iPadで見つかる「Pocket Verbal Ability」のアプリ一覧です。このリストではエデュケーションアプリの関連の作品をおすすめ順にまとめておりお気に入りの作品を探すことが出来ます。
Pocket Verbal Ability
Improve your English
Sasi Dharani KM
無料 教育
50 Capital City Builders Games
Test English Vocabulary In Use
Wilaiwan Somboontham
無料 教育
NNAT2 for Grade 3
Updated for 2019! Train for gifted and talented testing This app is designed to increase reasoning and problem solving skills for third grade students Specifically the exercises within are for mastering the NNAT2 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test for the 3rd grade !
Polemics Applications LLC
¥300 教育
NNAT2 for Grade 5
Get ready for the 2025 testing season
Polemics Applications LLC
¥300 教育
NNAT2 for Grade 4
Updated for 2019! Train for gifted and talented testing This app is designed to increase reasoning and problem solving skills for fourth grade students Specifically the exercises within are for mastering the NNAT2 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test for Grade School !
Polemics Applications LLC
¥240 教育
NNAT2 for Kindergarten
Updated for 2019! Train for gifted and talented testing This app is designed to increase reasoning and problem solving skills for kindergarten grade students Specifically the exercises within are for mastering the NNAT2 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test for Kindergarten !
Polemics Applications LLC
¥300 教育
NNAT2 for Grade 1
Get ready for the 2025 testing season
Polemics Applications LLC
¥300 教育
NNAT Trainer Pro
NNAT Trainer Pro, fully updated for the 2025 testing season!
Polemics Applications LLC
¥1,500 教育
NNAT2 for Grade 2
Updated for 2019! Train for gifted and talented testing This app is designed to increase reasoning and problem solving skills for second grade students Specifically the exercises within are for mastering the NNAT2 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test for Grade School !
Polemics Applications LLC
¥480 教育
¥1,500→¥1,000 : デッキを構築し、手札のカードでポーカーの役を作り上げ、決められた回数内であり得ない役を創り出して得点突破を狙う、ローグライトポーカーゲーム『Balatro(バラトロ)』が期間限定値下げ!
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飼い主のたまみから逃げるべく、部屋の謎を解いて家を抜け出す、ネコ脱出ゲーム『脱出ゲーム・猫のミケ vs たまみ』へのアクセス利用数が伸びる
2024年12月10日 13:00
2024年12月12日 18:00
【新作】『ダンジョンシェフ(Dungeon & Chef)』のiOS版が配信開始!料理人がフライパン片手にダンジョンに潜り、ピザカッターや調理器具を使ってモンスターを倒し食材を集めていく、ドット絵アクションRPG
2024年12月11日 19:00
2024年12月12日 13:00