ScanBox: PDF Scanner, OCRChristian Drapatz ¥300 iPhone / iPad対応 ビジネス 仕事効率化 64bit |
60 Trend |
The following functions will be installed and will be offered as update for free.
• Minor improvements and bug fixes
• Optimizations for iOS 18
• Enhanced security update
If you compare this app to other financial apps, you will realize our app offers by far the most features, and the cost/performance ratio is convincing.
Please indulge the minor errors. After the release, we will collect the errors that have occurred, and release an update shortly after. Aside from that, not all functions were implemented due to time constraints, so we will complement the missing points.
Visit our homepage and learn all about the new update
This app is just as good as its users! So, we are looking forward to any feedback, improvement suggestions and questions. We are trying to make the app as intuitive as possible, and prevent all the mistakes. We will answer all questions as quickly as possible, and with each update we are trying to get even better!
ScanBox: PDF Scanner, OCRのiPadアプリランキングや、利用者のリアルな声や国内や海外のSNSやインターネットでの人気状況を分析しています。
※この結果はScanBox: PDF Scanner, OCRのユーザー解析データに基づいています。
1位: Extremely large donation (800円)
2位: Generous donation (300円)
3位: Small donation (150円)
¥400→無料 : WiFi経由でファイルをやり取りできるファイル管理アプリ『AirDisk Pro』が無料セール!
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