Relagram - Community Near MeSMART MODERN SOLUTIONS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 無料 iPhone / iPad対応 ソーシャルネットワーキング ライフスタイル 64bit |
60 Trend |
New Features
App Name and Redesign: The app has been rebranded with a new name and a significant redesign to offer a more intuitive and visually appealing user experience.
Concept Update: The app’s concept has been updated to better serve your needs and enhance your overall experience.
Email Template Updates: Redesigned and updated email templates (Relagram) to align with the new look and feel of the app.
Search People: Added the ability to search for people directly from the main screen, making it easier to connect and communicate with others.
Keyword-Based Chat Search: Introduced keyword-based search in every chat, allowing users to quickly find specific messages.
Social Networks: Users can now add social networks to their profiles, enhancing connectivity and networking.
Increased File Upload Limit: File upload limit in the chat increased to 20 MB, facilitating the sharing of larger files.
Upload Progress Indicator: Added a progress indicator when sending a file, keeping users informed about the upload status.
Market Enhancements: Various improvements have been made to the Market feature, enhancing user experience and functionality.
Force Update: Users will be required to update the app after a new version is launched, ensuring everyone has the latest features and improvements.
Pin/Unpin Chats: Updated the pin/unpin functionality for all types of chats, providing better organization and accessibility.
Fixed different bugs to improve the user-experience and usability.
※この結果はRelagram - Community Near Meのユーザー解析データに基づいています。
1位: 400 MetaFek Coins (60000円)
2位: 100 MetaFek Coins (15000円)
3位: 10 MetaFek Coins (1500円)
4位: 200 MetaFek Coins (30000円)
5位: 50 MetaFek Coins (7000円)
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¥2,200→¥300 : ユーゴスラビアの内戦を描き、昼間は銃弾を避けて身を隠し、夜に食料を調達するといった、市民の視点で戦時をリアルに描いた社会派ゲーム『This War of Mine』が87%オフの大幅値下げ!
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