
sqsl RSVP [iPad]

  • 入賞・受賞歴 月間ミュージック部門最高ランキング 75位を獲得!(9/2)
sqsl RSVPのおすすめ画像1
sqsl RSVPのおすすめ画像2
sqsl RSVPのおすすめ画像3

Michal Macuraの音楽アプリ

「sqsl RSVP」は、Michal Macuraが配信する音楽アプリです。

ミュージック ライフスタイル


  • 社会人やファミリー層の男性スマホユーザーから人気を集めています。

  • 新バージョン1.25が配信開始。新機能や改善アップデートがされています。(7/17)

  • 2024年3月4日(月)にiPad版がリリース!



- Jam section can now read MP3, M4A, AAC and AIF files in addition to WAV.


sqsl RSVP is a random sample player and recorder.

There are 3 pages/sections: PLAY, RECORD and JAM.


There are 4 slots, each can have a separate directory (containing audio samples) assigned - assign directory using READ button. Slots have 3 parameters:
- DENSITY, affecting number of samples played at the same time (max 8 per slot);
- RATE, controlling playback speed (smooth or quantized to semitones if QUANT is turned on);
- LEVEL, controlling slot’s overall volume.
Individual samples have their volume and pan slightly randomized.

If sample is selected to be played, its name appears in the slot’s column. If it is currently played, its name appears brighter. If sample has played, it will not play again until all other unused samples in its slot/directory have been played. Horizontal line above READ button displays amount of played/not-yet-played samples. The process restarts when all the samples in the selected directory have been used.

If new directory is selected, it will not play until all samples from current directory are used unless FWD button is pressed (FWD button is visible only if new directory is queued) - in that case, samples from original directory that are already scheduled will still be played before samples from new directory are queued.

Audio output can be recorded to WAV file by pressing REC button - before that, it is necessary to select recording path (folder where the file will be saved) on RECORD page (PATH button).

If audio interface with at least 8 outputs is detected user can decide to route each playback slot to separate audio output (MULTI). The assignment is: output 1|2 for 1st slot, 3|4 for 2nd, 5|6 for 3rd and 7|8 for 4th.


RECORD page provides a way to record acoustic samples or sounds from MIDI controlled synths. Newly recorded material is added to playback pool/queue automatically if the recording directory is also assigned to one of the playback slots.

Recording directory is selected using PATH button. Names of the newly recorded samples will be derived from target directory name (directory name + index). 

Incoming audio can be sent to outputs 1-2 for monitoring (MON). L+R button activates stereo mode - stereo (vs mono) samples will be recorded using signal from input channels 1-2. 

Integrated "MIDI controller" can be used to send MIDI notes, mod-wheel, pitch bend and one CC message to selected MIDI destination. Cycle through available destination by tapping MIDI button (destinations are scanned when app is started), set MIDI channel using CH button.


JAM page is a touch interface proximity sample player. There are 15 oriented locations placed on a plane. Each location has a looping sample assigned. When user touches the screen, distance and angle are detected and used as playback parameters. Distance controls volume; angle can be assigned to control PAN and/or playback speed (RATE). Shortest distance takes priority if multiple touches are present.

To assign samples to locations, select directory containing audio files - READ button (samples are assigned randomly and are set to loop in the background indefinitely). SHAPE controls the way locations are placed on plane (random by default). Use HOLD button to lock current touch points in place. Locations plane can be set to rotate using SPIN control.

Audio output of JAM section can be recorded to WAV file by pressing REC button - before that, it is necessary to select recording path (folder where the file will be saved) on RECORD page (PATH button). Newly recorded material is added to playback pool/queue automatically if the recording directory is also assigned to one of the playback slots.

sqsl RSVP is a standalone application (it can not be used as plugin and its output can not be routed to other apps within software environment).


sqsl RSVPのiPadアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。



16.0 以降
3.7 M








※この結果はsqsl RSVPのユーザー解析データに基づいています。








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Michal Macura のアプリ

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