ServTracker Mobile MealsGregory Prosser 無料 iPhone / iPad対応 ビジネス 64bit |
60 Trend |
「ServTracker Mobile Meals」は、Gregory Prosserが配信するビジネスアプリです。
1. New Map view
- Available via the "Map" button at the top of the Route List screen.
- Shows a pin for each stop: green for Delivered, red for No Service, blue for not yet delivered.
- Tap the pin to see the name and address. If the full address is not displayed, tap the displayed name/address to see the full address.
- The small circle indicates the driver's current location.
- Tap the arrow in the lower right to re-center on the driver's location.
- Serious traffic conditions will display show as red or yellow lines on roads where available.
2. Unread Chat indicator
If there are unread chat messages, a red dot will be shown on the Chat button at the top of the screen.
3. Meal Counts and Quantities are now correctly displayed for meal packs (to match the route sheet)
This fixes an issue when the count for the Meal Type in setup is > 1.
4. Diet Restrictions are now displayed on the stop's detail screen where any are present.
This can be turned on or off in Setup > Home Meals > Mobile App.
5. The Client Category field is now displayed on the stop's detail screen where it contains data.
This can be turned on or off in Setup > Home Meals > Mobile App.
6. The "Return to Office" button directions now contain the location that was utilized for the return in the service unit mapping screen.
7. Users now have the option of choosing whether the device remembers the Name, Contact Number, and/or Route Code on the login screen.
This is set on the Settings screen.
8. The Driver Comments field now cannot exceed the maximum number of 510 characters.
9. Several small internal bugs have been fixed.
ServTracker Mobile MealsのiPadアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。
※この結果はServTracker Mobile Mealsのユーザー解析データに基づいています。
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