HextrisLogan Engstrom 無料 iPhone / iPad対応 パズルゲーム ストラテジーゲーム 32bit |
60 Trend |
We added an ad free version here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hextris-ad-free/id912895524?ls=1&mt=8
Update info:
Following Hextris' massively successful release on Twitter, Hacker News, and a plethora of both foreign and domestic news sources (thanks guys!) we were given a ton of feedback. We've tried to address as much of it as possible - however, there are still a few mechanics we're playing with that we hope to release later on.
Changes from 1.0 to 1.1:
- Made game physics independent from rendering
- Physics update every 1/60th of a second (16.66 ms) while the renderer just renders as fast as it can using requestAnimationFrame
- Moved restart button onto pause menu to prevent people from accidentally tapping it during gameplay
- Updated license to GPL
- Fixed bug report button to point to http://github.com/hextris/hextris/issues
- Added social network "share" buttons
- Twitter in particular - added "Share your score!" button
- Modified widths of social network share buttons to keep up with demand (1000 likes takes up more space than 0 likes)
- Added fb open-graph code (Thanks @leereilly !)
- Ads now on top rather than bottom
- Fixed issue in which one could not exit the help text screen
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