iPadパブリッシャーのVirtual Flashcardsがリリースしているアプリ一覧です。この開発会社はエデュケーションアプリの新作を配信しているデベロッパーです。APPLIONでは、これらの作品の詳細情報や関連のおすすめタイトルをリストアップしており、あなたにあったお気に入りの作品を探すことが出来ます。
USMLE Step 1 Pathology Flashcards Lite
This is a fully functional version of USMLE Step 1 Pathology Flashcards It has only a few select cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
USMLE Step 2 CK Flashcards Lite
This is a fully functional version of USMLE Step 2 CK Flashcards It has only a few select cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
Art History Flashcards Lite
Note Program is now updated for the 2016 AP Art History Test
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
Pre-Opt OAT Flashcards for Optometry Admissions Test Lite
This is a fully functional version
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
AP US History Flashcards Lite
This is a fully functional version of AP US History Flashcards It has only 20 cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
Art History 101 & 102 Flashcards Lite
This is a fully functional version of Art History 101 & 102 Flashcards It has only a few select cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
Pre-Med MCAT Flashcards Lite
This is a fully functional version of PreMed MCAT Flashcards It has only a few select cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
DAT Flashcards for Dental Admissions Test Lite
This is a fully functional version of DAT Flashcards for the Dental Admissions Test (DAT for short) It has only a few select cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
PCAT Flashcards for Pharmacy College Admissions Test Lite
This is a fully functional version
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
DSST Dantes Art of the Western World Flashcards Lite
This is a fully functional version of DSST Dantes Art of the Western World Flashcards It has only a few select cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
CLEP History of the United States Lite
This is a fully functional version of CLEP History of the United States It has only 20 cards for your evaluation However, all options and features are active
Virtual Flashcards
無料 教育
USMLE Step 2 CK Flashcards
Study for the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam) Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) with over 3000 questions that will help you master the material to do well on Step 2 CK of the USMLE
Virtual Flashcards
¥2,440 教育
Pre-Med MCAT Flashcards
Study for the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) with over 1900 questions that will help you master the material to do well on the MCAT
Virtual Flashcards
¥1,220 教育
Art History 101&102 Flashcards
The program has over 850 different
Virtual Flashcards
¥3,680 教育
AP Art History Flashcards
Updated for 2016 and beyond AP Art
Virtual Flashcards
¥3,680 教育
¥1,000→¥550 : 安眠、イライラ緩和、自尊心を高めるなど、シーンに合わせて気分を落ち着かせたり高めたりすることが出来る音を収録した、サウンドアプリ『耳で飲むお薬®by meditone® Azur プレミアム』が期間限定値下げ!
2024年12月16日 05:45
猫国・鳥国・森林連合・放浪族の4つの異なる能力を持つ部族が、別々の勝利条件を目指して競い合う、BGGのNo1ゴールデンギーク賞を受賞した非対称型ドイツボードゲーム『ルート(Root) はるけき森の動物戦記』がゲームアプリ内で話題に
2024年12月14日 18:00
コマ撮り作品が作れる、ストップモーション動画作成アプリ『Stop Motion Studio Pro』へのアクセス利用数が伸びる
2024年12月13日 11:00
2024年12月14日 19:00
2024年12月15日 20:00