If you don't know the first 2-3 letters a word starts with how do you find it in a dictionary? This dictionary will find your misspelled word and show you the properly spelled, commonly used English word. NO Proper Nouns will be listed. Spells words phonetically - by the way they SOUND to YOU! Words in dictionary are phonetic (fonetic). Tens of thousands of phonetically misspelled Spanish and English words represent properly spelled English words.
This dictionary wants you to only spell the word by the way it sounds. If 'physician' sounds like the first letters are 'fez' then type it in that way! Type 2-3 letters using either Spanish or English alphabet letters. Type in each letter by how it sounds. If you do not see your word, type in another letter.
Resource tool satisfies all Common Core Standards.
Wordspeller© ESL Dictionary is designed to locate misspelled words and invites you to misspell your word using Spanish or English letters to quickly locate over 100,000 correctly spelled, commonly used English words. This is a learning resource tool.
Each English root word you locate will provide:
• Definitions - Brief definitions. This allows you the correct spelling so you may go on to a standard dictionary if you need to.
• Homophones (words that sound similar to your word). Is it 'pedal' or 'peddle' or 'petal'?
• Confusable words (words spelled similar to your word). Is it 'their' or 'there' or 'they're'?
• Prefixes - For each root word all spelled out for you!
• Suffixes - For each root word all spelled out for you!
Did you mean to spell...
•petal or pedal or peddle?
•metal or meddle or medal or mettle or middle?
•carrot or caret or karat or carat?
•immigrant or emigrant?
• Ais o aiz = ice/eyes
• Llaquet o yaket o yaquet o llaket = jacket
• Leit = late
Designed primarily for Spanish & Asian speakers learning to spell American English.
Designed for Spanish speakers new to the English language.
Designed for students learning to spell English for the first time.
Designed for anyone challenged to find the spelling of a word.
Designed for poets seeking homophones.
Designed for anyone who is seeking a 'confusable word'.
Commonly used words only, NO PROPER NOUNS. No capitalized names. If you seek proper nouns, consult a standard dictionary.
No internet required! This app is fully downloadable to use offline.
No data mining - No collection of information.
Author: Diane Frank
i.m. Press - www.word-speller.com
Contact: contact@word-speller.com
To see DEMOS - www.word-speller.com
Books available - Gabby's Wordspeller and Gabby's ESL Wordspeller and Wordspeller ESL and Wordspeller Phonetic Dictionary
Author: Diane Frank
App Designer: Jeremy Sarka