
Kanji Teacher - Learn Japanese [iPhone]

Christian Ruscheが配信するiPhoneアプリ「Kanji Teacher - Learn Japanese」の評価や口コミやランキング推移情報です。このアプリには「教育」「辞書/辞典/その他」などのジャンルで分類しています。APPLIONでは「Kanji Teacher - Learn Japanese」の他にもあなたにおすすめのアプリのレビューやみんなの評価や世界ランキングなどから探すことができます。

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Christian Ruscheのエデュケーションアプリ

「Kanji Teacher」は、Christian Ruscheが配信するエデュケーションアプリです。

教育 辞書/辞典/その他


  • レビュースコア4.5をマークしている高評価の優良アプリです。(12/2)

  • 新バージョン12.5.1が配信開始。新機能や改善アップデートがされています。(10/11)

  • 2015年11月22日(日)にiPhoneとiPad両対応のユニバーサルアプリとしてリリース!


This is the one to get. It teaches you the way to read, write, and translates Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. It teaches in set levels for easy beginners and quite challenging tasks for the people who have mastered the alphabet.
Best Kanji App!! - ★★★★★
Theres many things I liked about this app, one is the extreme amount of kanji all located into one place with on, kun, and meaning. The lessons, test, and study style contains multiple choices answers
Best learning experience especially with Japanese - ★★★★★
This is by far the most useful study app I’ve had since the major update. My only complaint is that the writing problems are pretty finicky, but that’s probably to be expected. I love this app!!
A must for JP learners!! - ★★★★★



o Improved test selection for the tutor:
- On the start screen, when the TUTOR tab is active you can use SELECT to choose the tests that the tutor will present. The previous, less precise setting is not automatically transferred.
- A new setting allows you to intensively test all kanjis marked with a star; they will be presented by the tutor once a day, regardless of their color.
- Another new setting allows you to choose whether or not the red and blue tests are displayed by the tutor. Regardless of these settings, the brown (review) and gray (new) tests that become red or blue are presented until they become green. However, if you choose to change the settings, this history will be ignored..

o Various adjustments for the answer of the tests:
- Improved logic of how answer buttons are arranged and how texts fit into them.
- For sentences, you can choose whether the words are spaced or not.
- The kanjis 唄, 岡, 栃, 埼, 阜, 茨 now have a reading.
- Obviously impossible answers, e.g. because a hiragana already present in the question is missing, do not appear or appear less frequently.

o The buttons on the bottom have been moved slightly inwards towards the center when the iPad is in landscape mode.

o Changes to keywords no longer affect example words.

o Minor adjustments to the manual.

o Unfortunately, speech output did not work in some cases on iOS18, this has been fixed. For this reason, I had to make this release earlier than planned. So, if your change request has not yet been implemented, the next release will try to address that. Thank you very much for your feedback.

o Bugfix 12.5.1: some tests of type “Word → Reading” caused an error if grouping was “School Year”.


R.: »The best kanji app available.«
B.: »Carefully crafted app. Very nice done.«
S.: »I'm using this app every day, it's addicting. I have tried a lot of other apps, but this one I love!.«
K.: »A blessing to those wanting to master Japanese reading and writing.«
P.: »This is the best kanji learning app in the App Stores.«

Kanji Teacher is free. There's no advertising and no in-app purchases are necessary – it's just free, pure and simple.

Kanji Teacher knows not only all the 2,136 jōyō kanjis and their readings, but also the 8,000 most common Japanese words and how to pronounce them. This unique combination enables you to learn the Kun- and On-readings of the kanjis and apply and test what you have learnt straight away: both how to read a word and how to write a word you know.

Kanji Teacher has more features you'll love:

○ Practise your writing with Kanji Teacher! Every stroke is analysed: do the position, direction and order match up with the correct way of writing? Kanji Teacher helps you out with hints to begin with, but as you progress further you’ll be on your own.

○ Kanji Teacher is also a Kana teacher: learn how to read and write Hiragana and Katakana. 

○ Kanji Teacher comes with two dedicated tutors – one for Kana and one for Kanji. These tutors will accompany you through the entire learning process, explain Kanji Teacher, introduce new characters, present the tests and celebrate achievements.

○ Kanji Teacher uses multiple choice so you can be sure that you really do know the answer. And it also compiles the possible answers intelligently, ensuring that they all make sense and are similar to the correct answer, because Kanji Teacher is a teacher after all – it's strict, but this helps you learn more quickly.

○ Kanji Teacher uses a Leitner system so you can learn easy kanjis quickly and focus on the more difficult ones.

○ Kanji Teacher comes with around 6,000 sample sentences: Around 8,000 tests have been created based on these sentences, where the corresponding Kanji is omitted and has to be found. In addition you will find tests for 127 important geographical locations in Japan and over 1,300 Japanese first names and surnames together with their reading.

○ Kanjis can be grouped by JLPT level and school year and, most importantly, you can switch between both views without losing what you have already done.

○ Up to eight learning lists can be managed, searched, and the Kanas, Kanjis and radicals assigned. Additionally, Kanjis detailed in sections of popular textbooks and Kanken test groups can be assigned to one of these lists.

○ You can choose the correct answer, check it and move on to the next question with just one touch of the screen, which speeds up your learning and progress.

○ Kanji Teacher comes with Ulrike's Mnemonics, which were provided by Joy o' Kanji,a site where you can find playful, informative, photo-filled essays about each of the 2,136 Joyo Kanji.

○ Learning of radicals is supported in many different ways: with dedicated tests and an Analyze screen that shows which Kanjis are made up of them.




O melhor aplicativo para estudar kanji sem dúvidas

Moro no Japão há 15 anos e aprendi muito com esse aplicativo, obrigado aos desenvolvedores!.

ftmuraka - ★★★★★ 2023-05-21


A blessing to those wanting to master Japanese reading and writing.

Karu_chan - ★★★★★ 2017-01-24

Very impressive!

Excellent app with many useful features. Thank you for making this!

63CAB - ★★★★★ 2020-03-22


I tried many similar apps in the past. This is by far the best!

I only turn left - ★★★★★ 2017-04-12


The Best Kanji learner i’d ever downloaded
Worth downloading

nHdkdbia - ★★★★★ 2019-02-21

Better than I thought

This app is so pristine it’s unbelievable that it’s free.

Subtiliser - ★★★★★ 2018-08-14

Insane app

This is the best kanji learning app in the apple stores

Pablocael - ★★★★★ 2019-01-08

Great app for learning kanji

Such a great app. Love the Kanji Tutor function

Hammettkun - ★★★★★ 2020-03-13

Best kanji app

The best kanji app available.

HishinRyu - ★★★★★ 2017-01-08

Good app

very nice!! I like it!

サウィス - ★★★★★ 2017-06-27


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12.0 以降
50.7 M









※この結果はKanji Teacher - Learn Japaneseのユーザー解析データに基づいています。









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