
A greedy rich man (story and games for kids) [iPhone]

Hien Buiが配信するiPhoneアプリ「A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「ブック」「アーケードゲーム」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のおすすめ画像1
A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のおすすめ画像2
A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のおすすめ画像3
A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のおすすめ画像4
A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のおすすめ画像5

Hien Buiの電子書籍

「A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)」は、Hien Buiが配信する電子書籍です。

ブック アーケードゲーム


  • 社会人やファミリー層の女性スマホユーザーから人気を集めています。

  • 新バージョン1.1が配信開始。新機能や改善アップデートがされています。

  • 2016年4月19日(火)にiPhoneとiPad両対応のユニバーサルアプリとしてリリース!



This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Show more game and story when click "More game"


Welcome to Hien Bui kids story corner. Totally free.
Content of the story

1. One upon a time there lived a very rich man. He has a lot of money, gold, diamond. He owns so many fields and has a lot of food. He has a big house and he hires many people to server him in the house or do the farm work.
2. But he is so mean. Every time when it is hot and shining outside, he asks his peasants to take out the rice to dry. But if any poor people pass by that intent to ask him for food, he would shout at them: "Go away the poor dirty ones! Don't you know that your dirty clothes and bodies can besmear my food?" And they got nothing to eat but are just forced to walk away.
3. Life is no better to his peasants and servants. He always tries to make them work more with paying less. They got only several bows of porridge for a hard working day. But they have no choice of working for the other because the rich man own all the lands and fields in the region.
4. The property of the rich man grows day by day in contrast to the misery life of the servants and the peasants. One of his hobby is to stay in the chair watching his property full of gold, diamond and jewelry.
5. One day the weather changes to be very cold and wet. All the plants in the fields dies. No one can plant or raise anything. Hungry and poor people begging every where. The rich man close all his door instead of opening his barn to help the others. He enjoys his own life without paying any attention to the people outside.
6. The rich man finds that all his crops is dying. "Why should I keep the servants and peasants in my house? There is nothing left to do. They can't plant the tree anymore. They are eating my food, paying my money. Such a waste." Does as his thought, he forces all of his servants and peasants to be out of work and out of his house.
7. Now there is only the rich man alone in the very large house. Still he is so happy because he doesn't have to pay his money for anyone else. But his happiness doesn't last long. The wet weather soon make all the rice to become musty and unable to eat.
8. There is still a lot of paddy in the barn but they are kept in very thick boxes. The boxes are tightly covered that the rich man can not open. "How to open these boxes? All the servants are gone, there is no one here to help me!" The rich man sobs

What would happen to the rich man? Will he be able to survive? Will he change his greedy altitude and behave well with the others?
All will be answered when you read the whole story.


A greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のiPhoneアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。



7.0 以降
51.4 M







※この結果はA greedy rich man (story and games for kids)のユーザー解析データに基づいています。








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