
Japanese Kanji Tree [Android]

「Japanese Kanji Tree」は、Andrews Free Appsが配信するエデュケーションアプリです。

現在、このアプリは非公開になっている可能性があります (探す)
Japanese Kanji Treeのおすすめ画像1
Japanese Kanji Treeのおすすめ画像2
Japanese Kanji Treeのおすすめ画像3
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「Japanese Kanji Tree」は、Andrews Free Appsが配信するエデュケーションアプリです。



  • 50万ダウンロード突破!

  • レビュースコア4.5をマークしている高評価の優良アプリです。(10/5)

  • 全世界4.4万人以上のユーザーの口コミ評価が集まっています。(10/5)

  • 新バージョン8.9.0が配信開始。新機能や改善アップデートがされています。


2年間ぐらいこのアプリを使っています。アップグレードしたら、どんどん使いやすくなり、言葉の数も多くなりました。便利なアプリですので、オススメです^^ 英語しか訳がなくて、英語が分からない方には残念ですが、英語と日本語を勉強したいと思ってる方にはめっちゃ良いと思います^^
2年間ぐらいこのアプリを使って... - ★★★★★
Equivalent to anki imo I think this is a great app for recalling Kanji although I've done a little bit of study with RTK. But I stopped and studied only the primitive elements this is a great help
Equivalent to a... - ★★★★★
I've been learning Japanese for more than 10 years now and this is by far the best app that can prepare you for the JLTP and in general help you with learning Kanji. Up till now I was using anki but
I've been learn... - ★★★★★




Learn to read and write Japanese with the highest rated kanji app in the store.

All learning features are completely free, so you can jump in no matter what skill level you're currently at. There are no ads, but there is a paid version if you want to donate. It's got extra bonus features like speech output, synching across multiple devices, user defined study lists, etc.

Most other apps simply present you with a wall of information about one kanji after another, and expect you to wade through the whole lot in an extremely tedious and inefficient way.

By contrast, Kanji Tree's revolutionary approach is simple, fun, and super effective. The more you learn, the more you can explore. And the more you explore, the more your previous learning gets reinforced.

• Kanji Recognition Game.
The learning process is broken down into three natural stages. The first is a gentle introduction which trains the pattern matching area in your brain to recognise kanji shapes. By focusing on this activity to begin with, you will amaze yourself by how powerful your own learning abilities really are.

• Word Reading Game.
The next stage takes the kanji you can recognise, and teaches you Japanese words which use them. Most kanji can be pronounced in different ways, depending on which word they're used in. By learning actual words , you naturally learn the kanji pronunciations at the same time. Don't waste your time trying to memorize lists of meaningless gibberish, or obscure pronunciations you will never need.

• Word Writing Game.
The final stage to leaning kanji is being able to write them. This will lock them into your memory in a way that reading alone will never do.

• Go At Your Own Pace
Kanji Tree takes the chore out of kanji study, making it a fun and rewarding experience. You are in control at all times; study new things or revise item you've already seen, whatever suits your mood. Sit down for half an hour in the evening, or take it out for five minutes while you're waiting for a bus. Kanji Tree automatically tracks your progress and builds your personalised ideal study list, you just play the games.

Take time out to explore as much as you like. Tap on any kanji or any of it's parts to bring up the dictionary, and browse freely to satisfy your curiosity and build connections in your brain. Then just press "Back" to seamlessly pick up where you left off.

• Features

A short but informative tutorial is available to walk you through the basic features.

Pronunciations can be displayed in either Roman Alphabet or Hiragana, depending on which you prefer.

Contains all 6355 kanji in the Kentei list, broken down into sub-categories for Jōyō grades, elementary school, high school, people/place names, and advanced.

Contains a 110,000+ word dictionary, which is searchable by meaning, reading, etc. You can also list all words containing a given kanji with a specific reading.

Hints are available in the various games, but you get a better score if you don't use them.

There's a bunch of other stuff too, but don't waste time reading about it; just install the app and find out for yourself!




I love the orga...

I love the organization of the categories and the expansiveness. After
using apps like 漢字検定DX, the writing practice feels a bit too stiff, but it

cem bep - ★★★★★ 2018-06-01


漢字を書くのが僕としてはとても難しいんで、このアプリの書く機能はめっちゃ便利です。 バグとか面倒くさいこととかは見つけないし、このアプリはおすすめです。

★★★★★ 2019-01-05

I love this app...

I love this app! progressive mode here you can test your reading. There is writing and learn up to two thousand enough to learn same knoledge as high school from there. (Also the secret back button is

Farcaster Spirit - ★★★★★ 2021-02-17

a year ago or s...

a year ago or something i tried this and it was kinda bad but the best there was (or more like the only one) but recently new apps have emerged and this one has been keeping up despite being free. 5

animexamera - ★★★★★ 2020-11-23

This app is ama...

This app is amazing. It's exactly what I'm looking for to get exposed to advance kanji in an efficient way. I just wish I could contribute more to it's development. Killer app. Much appreciated

Kareem Douglas - ★★★★★ 2018-09-26

This is perfect...

This is perfect, thank you for never giving up in those first 4 years. You saved me years of confusion/fustration. Make a website and desktop version next

Freon Stories and Po - ★★★★★ 2021-03-07


レビューしたらほっといてくれる?便利なアップなんですけど、rate my app! はなんかうるさくなってきました。

Schuyler Justesen - ★★★★★ 2020-02-09

Only downside i...

Only downside is rigidness in drawing the kanji - noone in Japan (in my experience) cares if your kanji are a wonky, long as they are legible

B.S. History Podcast - ★★★★★ 2020-07-13

Incredible app ...

Incredible app to learn Japanese kanjis. Recognition, reading and writing for all levels of JLPT, it really has everything to me.

NWO Warlight Channel - ★★★★★ 2020-12-26

Fantastic app f...

Fantastic app for learning kanji! Especially if you're studying for the JLPT. Easy to use, fun, and can even be used offline.

Bryan Wong - ★★★★★ 2021-06-23

a very good app...

a very good app for learning kanji. i really like it because now, i can read a lot of kanji! thank you for making this app!

Kani _7798 - ★★★★★ 2021-07-12

One of the best...

One of the best apps for this sort of thing on the store, and completely free. どうもありがとうございます!

Deborah Haddick - ★★★★★ 2020-09-10

Very convenient...

Very convenient, works really well, few not so concerning bugs..just greater than the other apps i've encountered..

Coco Saurus - ★★★★★ 2021-07-17

It's ok. Looks ...

It's ok. Looks appealing which might make you want to come back and it also has Kanjis pretty well classified.

Bogdan Colesiu - ★★★★★ 2020-12-22

Really good for...

Really good for learning and memorizing. I love the different modes(recognition, reading and writing)

Ellie Curtis - ★★★★★ 2020-07-04

I love this app...

I love this apps. so much this apps can help you to learn more in Japanese and English.

Rin Kitty - ★★★★★ 2021-02-22



謎のインポスター - ★★★★★ 2021-04-07


Japanese Kanji TreeのAndroidアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。



4.0 以降





※この結果はJapanese Kanji Treeのユーザー解析データに基づいています。




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