートまで日本語で対応している。夜中でもすぐに日本語で対応していだだけるためかなり安心。 3.イベントが盛りだくさん トレードバトルや入金イベントなどイベントが盛りだくさん。しかも賞金が破格で受賞者も多く、翌日に配布と対応がすさまじく早い。また何かにつけてボーナスをもらえ、そのボーナスは100%証拠金として優先的に使えるため、かなり財布に優しい仕様。

Raui - ★★★★★ 2024-02-02




新規登録時に d f Q G J T コードを使うと、最大$3000のボーナスが得られるので、これは大きなメリットです✨。BitMartは使いやすく、多機能で信頼できる取

Petr osetr - ★★★★★ 2023-12-10



★★★★★ 2022-06-25


I've tried em all and I try a new one every time it comes out. bitmart still has the simplest and best interface, fastest conversions, best news and updates. They may have a few fees people don't like but it's really quite fair for the marketplace that bitmart offers. Plus they give out free crypto all the time, I know for a fact I've earned more with bitmart earn than I've paid in fees by a long shot. Good job bitmart and making and maintaining a fantastic user friendly app with multiple variations to support all your crypto traders and their needs.‌      

ツギ赤ネ - ★★★★★ 2023-03-22

It's very cmfortable to use. The design is very co

It’s been almost I think 2 months I am watching the process of opening app ,using another options , opening another option within the app is being very slow , before it wasn’t like that , but right now the app works pretty slower than what it used to be. The app Spêed was very good from opening to using different options with in the app. I am not adding any star rating right now and still giving the 5 star review and as I will see if the developer will follow up this cọmment and makes necessary adjustments to improve the Spêed of the bitmart app. Thank you

★★★★★ 2022-02-24


Was able to get set up very quickly, (way faster than Binance US). Obviously wish I could trade some of the cryptos that aren’t available on this app but it’s no big deal. One suggestion I do have is to be able to see how much you’ve gained/lost relative to how much money you’ve put in (like if I put in 0 and that crypto goes up , instead of just showing my portfolio as $110, also show that my portfolio has gone up by +, if that makes any sense. Fidelity does it pretty well with stocks).

★★★★★ 2022-02-21


古い警備員は彼らの力をチェックして、均衡させなければなりません、そして、それをする努力はCrypto Graphics CryptoCurrencyのそれらによって引き継がれています。ブライアンを理解し続けてください、そして、あなたの働いている人々と強い立場に立ってください。そして、危険を冒すことなく、金融自由を成し遂げるために異なる経路を提供します。     

??9 - ★★★★★ 2022-06-30

Way to go

I had my difficulties with bitmart but no more than with other webśites. It’s extremely important to follow their instructions in the help menu. So far the small amount of money I put in to bitmart to buy crypto currencies has been a positive experience. I thank bitmart for the rewards I received and for out of curiosity I withdrew 25.00 dollars to convince myself bitmart can be trusted. My portfolio is not much more less than before I withdrew the $25 dollars.

★★★★★ 2022-02-21


私はおそらく、このアプリは長い間、さまざまな暗号について教えてナビゲートするのは簡単です来て、それを変更するだけで変更を希望するモンローの多くのためにクリプトを取引する大きな多様なフィールドを与えることは、常にこのようなアプリをお楽しみいただけますお金のイヤリングで大きなチャンスを進めている!  ‌    

なんとかし!!!て!!! - ★★★★★ 2022-06-13

Very Nice‌  ‍      

I’ve followed Bitcoin and crypto for a long time before I actually understood what it’s about. bitmart is the simplest place to start. I’m finished with banks for the most part bc basically all I do is transfer all to crypto and the bitmart Visa card is a life changer! As i spend my crypto replenishes within hours and sometimes minutes. It’s truly refreshing to taste such freedom. Thank y’all ‍   ​   

NS93Y - ★★★★★ 2023-03-22

Very Nice‌   ‍     

I’ve followed Bitcoin and crypto for a long time before I actually understood what it’s about. bitmart is the simplest place to start. I’m finished with banks for the most part bc basically all I do is transfer all to crypto and the bitmart Visa card is a life changer! As i spend my crypto replenishes within hours and sometimes minutes. It’s truly refreshing to taste such freedom. Thank y’all   ‌     

スイシュクウ - ★★★★★ 2023-02-27

really trendy. I like it!‌      

I really do give the company credit, they give you a very expansive portfolio to create from hundreds of alt coins, with multiple markets to choose. It’s always easy, to make transfers and transactions. Greatly appreciate the ability to invest on small companies, for long term growth, and investment! This is my go to app, to buy and trade among my wallets!‍ ​‌‍    

∞そこゃとち - ★★★★★ 2023-03-21

Excellent!  ‌  ‌​  

Love this app it is very easy to use and straight forward for sure better than Robinhood. Although the only thing I would love to see is maybe on every coin / stock I purchase it shows me the total I’ve put into it and then the profit or the lost I’ve made on the coin / stock. I would love to see this add on. ‍     ‍‍     ​ 

サトーのかこどこ? - ★★★★★ 2023-02-27

Excellent!  ​    

Love this app it is very easy to use and straight forward for sure better than Robinhood. Although the only thing I would love to see is maybe on every coin / stock I purchase it shows me the total I’ve put into it and then the profit or the lost I’ve made on the coin / stock. I would love to see this add on.    ‌

りとうゅみ - ★★★★★ 2023-03-22

Great App

People get mad about fees and the “cọmplications” of using this app but my advise is that you need to do your homework and know what you are getting involved in before trading crypto. It’s technical not cọmplicated and if you think theses exchanges are a get rich quick scheme, crypto probably isn’t for you.

なみりさま - ★★★★★ 2022-02-20


Love this app it is very easy to use and straight forward for sure better than Robinhood. Although the only thing I would love to see is maybe on every coin / stock I purchase it shows me the total I’ve put into it and then the profit or the lost I’ve made on the coin / stock. I would love to see this add on.

★★★★★ 2022-02-24

Feature requests

This app is a god send. It had allowed me to throw in basically dollars a day and grow my portfolio over time, and create financial stability and literacy as well. A fantastic app with a wonderful AI interface, and allows you to take lessons on new crypto, while earning krypto! Def a 100/10!!

伊卡瑪埃斯噠柯 - ★★★★★ 2022-02-20

Stop! Go to bitmart Pro App for less fees.

I feel after a lot of research and cọmparisons to other investments that crypto is my smarter way to make profits on my $$$. I am starting slow, I have a lot to learn. With bitmart it’s been fun and exciting. Good luck to me and all of you to. Thanks for your reader friendly overviews. JB

(~?~~_^)/^ - ★★★★★ 2022-02-21



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