AndroidパブリッシャーのBloomingKids Softwareがリリースしているアプリ一覧です。この開発会社は「Paying with Coins and Bills (CAD)」「AUD Paying with Coins and Note」「Paying with Coins and Bills (US$)」など、エデュケーションアプリの新作を配信しているデベロッパーです。APPLIONでは、これらの作品の詳細情報や関連のおすすめタイトルをリストアップしており、あなたにあったお気に入りの作品を探すことが出来ます。
Paying with Coins and Bills (CAD)
SettingThe user can
BloomingKids Software
¥450 教育
AUD Paying with Coins and Note
SettingThe user can
BloomingKids Software
¥450 教育
Paying with Coins and Bills (US$)
SettingThe user can
BloomingKids Software
¥310 教育
Paying with Coins and Bills (US)
SettingThe user can
BloomingKids Software
¥450 教育
Money Matrix (US$)
US Money Coins and Bills This program introduces American coins and bills to the student This teaching program aimed at autistic, learning disabled, and young mainstream children
BloomingKids Software
¥310 教育
AUD Making Change
Click on the “Enter” button to open this program “Making Change”
BloomingKids Software
¥220 教育
Paying with Coins and Bills (C
SettingThe user can
BloomingKids Software
無料 教育
Activity for Clothing
Here, a boy or girl is shown at
BloomingKids Software
¥340 教育
Matching Money (US$)
This program teaches the student
BloomingKids Software
¥310 教育
AUD Counting Matching
Click on “Australian Counting Matching" and then click the “Enter" button to open this program
BloomingKids Software
¥220 教育
Typing the Value for Money (US$)
Click on “Typing the value for Money” and then click the “Enter” button to open this program
BloomingKids Software
¥310 教育
Actions Progressive Method
Click on the “Enter”
BloomingKids Software
¥340 教育
Activity with Act. Use Objects
Click on the “Enter” button to open this “Activity with Actions Using Objects” program
BloomingKids Software
¥340 教育
AUD Paying with Coins and Note
SettingThe user can
BloomingKids Software
無料 教育
Counting Money and Matching the Values (US$)
BloomingKids Software
AUD Buying Things in a Store
This program includes three classes
BloomingKids Software
¥560 教育
Calculator (US$)
BloomingKids Software
AUD Currency Calculator
This "Using a Calculator to Add
BloomingKids Software
¥220 教育
Activity with Actions Usin Pic
In “Activity with
BloomingKids Software
¥340 教育
Discriminating Money (US$)
Three pictures of coins or bills appear on the screen The program voice says (for instance) "Find Dime" The student chooses the dime from one, two, or three items on the screen
BloomingKids Software
¥310 教育
¥3,240→¥2,460 : 星や惑星の情報を網羅し宇宙シミュレーションを実現した、天体観測アプリ『SkySafari 7 Plus』が期間限定値下げ!
2024年12月13日 00:25
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2024年12月12日 21:00
2024年12月12日 20:00
2024年12月10日 11:00