Z DawnGoldenGod Games, Lda 無料 iPhone / iPad対応 ストラテジーゲーム シミュレーションゲーム 64bit |
60 Trend |
「Z Dawn」は、GoldenGod Games, Ldaが配信する戦略ゲームです。
- Added new game mode, VIP mode, a character is selected from the start and can't die. Otherwise, the game will be over.
-Added a starting option to disable the Zombie Brute invasion with 4 different options OFF/ Rare / Standard / Often
- Added a starting option to disable survivors from getting infected.
- Added Fruits that can be gathered when entering forest tiles.
- Added information about what resources got after scrapping an item
- Increased the item loot when Item quantity set to 'Abundant.'
- Fixed a bug that caused to freeze after the next turn when having the max characters (30)
- Added 3 different Dog breeds to the game. Each breed has its unique bonus. Also, dogs have a separate list of perks for their own and help find items. You can find dogs at the shack events. For that, you need to have a radio tower.
- Added all the 40 different characters available to be used from the begging of a new game.
-Fixed Guard Dog perks incorrect values
-Fixed a possible memory leak on long sessions
-Fixed a bug that would allow items to be equipped on dogs
-Fixed possible bug causing survivors' stats to appear as dogs
-Fixed a few typos
-Fixed an error displaying negative action points after building a farm
-Correctly displays the ready-to-be collected image on the farm if it has an auto farm
-Added a dog attack image
-Added dogs sounds for attack and dying
-Added ESC shortcuts for encampment extension build and management panel
-Fixed a bug that would case not to display more than 99 items when stacking in the encampment
-Fixed a bug that would allow continuing playing after a VIP character death by pressing Space at the same time as the animation that follows
-Fixed a bug that would allow interruption of an ending sequence by pressing Space
- Fixed typos
Z DawnのiPadアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。
※この結果はZ Dawnのユーザー解析データに基づいています。
1位: Full Game Access (1200円)
¥300→¥100 : 文章だけで進むテキストアドベンチャーRPG『A Dark Room』が67%オフの大幅値下げ!
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¥700→¥300 : 近未来の監視社会を舞台に、テロリストを探すべく、容疑者のSNSや行動をカメラで監視し、盗聴やハッキングなどを使ってテロを未然に防ぐ、犯罪防止サイバーアドベンチャー『Orwell(オーウェル): Keeping an Eye on You』が半額セール!
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経済が破綻しないよう、市民・政治・軍事の視点から人や地域を守っていく、世界平定シミュレーションゲーム『Rebel Inc.』がゲームアプリ内で話題に
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スロットやミニゲームでひたすらコインを稼ぎまくる、カジュアルゲーム『LINE マジックコイン』が公式ストアのゲームダウンロード数で上位に
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