Welcome to the top video journey with TubeMap :D
Searching for most viewed youtube video in worldwide is now too much easy because of TubeMap. Explore best videos/top videos, viral youtube videos all over the world :D
How it works..!
Pick any location from the world map(By tapping on the map or searching on the map) then select a specific range around it(default value is 10KM). Then press the floating video button.. Now see the magic...
All best and top videos of that specific location will be in-front of you... Those most popular youtube video/ most viewed youtube video will be sorted according popularity and view.
You can also get access of the world's most popular and most viewed videos by a single tap...
More exciting features are waiting for you. ;)
NB: Video download feature like "youtube downloader" to download youtube videos is not supported by TubeMap. Giving "youtube video download" service is against googles terms and condition. And we respect google
Top Features:
1. Get most popular youtube videos/ most viewed youtube videos nearby:
Open the app..Select your location from the video map to get most popular youtube videos/ most viewed youtube videos nearby you . Then press the floating video icon at bottom right and see the magic.. All most popular youtube videos/ most viewed youtube videos around your location will be in front of you
2. Get most popular youtube videos/ most viewed youtube videos Of A Specific Location:
Just tap any position on the map or search by using the search icon. Then the app will bring you to that location. Now if you want increase/decrease the range (default value is 10KM) and press the floating video icon. It will bring most popular youtube videos/ most viewed youtube videos of that specific location you tapped in.
3. Discover Country wise top videos:
Select any country from the list the app will automatically bring you to that country and measure a specific area for you. Then yo can enjoy all the best and famous videos of that country and I’m sure you will know many thing new about that country and culture … So let’s explore the with most popular youtube videos/ most viewed youtube videos world from today
4. Discover Top Videos Worldwide:
Select the "Worldwide" option from the list ... Tadaa top video, best video, most popular video and most viewed video around the whole world is now in front of you
5. Get Top videos by category:
Get categorized best & top videos of that specific categories.. Most popular musics, Most viewed funny videos and Comedy, most popular Sports on the youtube will be in front of you by a single tap.
6. Get related and more best videos:
You can easily get the related most popular youtube videos and best youtube videos of a specific youtube video you liked. Just press the related icon on a specific youtube video from the list.
7. Save,share any video you liked/discovered and play like a playlist:
After following all the method mentioned above, I assume You successfully discovered a best video which you liked .. You found that one most popular youtube video / most viewed youtube video from billion of other videos available in youtube so if necessary saving that most popular youtube video/ most viewed youtube video is too much important.. Just press the save icon available in the video or press love icon when you’re playing it.. This most popular youtube video and most viewed youtube video will be automatically saved.. In later you can play all your saved most popular youtube videos and most viewed youtube videosas a playlist.. .
Share your discovered best youtube video with your friends:
And there is also a share option by using that you can share your discovered most popular youtube video/ most viewed youtube video easily with your friends
Official blog link ~ http://androidrace.com/2017/08/01/tubemap-an-android-app-to-explore-the-video-world/
Facebook link ~ https://fb.me/tubemapp