InvolvioInvolvio LLC 無料 iPhone / iPad対応 教育 ソーシャルネットワーキング 64bit |
60 Trend |
「Involvio」は、Involvio LLCが配信するエデュケーションアプリです。
This app is only a year old and is already experiencing rapid growth. I am a student at Drexel and have found this incredibly useful for college life. It gives me access to virtually every event in
Super-convenient, up-and-coming app! - ★★★★★
I'm a senior in college now, but I wish they had an app like this when I was a freshmen! It's really is the ultimate college planner app! Not only can you add homework to your agenda, but you can see
Must have college app! - ★★★★★
Facebook event system on Steroids. Easy and natural to use. You will find yourself coming back to this app just to keep track of all the events going on around you, and to build new experiences and
Wow - ★★★★★
We're always updating our app to make it better!
Here's what we updated in the latest version:
- Minor bug fixes
If you have any requests or ideas, we'd love to hear from you! Send us an email at ideas@involvio.com
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2024年11月04日 17:25
2024年11月03日 17:00
【新作】TOEFLの出現7000単語を収録した、TOEFUL対策用英単語アプリ『TOEFL® by でた単』のiOS版が配信開始!
2024年11月05日 15:00
レールをつなげて電車を走らせる、子ども向け鉄道模型ゲーム『Dumb Ways JR Loopy's Train Set』が子どもやファミリー層に人気に
2024年11月04日 10:00
2024年11月02日 12:00