
Flat Earth Clues -Mark Sargent [Android]

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Flat Earth Clues -Mark Sargentのおすすめ画像5


「Flat Earth Clues」は、Metatron Incが配信するエデュケーションアプリです。



  • 1万ダウンロード突破!

  • 100人を超える、評価・クチコミ投稿者数となっています。(9/2)

  • 新バージョン1.1が配信開始。新機能や改善アップデートがされています。




Are we inside a Truman show enclosed world, thousands of miles wide? This app contains videos, articles and audio that shows not only is it possible, but likely.

Get your head around this for even 60 seconds, and you'll start to see it. This is the Mother of all Conspiracies.

Flat Earth introduction

Before you were born,
before your parents, your grandparents, before you even had a family line
There was the illusion, the trick, the lie
That you lived on a small spinning rock, flying through space.

You thought it was true, because children don't believe in lies.
And you grew up, and it was still true, because science is never wrong

Except for small things like, Lead Gasoline, Lead Paint, DDT, Cigarettes not causing cancer, and what the core of the earth looks like.

You know that fire burns, water is wet, drop something and it falls to the floor. We can all test these things. What shape is the world? That's not something you know, it's something you're TOLD. To put it simply, you just have to take their word for it.

And there's the real crux of the problem, the weight of their word, it's really about trust. Most of us trust science to some degree. To be fair, it has produced some modern conveniences, like air conditioning, lightbulbs, and smart phones.

But it also made things like atomic weapons, nerve gas, and napalm. Make no mistake, the greatest advances in science have been in different ways to kill each other.

What if, after centuries of preaching the globe as a religious icon, "the powers that be" found out that it was actually not a sphere, but instead something much different? Would they risk unravelling 500 years of science doctrine by informing the public? Could a government still retain it's authority if there were actually proof of a higher power?

It's about proving the Flat Earth, but more importantly, it's about disproving the globe, and that shouldn't be possible, but there are several big questions which science has a difficult time with.

Why was there only one blue marble image used for 43 years? Where are the videos of the earth rotating from space? Astronauts can't turn around in space with the camera running? Not even by accident? Are the Van Allen radiation belts dangerous? Why does the Orion Trial by Fire video exist? Why was the space shuttle program cancelled? Why does the Mars mission keep getting postponed? Why are they closing down the ISS?

Why is Psalm 19:1 on Werner Von Braun's headstone? Why is the moon generating a light that is sometimes 12 degrees colder than the moon shade? How is that possible if it's reflecting the suns rays? And if the moon is generating it's own light source, then what was that dark grey thing we landed on?

We can beam back crystal clear photos of Pluto, but the Global Positioning System doesn't track planes in the Southern oceans?

And why does this topic, compared to ANY other, conspiracy or not, make people excited, angry, or scared? Some of you are getting anxious just listening! Why? Because it's the greatest trick of all, and we all fell for it. You should be excited, because it's going to change the world. You should be angry, because you were fooled your entire life, and you should be a little scared, because this is uncharted territory.

This is the Flat Earth theory, that the world is easy to understand, more intimate, and very deliberate. It didn't just happen, it was built, and more importantly built for you. Open your eyes and smile. You have never been alone.


Please like and subscribe!
msargent23@comcast.net 303-494-6631
Send strange stuff to 2410 James Place #502 Langley WA 98260

Join the Flat Earth Army!
Shirts designed and sold by the Peanut Gallery

Are we inside a Truman show enclosed world, thousands of miles wide? This is part of a series of videos that shows not only is it possible, but likely.

The Flat Earth awakening is the biggest story to hit this world in Millennia. I am humble to be just a part of this massive force of truth, one that's going to change the world and how you live forever. This new site is dedicated to everything that is real and true about the place where you live, a place that has until now, been hidden from you. Join me in rediscovering the awesome power and potential of our civilization. Together we can take back the secrets and knowledge, and become great again.

This is my personal declaration of war from Flat Earth against mainstream science. I, Mark Sargent, hereby put forth a challenge to any university, foreign or domestic, to debate or discuss the Flat Earth reality. The short version is this: You fly me in, take care of my hotel, and I'll face down any scientific body you put against me. My only debate requirement is that you have someone with a Master's degree in a physical science either participating in, or supervising the event. Accept this challenge, and you will be treated with respect. If not, then you're just cowards hiding behind empty equations.


George Orwell
Tribune, 27 December 1946
Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that ‘everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. In a way Shaw is right. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible.

Secretary's Desk

I live in a Magic Show with many Creative Forces Hiding God but I am in it for The Long Haul because I am more than another Soul in the System I have Depth Perception and New Eyes. I visit the Empty Theaters and admire Byrd Wall and all of the misguided Map Makers inhabiting the ol Status Quo when we are all truly dreaming of Shell Beach.

Flat Earth Clues - 2016 two minute channel trailer - Mark Sargent ✅




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4.0.3 以降





※この結果はFlat Earth Clues -Mark Sargentのユーザー解析データに基づいています。





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