WilhelmSKScott Bender ¥3,000 iPhone / iPad対応 ナビゲーション ユーティリティ 64bit |
60 Trend |
The Watch app has been completely re-written and now supports complications and widgets. Requires watchOS v9. Complications and widgets only work with a Signal K Server.
Introducing Widgets!
* Widgets are available on
* Home Screen,
* Lock Screen (including the line obove the time),
* StandBy Mode
* Today View
Shortcuts allowing buttons in Control Center, Automations, Siri Support
* Set A Multi Switch (set victron inverter on, charge only, etc)
* Flip A Switch (turn a switch on or off)
* Toggale A Switch (taggle the switch state)
* Launch WilhelmSK
* Drop/Set/Raise Anchor
* Control a fusion stereo
* Send a PUT to any path
* Get the value of a path
* Control the state and heading of an autopilot, advance waypoint
Builtin Siri Commands
* "Drop the anchor in WilhelmSK"
* "Raise the anchor in WilhelmSK"
* "Set the anchor in WilhelmSK"
* "Tack to port in WilhelmSK"
* "Tack to starboard in WilhelmSK"
* "Toggle the [switch displayName] in WilhelmSK"
* "Turn the Autipilot Ten Degrees To Port in WilhelmSK"
* "Turn the Autipilot One Degree To Starboard in WilhelmSK"
You can creat Shortcuts with different names, and you won't have to say "in WilhelmSK"
These new features only work with Signal K connections
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